L-thyroxine for weight loss
The drug called L-thyroxin is an isomer of artificial thyroxin. The therapeutic effect in the presence of the main indications for admission occurs after 1-2 weeks, but in the most difficult cases, for example, with diffuse goiter or hypothyroidism, it takes 3 to 5 months to completely eliminate the main symptoms.
Production and sales are carried out in the following forms:
- L-thyroxin 50 Berlin-Chemie is a flat pill that in the middle is separated by a notch for dividing, if necessary, the color is light blue.
- L-thyroxin 100 Berlin-Chemie has the same appearance, but has a green or yellow color.
Composition and properties
This drug has the following composition, which determines its basic properties:
- Levothyroxine sodium, each tablet contains from 50 to 100 mg. this component depending on the selected form.
- Auxiliary components necessary to facilitate the process of assimilation, among them can be distinguished sodium salt, calcium hydrophosphate water type and partial glycerides of different types.

Due to the peculiarities of its composition, L-thyroxin has the following main properties:
- Curbing tissue growth and accelerating the natural metabolism that occurs after processing the main active ingredient into liothyronine. This process occurs in the kidneys and liver.
- Anabolic effects on the metabolism of proteins and fatty acids.
- Stimulation of carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism.
- Reducing the production of various hormones, including the pituitary gland. Occurs only when using large doses.
- Increased activity of the cardiovascular and central nervous system.
The principle of work in the fight against excess weight
Overweight is not a direct indication for taking L-thyroxine, but many people often take this drug to combat this particular problem.
The principle of operation is quite simple, the tool can have a positive effect and contribute to the loss of extra pounds due to the following effects on the body:
- Acceleration of the natural metabolic process.
- Increased heat production, due to which the splitting and burning of fat deposits occurs much faster.
- Suppression of the emerging feeling of hunger.
- Increased endurance, which has a positive effect on a person’s physical activity. This property allows you to increase the intensity of sports training, so that the calories in greater quantities begin to be processed into energy.
Usually L-thyroxine is prescribed if the following direct indications are available:
- Pathological decrease in the functionality of the thyroid gland, regardless of the nature of the problem.
- Rehabilitation after surgery associated with an enlargement of the thyroid gland. In this situation, these tablets are taken instead of radioactive iodine therapy.
- Rehabilitation after surgical interventions to remove malignant tumors of the thyroid gland. In this case, appointed as a prophylactic agent to avoid possible recurrences.
- Rehabilitation after other therapies to suppress the enhanced functioning of the thyroid gland.
- Formation of diffuse goiter without disturbing the main functions of the thyroid gland.
- Testing for the detection of diseases associated with the endocrine system.
Instructions for use
When taking L-thyroxine, you must follow certain rules, which are combined in the following instructions:
- Reception is carried out in the morning on an empty stomach, it will be possible to eat food only in half an hour.
- The dosage is prescribed by a specialist after a complex of laboratory and clinical studies. Depending on the results of the passed tests, a dose of 75 mg to 250 mg can be prescribed.
- Body weight has an impact on the definition of daily dosages, so after weight loss will require repeated consultation with a specialist.
- In case of overdose, a rapid rhythm, severe headache, suffocation, and the appearance of an obsessive fear of death can be observed. Sometimes the manifestation of such symptoms begins to appear only several days after violations of the rules of admission. An overdose can pose a threat to a person’s life, therefore an immediate request for professional medical care is required, and a complex of measures for rehabilitation therapy will be appointed as a specialist.
Despite the absence in the instructions for use of information on the appointment of the drug to combat obesity, it has all the necessary properties for this.
The degree of effectiveness of such practices depends on the person's lifestyle: diet correction and active sports allows you to achieve the maximum positive result. If you follow all the rules and apply the full range of measures, many people manage to lose up to 15kg in just one month.
Contraindications and side effects
Before you start taking L-thyroxine, you must make sure that there are no direct contraindications, which may be the following:
- Reduced level of hormone secretion by the adrenal glands, if no measures have been taken to eliminate the problem.
- A recent heart attack.
- The manifestation of an allergic reaction.
