Thyroid diseases - what's important to know
Today, hormonal imbalance is becoming an increasingly common problem. Flowing asymptomatically for a long time, they can cause many health problems. And one iodine problem is not solved here.
Thyroid (thyroid) gland is one of the most important organs of internal secretion. In shape, it resembles a butterfly and is located in the front of the neck, in the area of the thyroid cartilage. Thyroid hormones have an effect on almost all types of metabolism in the body and affect all organs and tissues. The thyroid gland secretes two types of hormones: triiodothyronine (T3) and tetraiodothyronine or thyroxin (T4). The blood usually contains more than 95% thyroxine and about 5% triiodothyronine. Both of these substances are formed in the follicles of the thyroid gland with iodine and one of the essential amino acids, tyrosine. Various diseases of the thyroid gland, which are particularly widespread in recent times, are directly related to the production of hormones in this organ and are clinically manifested either by hypothyroidism hypofunction of the gland, or by its increased activity, thyrotoxicosis.
Hypothyroidism decreases the concentration of the main thyroid hormones, and the concentration of thyroid stimulating hormone pituitary gland (TSH) increases. In 99% of cases, the cause of hypothyroidism is damage to the thyroid gland itself, and in 1% of cases - damage to the pituitary or hypothalamus (secondary hypothyroidism). Hypothyroidism is detected on the background of diseases such as endemic goiter, autoimmune thyroiditis (inflammation of the thyroid gland), nodular and multinodular goiter. Very often, hypothyroidism is not detected for a long time. This is partly due to the fact that the disease has a gradual onset and symptoms that can be regarded as the result of overwork. A patient with hypothyroidism can be treated for years for various diseases, behind which the true disease is hidden. When hypothyroidism slows down all metabolic processes, which is accompanied by lethargy, drowsiness, brittleness and hair loss, loss of memory and disability, depression, impaired reproductive function, weight gain. Synthetic analogues of thyroid hormones (levothyroxine preparations) are prescribed for the treatment of hypothyroidism. With a properly selected dose of the drug, it is possible to achieve normal levels of thyroid stimulating hormone.

The opposite condition to hypothyroidism is thyrotoxicosis. When it decreases the production of TSH by the pituitary gland with an increased concentration of hormones of the thyroid gland itself, due to which the metabolism sharply increases - all metabolic processes in the body are accelerated. Patients complain of palpitations, a feeling of heat in the body, internal tremors, poor tolerance of stuffiness and sun exposure, increased sweating, irritability and nervousness, restlessness, and a sharp loss of body weight. In the treatment of thyrotoxicosis, both medical and surgical methods are used. Thyrostatic drugs are prescribed (including radioactive iodine treatment), and if the conservative treatment fails (in cases of a significant increase in the gland, the development of severe side effects of treatment with thyreostatics, if a malignant tumor in the thyroid gland is suspected), the gland is surgically removed.
In addition, for the complex therapy of diseases of the thyroid gland today, external means have been developed that contain collections of several herbs capable of controlling changes in the function of the thyroid gland. The active ingredients of such local complex preparations, being applied to the projection of the gland, penetrate through the epidermis directly into the target organ and have a regulating and healing effect on its function. The composition of such funds include:
- star is medium, contains vitamin E, ascorbic acid, carotene, tannins. It is recommended for softening the exudate of thyroid follicles, resorption of nodular formations and the elimination of lymphatic stagnation;
- The silverweed is white, contributes to the normalization of the function of the thyroid gland due to its chemical composition. The plant contains glycosides, saponins, phenol carboxylic acids, flavonoids, amino acids and is a concentrate of micro - and macronutrients. The high vascular and cellular permeability of the biologically active substances of the white lapchatka is explained by the interaction of these substances with the proteins of the cell membranes and vascular tissue barriers;
- flax clover - in official medicine, the plant has long been used in skin diseases as an antitumor, analgesic, anti-inflammatory agent. But not so long ago, scientists found that the alkaloids contained in flaxweed, flavonoids, saponins and organic acids are well-suited to the resorption of nodes in the thyroid gland.
