Iodine and pregnancy

Iodine is a trace mineral used by the thyroid gland to produce hormones. Its lack is immediately reflected in the work of the thyroid gland, which, first of all, can lead to a decrease in the production of iodine-containing hormones by it.

These hormones play a huge role in the work of almost all human systems and organs, including those responsible for metabolic processes, the work of the nervous, reproductive and cardiovascular systems, as well as for the harmonious interaction of these systems with each other.

The main problem is that iodine is not produced in the body, like many other trace elements or substances, it can only come from the outside.

Signs of iodine deficiency in pregnant women.

Pregnancy and iodine deficiency are simply incompatible! Iodine deficiency poses a danger not only to the pregnant woman herself, but also to her unborn child. Therefore, it is important to start preventing the development of iodine deficiency as soon as the decision to conceive a child has been made.

The problem is that long-term iodine deficiency causes noticeable disturbances only after a long time of absolutely asymptomatic course of the disease. And therefore, until the moment a person begins to have serious functional disorders, he usually does not even realize that there is a lack of iodine in his body.

In a pregnant woman’s body, this can cause:

  • decreased mental and physical activity;
  • the onset of depression;
  • increase in body weight;
  • development of puffiness;
  • decreased immunity;
  • brittle hair and nails;
  • threats of termination of pregnancy;
  • increased toxicosis.

Thyroid hormones, which are produced, among other things, due to iodine, take an active part in the reproductive function of a woman, in the formation of the physical and mental development of the unborn child.

Therefore, when a woman is planning a pregnancy, she should definitely visit an endocrinologist and find out the state of both hormonal levels and undergo an ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland.

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