- Individual intolerance means or individual components in its composition.
- Diseases of the cardiovascular system, occurring in the acute form.
- Diabetes mellitus is not a direct contraindication, but a mandatory consultation with a specialist and obtaining an appropriate permit are required before admission.
- The presence of malabsorption syndrome also requires prior consultation with your doctor, as dose adjustment will be required depending on the condition.
Side effects are extremely rare and in most cases they are associated with a violation of prescribed dosages or other rules of administration, they can be as follows:
- An allergic reaction, which is most often manifested in the form of dermatological rashes or the appearance of itching.
- Disturbed appetite.
- Violations of the digestive processes, diarrhea.
- Acute pain in the chest.
- Heart rate change.
- Feverish condition.
- Muscle cramps affecting the legs.
- Drastic mood changes, increased irritability.
- Headache.
- Sleep disturbances, which can be expressed both in increased drowsiness and inability to fall asleep.
- Increased sweating.
- Changing the condition of the skin, increasing its dryness.
Hormonal drugs BERLIN-CHEMIE L -TYROXIN - recall
L-Tyroxyno-dependent for about 15 years. And tired of taking and can not stop. I will tell you about my experience of taking a hormonal drug and why I am still dissatisfied with it.
Hello, dear review readers!
I suffer from hypothyroidism for a long time - from 17-18 years old, but I was prescribed hormone therapy about 15 years ago when the situation reached its peak: I began to faint at every corner and "lost" a third of my hair. I felt awful — my hands were constantly shaking, my hair was falling out, and partial memory loss was often manifested ... and I was a little more than twenty-three years old.
Now, after almost 15 years of experience taking this drug, I can share my opinion and experience with you. Of course, this drug should be prescribed by a doctor, as well as adjust the dose (depending on the test results).
What is hypothyroidism?
Hypothyroidism is a disease caused by insufficient content of thyroid hormones in the body. According to statistics, hypothyroidism is one of the most common diseases of the endocrine system. Especially often this disease occurs in women over 65 years of age, as well as in regions remote from the sea.
The drug L-thyroxine is a hormonal drug.
Dosages are different: 50, 75, 100, 125, 150 mcg. It is very convenient that the tablet can be easily broken in half or even smaller, and thus divided into smaller doses. Suppose you are prescribed a dose of 25 mg. You buy a pack of 50 mcg, and divide each pill into halves and take half.
And if the pharmacy does not have 50 mcg, for example, then buy 100 mcg and divide the pill into a quarter.
Thus, we obtain the desired 25 μg.
L-thyroxine is a synthetic levorotatory isomer of thyroxin. By its action is identical to the thyroid hormone existing in nature. In small doses, has an anabolic effect. In medium doses, stimulates the growth and development of the body, increases the need Synthetic levorotatory isomer of thyroxin. After partial transformation into triiodothyronine (in the liver and kidneys) and transition into the cells of the body, it influences the development and growth of tissues and metabolism. In small doses, it has an anabolic effect on protein and fat metabolism. In medium doses, it stimulates growth and development, increases the tissue's need for oxygen, stimulates the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and increases the functional activity of the cardiovascular system and the central nervous system. In large doses, inhibits the production of thyrotropin-releasing hormone hypothalamus and thyroid-stimulating hormone of the pituitary gland.
- increased individual sensitivity to the drug;
- untreated thyrotoxicosis;
- acute myocardial infarction, acute myocarditis;
- untreated adrenal insufficiency;
- hereditary intolerance to galactose, lactase deficiency or impaired absorption of glucose and lactose.
With caution: the drug should be prescribed for diseases of the cardiovascular system: coronary heart disease (atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, a history of myocardial infarction), hypertension, arrhythmias; diabetes, severe long-term hypothyroidism, malabsorption syndrome (dose adjustment may be required).
The drug must be taken in the morning, on an empty stomach, at least 30-40 minutes before a meal, otherwise there is no point - that is how it is absorbed. This is not very convenient, but there is no other way out.

Drink easily, especially with plenty of water - a pill or part of it is very easy to swallow.