Opinion specialist, Irina Vladimirova, endocrinologist
The thyroid gland, one of the largest glands of the endocrine system, is a vital organ. It is it that produces thyroid hormones (thyroxin and triiodothyronine), which participate in the energy exchange necessary for the functioning of all organs and systems of our body. These hormones have a universal action, playing a significant role in the functional activity of cells, controlling energy metabolism, regulating metabolic processes and maintaining the tone of the sympathetic nervous system. The normal functioning of the thyroid gland is important for every person, but especially for women, who share several hormonal changes during life: during adolescence, during pregnancy, during childbirth and during menopause. During these periods, iron is most sensitive to the harmful effects of stress, infections, weakened immunity, iodine deficiency. It is likely that it is for these reasons that thyroid dysfunction is more common in women.
In our country today, the most common disease of the thyroid gland is hypothyroidism, most often caused by a lack of iodine in the body. Lack of iodine leads to a decrease in thyroid function, it produces an insufficient amount of hormones, which in turn do not cover the body's energy consumption. A person develops weakness, apathy, memory decreases. In turn, in order to capture from the blood those small doses of iodine that are present in it, the thyroid gland begins to increase in size, and the goiter is formed. In such a greatly enlarged gland, cells multiply extremely unevenly, nodes are formed. Nodes do not produce hormones, which leads to a chronic lack of hormones, which is no longer possible to get rid of, having only replenished the lack of iodine. A person with chronic hypothyroidism needs hormone replacement therapy. It should be noted that today drugs have appeared which, due to the complex use of a number of plants in them (for example, white potency, medium sprocket, flax seed) can expand the therapeutic capabilities of the endocrinologist, improve the patient’s well-being, stabilize the pathological process, normalize hormone levels and give the ability to gradually reduce and even cancel hormone therapy.
The second place in terms of prevalence among thyroid ailments is occupied by Basedow's disease, or diffuse toxic goiter. This is a hereditary disease that is most often transmitted through the female line. Exophthalmos, heart palpitations, irritability, sweating, trembling hands, an increased gland - these are signs of this disease. In addition, against the background of a good and even increased appetite, the patient progressively loses up to 10 kg per month. All this is due to overproduction of thyroid hormones. Treatment is carried out with the help of drugs that block the production of excess hormones, and in advanced cases, part of the gland is removed surgically. In the complex therapy is also possible the use of herbal remedies.
In addition to these diseases, the thyroid gland, like any other organ, can become inflamed. For example, 3-4 weeks after suffering a viral illness, the temperature can dramatically rise to 39 ° C, severe pain occurs when swallowing, and the area of the thyroid gland will increase in size. This disease is called subacute thyroiditis, and recently the number of patients with this diagnosis is increasing. Good advice here is not to carry viral diseases on your feet. A person who does not comply with bed rest, loses a lot of energy, and even organs that are usually not sensitive to her, in this case the thyroid gland, start to suffer from a viral infection. The treatment of this disease is carried out only in the hospital.
Hypothyroidism is a disease associated with insufficient provision of human organs and tissues with thyroid hormones.
Causes of hypothyroidism:
- thyroid diseases (autoimmune inflammatory processes, congenital anomalies);
- postponed surgery on the thyroid gland;
- insufficient intake of iodine in the body with food;
- diseases of the pituitary gland (for example, hypopituitarism).
Manifestations of hypothyroidism:
- Mild hypothyroidism - decreased physical activity, constipation, and chilliness.
- Explicit hypothyroidism - lethargy, drowsiness, chilliness, loss of interest in life, hoarseness, hair loss, breaking nails, dry skin, loss of appetite.
- Severe hypothyroidism - swelling of the face, dry, cold skin, brittle nails, bradycardia, decreased systolic and increased diastolic pressure.
- General features - deterioration of memory, attention, mental activity; in women, menstruation disorder, infertility or miscarriage, in men, reduced potency and sexual desire.
Symptoms of thyroid disease in women
Only a doctor should make any diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment. However, ordinary people without medical education should have minimal knowledge about human health and the body. This is necessary in order to suspect a violation in time, consult a specialized doctor and not waste precious time. Today we will talk about the thyroid gland - its functions, diseases, symptoms in case of disruption of work, as well as the main ways of treating the thyroid gland.
Thyroid function
The thyroid gland is a small organ in the form of a butterfly, which is located on the front wall of the neck. Despite the fact that the thyroid gland is very small in size, it performs many vital functions. In general, we can say that the thyroid gland is responsible for the production of hormones, which, in turn, fully control the growth, development and condition of the body. So what are the functions of the thyroid gland?
- The thyroid gland affects the psychological and emotional development and growth of a person.
