Pathologies of the thyroid gland: treatment with hormones
One of the common pathologies of the endocrine system are disorders associated with the work of the thyroid gland. In many
One of the common pathologies of the endocrine system are disorders associated with the work of the thyroid gland. In many
If a thyroid it works abnormally, and the whole body naturally suffers, since an excess or deficiency of hormones significantly affects the
May 25 – World Thyroid Day. We did not stand aside and considered it necessary to remind readers of the endocrine gland
In the full coordinated work of the endocrine system plays a significant role thyroid. Its hormones are responsible for regulating basal metabolism,
Psychological attitudes aimed at inhibiting sexuality or controlling ejaculation are quite diverse. They depend on the characteristics of the character
The thyroid gland is one of the most important organs that are actively involved in metabolism. A deficiency of thyroid hormones
Hypothyroidism – a decrease in the activity of the thyroid gland, is considered an extremely common disease. The basis of the
The human endocrine system regulates the coordinated work of the internal organs through the release of biologically active substances –
Today, thyroid pathologies are quite common. Along with diabetes, they are among the most frequent reasons for writing to an endocrinologist. If
The side effects of sertraline may be increased appetite, insomnia, depression, depersonalization, anxiety, decreased libido, dizziness, tremors, palpitations, diarrhea and chest pain Sertraline is a serotonin reuptake inhibitor medication that is used as an antidepressant to treat mood disorders. Sertraline side effect Its main use lies in the intervention of major depressive episodes, although it is also frequently used to treat obsessive-compulsive disorders, anxiety disorders, agoraphobia, social phobia and post-traumatic stress disorder. It is consumed orally and, after ingestion, its active ingredients access the brain regions where they perform the action of the name of the drug: selectively inhibit the reuptake of serotonin. This fact means that when sertraline is consumed, the amounts of this substance increase in the brain. Serotonin is a brain chemical (a neurotransmitter) that is responsible for many activities, but above all controls mood, self-esteem, relaxation and well-being. For this reason, when suffering from depressive episodes, when increasing the amounts of these substances through sertraline, mood improves and depression decreases. However, by modifying this brain function, other types of unwanted effects may also appear. What side effects does sertraline cause? Structure of sertraline.The consumption of sertraline can cause a large number of side effects, so its consumption should always be done under prescription and medical follow-up. Although side effects, as we will see below, are numerous, it should be noted that these are not usually very frequent, nor do they exceed in quantity and severity compared to other medications. In fact, if the medication is administered correctly, in people who require this drug and with adequate doses, it is unlikely that these side effects appear. However, in the world of medicine, controlling all the variables is practically impossible, so whenever we take a medication we expose ourselves to possible adverse reactions. The main symptoms that can appear with the consumption of sertraline are: 1- Increase of appetiteSertraline may cause alterations in appetite. The most common is that it increases, although other types of symptoms can also be seen. In general, the consumption of sertraline may slightly increase the appetite, but if the alteration is very noticeable it should be consulted by the doctor to evaluate the dimension of the secondary effect. 2- Insomnia, nightmares and drowsinessSleep can also be altered through sertraline. These alterations usually occur especially at the beginning of treatment and can be solved over time. However, we must be alert about these symptoms because they can significantly affect the well-being of the person.