In general, the meaning is as follows: I periodically pass tests, go to an appointment with my endocrinologist, who looks at the results of the tests, whether I should continue to take the same dose as now, or corrects it - decreases or increases.
For example, there was a time when I took 25 micrograms daily.
It was that 125 daily. It was 50, 100 daily, 75 was also.
And it happened that 50 after a day or even 50 after two for a third - in general, combinations have been different over the years, this is decided by the endocrinologist.
By the way, she assured me in the "beginning of the road" that they do not get better from hormones. Not true! They get better, depending on the dose - I noticed that if the dose is not very large, then the weight is normal. And when I drank for a long time at 100 mcg daily - I started gaining weight very quickly. Diminished the dose - the weight went away. Added - returned.
Daily dose:
- The daily dose is determined individually depending on the evidence.
- L-thyroxin in a daily dose is taken orally in the morning on an empty stomach, at least 30 minutes before meals, washing down a pill with a small amount of liquid (half a glass of water) and not chewing.
Storage conditions:
- What helps
- The preparation of thyroid hormones.
- Storage conditions
- The drug should be stored in a dry, dark place at temperatures not above 25 ° C. Keep out of the reach of children.
Levothyroxine sodium enhances the effect of indirect anticoagulants, which may require lowering their dose. The use of tricyclic antidepressants with levothyroxine sodium can lead to an increased effect of antidepressants. Thyroid hormones can increase the need for insulin and oral hypoglycemic drugs.
Probably, it is easier to immediately break all the information into the advantages and disadvantages of the drug.
- It is not expensive - that in the "beginning of the road" many years ago, that now. For example - a pack costs about 100 rubles, any dosage. It is spent quite economically, not enough for one month.
- Tablet easily divided
- Easy to swallow
- It helps to get rid of the symptoms of hypothyroidism, and in a short time. The hair quickly ceases to fall, the hands tremble, the nerve disappears, the sound mind and memory return.
- Hormone analyzes normalize
- Still contributes to weight gain (it depends on the dose, as I already wrote above)
- It is not very convenient to drink on an empty stomach 30-40 minutes before a meal (it would be more convenient just before a meal or regardless of food)
- Another point - you need to take the drug before 8-9 o'clock in the morning (my endocrinologist especially emphasizes this point, they say it’s important - take it up to this time, they say it is not fully absorbed later. This is also not very convenient.
- Mass of by-products (including overdose):
- With an overdose of the drug, symptoms characteristic of thyrotoxicosis are observed:
- heartbeat;
- heart rhythm disorder;
- heartache;
- anxiety;
- tremor;
- sleep disturbance;
- excessive sweating;
- increased appetite;
- weight loss;
- diarrhea.
- She is able to cause tachycardia - she noticed that in the first years after the start of the drug, the heart just jumped out of her chest, then suddenly stopped, and there was shortness of breath - there was very little pleasant.
- Able to cause swelling.
- Accepted strictly by doctor's prescription;
- Hormone.
- With a sharp decrease in the dose or an increase in it can cause increased hair loss.
- It is undesirable to miss taking the prescribed dose.
In any case, the whole thing is very individual, and each organism reacts to certain drugs in its own way. I had it that way.
I remember six months after the start of the reception my hair was completely restored (they stopped falling), my health improved a lot, as if the illness had never happened. And then I somehow became lazy and forgot for three months about hormones, for which I then very much flew in from my doctor.
So, after that, all the symptoms returned threefold - I felt much worse than before the start of therapy ... so without the recommendation of the doctor, you cannot skip the dose of your dose.
Summing up the results, I want to say - perhaps you had it all differently. But this is MY experience, and I have had and have it that way.
The drug is lifelong (by the way, another drawback). It does not cure, it just daily replaces hormones that my lazy thyroid cannot produce on its own;)
In general, I would not recommend this drug, as well as I would not recommend anybody at all to be ill)
But since there is no way out, I still recommend - since the drug, albeit with large minuses, still helps to feel much better with the right dose, a good doctor and constant self-control and discipline.
Thanks to all for your attention to the review! I wish all-all good health and well-being to you and your loved ones!