- The metabolism of the body is completely dependent on the endocrine system. The thyroid gland is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and vitamins, regulates the exchange of calcium and potassium.
- The thyroid gland triggers an important process of puberty in both men and women.
- The endocrine system is actively working during the period of gestation and childbirth - it produces the necessary hormones for the attachment of the ovum in the uterus, promotes milk production, etc.
- The thyroid gland has an important effect on the circulatory and digestive systems.
- Another very important function of the thyroid gland - it is responsible for the work of immunity. The body, if necessary, begins to produce antibodies that can resist viruses and infections.
- Since the thyroid is responsible for metabolic processes, it can be a cause of weight gain or weight loss.
- In addition, the thyroid gland maintains optimal body temperature, affects cholesterol levels, provides energy metabolism.
Today, thyroid diseases are quite common, especially in women. Early diagnosis can detect pathology in time, receive adequate treatment and change the situation. So what are the symptoms should alert the woman?
Symptoms of thyroid disease in women
Here are some of the symptoms of thyroid disease that should not be ignored.
- Most often, lovely ladies start to panic because of their weight. It is one thing when it is the result of yesterday's overeating, and another when the weight grows or falls quite rapidly, without any prerequisites for this. A sharp change in weight without obvious malfunction in the diet is one of the main signs of thyroid gland malfunction.
- About the diseases of the thyroid gland can tell the mood of a woman. If she is constantly depressed, apathetic, she does not have the time and desire for the usual things - you need to go to an appointment with an endocrinologist. In some cases, the mood, on the contrary, may be too aggressive, nervous, a woman constantly breaks down at work, at home, with children. Often, an excess of hormones leads to excessive tearfulness, the mood changes very quickly and often.
- A woman with a disability in the thyroid gland is difficult to concentrate, her memory and brain activity is reduced - her performance inexorably suffers.
- Because hormone production is impaired, a woman may experience problems with the menstrual cycle. It can lengthen, shorten. Menstruation can be scanty, copious, or even abyss.
- In some cases, there are problems with sleep - there is either insomnia, or, conversely, excessive sleepiness.
- Often, diseases of the thyroid gland are accompanied by disorders of the bowels - constipation and diarrhea occur.
- A woman may have problems in sex - in many cases, hormones affect the libido.
- With violations of the thyroid gland, the appearance of the woman also changes - the skin becomes dry and peels off, the nails crumble, exfoliate and break, the hair falls out strongly.
- Active sweating, especially during menstruation, can also be a sign of thyroid disease.
- In case of violations of the thyroid, there may be unreasonable muscle pain, trembling in the body, etc.
If you have found similar symptoms in yourself or in your closest women, it is imperative that you see the endocrinologist. He will prescribe tests for you, diagnose you and prescribe adequate treatment. Pathologies in the functioning of the thyroid gland arise for various reasons. One of the main factors is the heredity - if the parents had problems with the work of the endocrine system, the risk of thyroid disease increases sharply. The region of residence is very important, Russia is a territory of iodine deficiency in water and soil. Stresses, an unfavorable ecological situation and unbalanced nutrition play an important role. But what diseases can the above symptoms indicate?
Thyroid disease
Disorders of the thyroid gland can occur for various reasons. Here are some of the most common diseases of the thyroid gland.
This is a state of the thyroid gland in which its activity increases several times. Due to this, the lion's dose of hormones is emitted into the body, which accelerates all metabolic processes. Hyperthyroidism is most often diagnosed in young women. The disease develops due to various pathologies of the pituitary gland, glandular formations in the gland, autoimmune diseases, etc. Many of the symptoms of thyroid abnormalities are similar, but there are some differences. When hyperthyroidism is particularly pronounced violations of the central nervous system. A woman becomes irritable, excitable, unbalanced. She can laugh hysterically, and in a minute cry bitter tears. Patients with such a diagnosis very quickly and confusedly talk, lose concentration of thought, they often experience fear and anxiety, a slight trembling in their hands may appear. In case of violation of the production of hormones, various pathologies may appear. Cardiovascular changes are expressed by tachycardia, flicker of a heart rhythm, increase in arterial pressure.
Almost half of patients with hyperthyroidism are characterized by an ophthalmologic disorder, in which the eye slit increases, the eyeball is extended from the orbit. In this case, the mobility of the eyes decreases, the eyelids swell, rarely blink. The vision is also disturbed - the patient sees the objects as forked, there is tearing and pain in the eyes, which can often lead to atrophy of the optic nerve and blindness.
