Treatment of hormonal disorders
Everyone has heard the expression: “Do not be born beautiful, but be born happy.” I just want to add – and
Everyone has heard the expression: “Do not be born beautiful, but be born happy.” I just want to add – and
If weight does not decrease with proper nutrition, good sleep and physical activity, it is time to see an endocrinologist.
This organ weighs a maximum of 25 grams and resembles a butterfly in its shape. It is fragile, but in turn, it plays one of the most important roles in the endocrine system. Surely you have already guessed that we will talk about the thyroid gland, or rather about what everyone needs to know about it. Fact #1: The conductor of metabolism. The thyroid gland is an endocrine organ that produces thyroid hormones. With the help of the secretion of its hormones, the iron regulates the release and activity of other important hormones in the body. Thyroid hormones are involved in the process of development, growth and all the functions of the body’s vital activity. Fact #2: A reliable shield. The thyroid gland acts as a shield in the body, directly affecting the immune, nervous, cardiovascular system and metabolism. The human reproductive system is also not without the influence of the thyroid gland, because the connection between the state of the thyroid gland and infertility has long been known. Thyroid hormone during pregnancy affects the development of the nervous system in the baby. Fact # 3. The butterfly needs iodine. For the full functioning of the thyroid gland, iodine is necessary. “What does iodine have to do with it?”, you may ask. The building material for thyroid hormones is iodine, so its lack or, conversely, excess, leads to hormonal disorders and, as a result, to diseases. That is why, if you are deficient in iodine, you should include certain foods in your diet (iodized salt, seafood). Fact # 4. Moderate amount of sun. Many people believe that it is possible to replenish iodine reserves in the body with the help of a round-the-clock stay on the seashore. Of course, the sea will help to improve your health, but excessive solar radiation can harm the thyroid gland and even cause hormonal failure. Fact # 5. Forewarned means armed. Since thyroid diseases are becoming more common, it is important to know the main signs that indicate its problems. Since thyroid hormones directly affect the metabolism, for example, with a decrease in the work of the thyroid gland, a rapid weight gain can occur even with proper nutrition. Medications for the treatment of thyroid diseases as well as other diseases for
According to experts, the habit of taking time from sleep can lead to a set of extra pounds. Is it true? Or
Iodine is a trace mineral used by the thyroid gland to produce hormones. Its lack is immediately reflected in the work
Baldness irritates men. It terrifies women. The cosmetics industry offers an arsenal to combat hair loss: shampoos, masks, capsules, injections. Folk methods also
With a lack of air, many of us begin to beat furiously, and the darkest thoughts climb into our heads. In fact, shortness of breath is not always a reason to panic. Or rather, not all shortness of breath. An alarming symptom Doctors have an ambiguous attitude to shortness of breath. After all, the feeling of lack of air is subjective. And yet, doctors do not completely ignore complaints of shortness of breath: after all, this symptom can sometimes hide quite serious problems. Characteristic features. Shortness of breath, which requires serious attention, is characterized by a sudden, acute onset. Especially if the feeling of lack of air arose for the first time, at rest or with the usual physical activity for a person (cleaning the apartment, walking, on the way to work, etc.). Possible reasons. Ischemic heart disease( CHD), pulmonary hypertension, acute coronary insufficiency, pain-free form of myocardial infarction, pneumothorax (air penetration into the pleural cavity), pulmonary embolism. What to do? Such a situation requires a serious assessment, and even an urgent ambulance call. But even if the medical team that arrived on the call does not find anything dangerous, the first shortness of breath is an excuse to undergo an examination, which must necessarily include a chest X – ray and an ECG. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe a comprehensive cardiological or pulmonological examination. In some cases, with varicose veins, you need to look at the vessels of the legs with ultrasound. Ambulance Before the arrival of doctors, if you suddenly have shortness of breath, you need to sit down or lie down on a bed with a high headboard, provide yourself or the victim with fresh air (release the chest, open the windows, etc.), stop any physical activity, try to count the pulse and measure blood pressure. It is not forbidden to take validol or valocordin. And in any case, do not panic, otherwise the shortness of breath will only increase.Fortunately, most often shortness of breath is of neurotic origin and occurs after emotional stress, when stress hormones are released into the blood, increasing the number of respiratory movements. And against the background of hyperventilation (intense breathing, which exceeds the body’s oxygen needs), there is a feeling of lack of air. Most often, such situations occur in women who have shortness of breath can turn into an obsessive neurotic syndrome. Characteristic features. With neurotic shortness of breath, breathing is frequent, shallow, which you want to compensate for with a deep breath. Possible reasons. In addition to neurosis, such shortness of breath can cause vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD), thyroid diseases. Lack of air is a frequent companion of bronchial asthma (more information about asthma and other respiratory diseases
Hypothyroidism is a disease that occurs due to a lack of thyroid hormones. This dysfunction of the thyroid gland occurs quite
Anticonvulsant drugs appeared only 100 years ago. In recent decades, scientists and manufacturers have been discovering new compounds and launching
Nodules in the thyroid gland are, not always even, rounded formations that are found in the tissue of the thyroid gland. Most