Since the metabolic processes in the body are accelerated, women with a diagnosis of hyperthyroidism may experience increased sweating, weight loss, and high appetite. Treatment of hyperthyroidism may be different depending on the characteristics of the course of the disease in a patient. This can be a drug suppression of the activity of the thyroid gland, surgical removal of the gland or its part, as well as treatment with radioactive iodine.
In contrast to the previous diagnosis, hypothyroidism is characterized by insufficient production of thyroid hormones. The reduced function of the thyroid gland is manifested by slower metabolic processes in the body. First of all, it can be seen from the obesity of a woman - she is gaining weight, even if she eats moderately and in a balanced way.

Such women seem slow - they slowly think, move, slowly make decisions. Very often, these patients suffer from fatigue and constipation, they are constantly freezing, they have no sexual desire. Among the signs of hypothyroidism can be identified convulsions of the limbs, long and painful menstruation, hoarse voice. It is difficult to diagnose hypothyroidism, since many of the symptoms of a woman are associated with fatigue, overwork, and a change in the quality of life. The peculiarity of hypothyroidism is the absence of characteristic symptoms of the disease. Many of the symptoms can be “tied” to other diagnoses and conditions. Moreover, the severity of symptoms is not related to the lack of hormones in the body. Symptoms may be pronounced with a slight deficiency and may not be noticeable with a serious pathology.
Many doctors may suspect hypothyroidism by the appearance of a person - he has a yellowish and puffy face, which is explained by tissue edema. If you suspect a lack of hormones, the doctor prescribes a blood test to the patient, which will help determine the level of hormones in the body with accuracy.
Thyroid cancer
In the body of the body can be various formations and nodes. As a rule, they are benign and are amenable to conservative treatment. However, in some cases, the tumor may be malignant. Unfortunately, signs of thyroid cancer become noticeable and obvious only after the organ is significantly enlarged and interferes with the normal functioning of women. In oncology, the patient may notice some kind of condensation in the area of the larynx. This lump is painless, although it complicates the process of swallowing. This changes the timbre of the voice, since the vocal cords are in close proximity. At the same time, the lymph nodes in the neck are enlarged - this is a local immune response.
If you suspect cancer of the thyroid gland, in addition to the main diagnostic measures (blood test, ultrasound, etc.) a biopsy should be done. For this, part of the thyroid tissue is taken by puncture, histological analysis is done and, based on its results, a decision is made on further treatment tactics. If the thyroid gland is affected, it is removed - partially or completely. You can live without a thyroid gland, but you need to maintain hormone therapy throughout life. Of course, after removal, you need to constantly monitor the endocrinologist and adhere to his recommendations.
The thyroid gland is a small, but very necessary and important organ that allows you to maintain normal human activity. To protect yourself from diseases of the thyroid gland, you need to comply with preventive measures in time. It is impossible to take iodine without a doctor's prescription - only on his prescription. It is better to consume iodine from products - most of it is found in walnuts and cauliflower. Watch your health, go for routine checkups to specialist specialists, and you will be able to recognize the problem on time.
How to treat the thyroid gland
The thyroid gland is located directly in front of the trachea, as if covering its front and side surface. The small size of the body produces thyroid hormones, which are necessary for the active functioning of all vital systems. Therefore, even the slightest violations in her work provoke a significant deterioration in human well-being.
The rate of metabolism changes, the work of the gastrointestinal tract and the urogenital system is upset. Before treating thyroid pathologies, biochemical and instrumental studies will be required. This will determine the type of disease, its stage, as well as make the correct therapeutic scheme.
Where does the treatment begin
Without making a diagnosis, home thyroid therapy is not only impractical, but also dangerous. The fact is that there are several varieties of the disease, and their methods of treatment are fundamentally different. At the initial stage of the pathology, endocrinologists prefer to dispense with the appointment of serious pharmacological preparations to patients. And in severe cases, life-long hormone replacement therapy is recommended.
Starting treatment, it is necessary to get acquainted with the results of the examination:
- euthyroidism. The disease occurs inside the thyroid gland itself, without affecting the production of hormones. This feature should be taken into account, making adjustments to the usual way of life;
- hypothyroidism. Pathology is characterized by a deficiency in the production of hormones and needs the use of drugs that fill the deficit;
- hyperthyroidism. The disease is accompanied by increased hormone production, so the treating endocrinologist uses medications in therapy to normalize the resulting imbalance.
Properly selected folk remedies may be used only as a symptomatic treatment. For example, goiter has a good reputation for having a beneficial effect on the function of the thyroid gland. It may slightly increase the therapeutic effect of the drugs and speed recovery. In some cases, drugs made according to the recipes of traditional healers can reduce the dosage of tablets with a significant number of side effects. But treatment with folk remedies without coordination with the endocrinologist is strictly prohibited.
The right approach to treatment
To cure the thyroid gland will help not only drugs, but also the correct lifestyle. All forms of the disease manifest themselves in numerous symptoms that allow a quick diagnosis. For example, a sharp change of mood, emotional instability is characteristic of hyperthyroidism. In addition to the main treatment, doctors recommend that patients take sedatives and sedatives:
- infusions of valerian, motherwort, Hypericum;
- Persen, Deprim.
In case of hyperthyroidism of a person, blood pressure rises are often disturbed, therefore, it is necessary to take diuretics or beta-blockers. Taking hormonal drugs, you should consider the features of a course of treatment. To therapeutic concentration of these biologically active substances in the blood was constant, you should follow certain rules:
- use pills at the same time;
- use drugs in accordance with the meal schedule - before or after meals.
The formation of nodes on the thyroid distorts the metabolic processes. In the bloodstream and tissues accumulate a significant amount of toxins, many of which have a toxic effect. Quickly remove compounds from the body will help adjust the drinking regime. You need to use at least 2 liters of pure non-carbonated water daily. During each emptying of the bladder, the final and intermediate disintegration of the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates occurs. You can use drinks with herbs - broth hips, chamomile tea.
In diseases of the thyroid gland, problems with digestion and motility are common. Slow digestion provokes the development of processes of decay and fermentation. A person suffers from excessive gas, belching, discomfort in the stomach. Depending on the severity of symptoms, the doctor may recommend treatment of such drugs to patients:
- antacids - Gastal, Renny, Maalox;
- digestive enzymes - Festal, Mezim forte, Panzinorm forte;
- defoamers - Espumizan, Sub Simplex;
- antispasmodics - Duspatalin, Buscopan;
- drugs that improve motility of the gastrointestinal tract - Motilium, Domperidone, Passazhiks.
Relieve the course of the disease will help probiotics with lacto-and bifidobacteria. They will not only eliminate the symptoms of dysbacteriosis, but also improve metabolism. Taking drugs with live microorganisms also helps to strengthen the immune system.
Recommendations endocrinologist
An important part of the treatment of the thyroid gland is a balanced diet. It is with the products that iodine compounds, a trace element necessary for the production of thyroxin and triiodothyronine, enter the human body. Properly compiled daily menu allows you to control this process, if necessary, make adjustments to it. A lot of iodine is found in seaweed, eggs, cottage cheese, sour cream, whole milk. If hypothyroidism is diagnosed in men or women, then the use of such products should be increased. This will help to reduce the dosage of drugs without harm to the patient's health.
With the overproduction of hormones by the thyroid gland, it is necessary to do exactly the opposite. Foods with a high concentration of iodine should be excluded from the patient's diet. Neglect of this rule will cause an overdose of drugs, the development of dangerous complications. What other recommendations do nutritionists and endocrinologists give?
- excessive salt content in foods slows the elimination of toxins from the body. Food should not be salted, and with hypothyroidism, iodized salt can be used;
- for diseases of the thyroid gland, you need to eat only warm food. Hot or cold food adversely affects the state of the endocrine organ;
- caffeinated beverages should not be present on the table of a person with an endocrine gland disease. This biologically active compound causes its swelling and prevents drugs from entering the organ.
The thyroid gland with an iodine compound deficiency in the body expands, which leads to the formation of a certain type of goiter. Only by excluding from the daily menu some foods (soybeans, cabbage), you can avoid the development of events in such a negative scenario, to do without the operation. When diagnosing hypothyroidism and endemic goiter, the use of these vegetable crops should be avoided. Cabbage and soy-rich foods are good for hyperthyroidism.
Treatment with pharmacological agents
Autoimmune diseases of the thyroid gland are characterized by latent symptoms at the initial stage, therefore, timely therapy is sometimes impossible. But when pathology is detected, endocrinologists proceed to immediate treatment. Endemic goiter requires conservative, and in complicated cases, surgical methods of therapy. How to treat the thyroid gland in women or men is determined by the endocrinologist, based on the results of laboratory and instrumental studies, taking into account the type of disease and the stage of its course.
In various forms of this disease, the endocrinologist prescribes replacement therapy. It is necessary to restore the deficiency of hormones that the thyroid gland produces in insufficient quantities. Therapy is primarily aimed at eliminating the negative symptoms of the pathology, alleviating the patient’s condition, improving his quality of life. Selection of drugs and their dosages are individual for each person. What pills do hypothyroidism treat?
- Levothyroxine sodium;
- Thyroxine;
- Triiodothyronine;
- Thyroidin.
If a patient is diagnosed with peripheral hypothyroidism, the doctor prescribes a combination of drugs or multi-component drugs:
- Tirelot-forte;
- Tirecomb;
- Tireot.
The danger of self-treatment is to overestimate the therapeutic effect of iodine. This trace element serves as a "raw material" for the production of hormones, but if the thyroid gland fails, even a huge amount of it will not solve the problem in any way. Male and female pathologies will be eliminated only by an integrated approach to treatment - a course of medication and the use of iodine-containing products.
Treating the thyroid gland in women and men with hyperthyroidism always begin with taking drugs that have the ability to eliminate the cause of the pathology. Drug therapy is aimed at reducing the production and (or) and release of hormones. For this, patients are recommended to take thyreostatics on a course basis:
- Tyrosol;
- Mercazolil;
- Metizol;
- Tiamazol;
- Propylthiouracil.
In some cases, tablets are used that prevent the absorption and accumulation of iodine. Such therapy is carried out simultaneously with the observance of the necessary diet. The treatment regimen may include beta-blockers:
- Atenolol (Hipoten, Tenolol);
- Bisoprolol (Coronal, Bisogamma);
- Betaxolol (Lokren, Betoptik);
- Metoprolol (Corvitol, Logimaks);
- Nebivolol (Nebilet, Nebivator).
These pharmacological drugs are used not only to reduce the severity of symptoms in children and adults, but also to prevent the negative effects of excess hormones on the human body. Despite the long periods of taking the pills, if they are canceled, a relapse of the disease may occur. In such a situation, patients are prescribed radioiodine therapy or undergo a surgical operation to remove the thyroid gland.
Radioiodine therapy
This technique is used to treat certain types of endocrine cancer as an auxiliary method. If a patient is diagnosed with a malignant neoplasm, then radioiodine therapy is indicated only after a surgical operation. Radio therapy is also one of the main methods of treatment:
- diffuse toxic goiter;
- thyroid adenomas;
- other pathologies that accompany excessive thyroid activity.
You can cure your thyroid gland by taking solutions and capsules with radioactive iodine. After the accumulation of the compound in the endocrine gland, cell death occurs. Connective tissue is formed on the damaged areas, which reduces the production of hormones. The severity of the clinical picture of hyperthyroidism is significantly reduced already after several weeks of radioiodine therapy. In some cases, to eliminate the increased production of hormones is necessary in several stages. This method of treatment requires lifelong hormone replacement therapy.
All types of thyroid surgery are characterized by high complexity.
They are resorted to in extreme cases when conservative methods do not give the expected result. Thanks to modern medical technologies, the proportion of surgical interventions gradually decreases, but sometimes it is only with their help that the formed nodes can be treated and the overgrown tissues can be removed.
When choosing the method of operation, the number of glandular tissues of the endocrine organ that are subject to excision is taken into account:
- Hemithyroidectomy. During surgery, one lobe of the thyroid gland is stopped;
- Thyroidectomy. During the operation, the follicular tissue of the endocrine organ is removed;
- Resection of the gland. Surgical intervention is the partial excision of the affected areas. In this way, a cyst of any origin is removed.
What methods to carry out operations in patients are decided by a tandem of narrowly specialized doctors: a surgeon, an endocrinologist. If necessary, a cardiologist and a neurologist are involved in the treatment.
Is it possible to quickly cure diseases of the thyroid gland - one of the questions disturbing patients endocrinologists. All pathologies associated with improper production of hormones require long-term therapy. But compliance with all medical recommendations for taking medications and a balanced diet will have a positive effect on a person's well-being and speed up recovery.