Hypofunction of the thyroid gland: anemia, stress, lethargy

The thyroid gland is one of the most important organs that are actively involved in metabolism. A deficiency of thyroid hormones provokes weight gain, slowing down metabolic processes, lowering body temperature and speed of thought processes. But similar symptoms are detected when there is already subclinical or clinical hypothyroidism (a sharp decrease in the activity of the gland). In addition, there are also warning signs, the presence of which may indicate the need for examination of the organ and determine the concentration of hormones. These include poor tolerance for stress, the development of anemia and problems with movement.

Manifestations of hypothyroidism

There are many known symptoms of suppressing thyroid function, such as reduced energy production and a slower metabolism. They provoke a decrease in body temperature and thinning hair, weight gain, slowness, skin changes. However, there are some early signs that   thyroid   does not function optimally. They occur even when laboratory tests that determine the level of hormones produced by the thyroid gland are in the normal range. It is worth paying attention to these symptoms in order to maintain the activity of the thyroid gland at least at the expense of iodine preparations.

Coordination disorders: the role of thyroid hormones

Often the patient feels that he stumbles more often on the things around him. This may indicate a decrease in thyroid function. Disorders of coordination and clumsiness are associated with the exchange of hormones of both the gland itself and the leading centers of the hypothalamic-pituitary system. The hypothalamus analyzes the body’s signals and decides how much thyroid hormones to produce. It produces thyroliberin, which activates the production of thyroid-stimulating hormone in the pituitary gland. Then it is the thyroid stimulating hormone that signals the thyroid gland to produce the hormones T4 and T3.

Researchers have discovered that the hypothalamus also sends thyroliberin to the cerebellum (this is the control center of movement in the brain) and activates its normal function. Thus, if thyroliberin is low, clumsiness and coordination problems develop.

Weight problems and hypothalamus

Often a sign of thyroid dysfunction is overweight, which can not be eliminated. Often, the decision of the brain and the hypothalamus to synthesize thyroliberin is primarily controlled by the hormone leptin. If the patient is gaining excess weight or is “stuck” in too high a weight and cannot lose it, it is worthwhile to consider that leptin is not working properly.

Leptin can be made to work better by developing an individual plan for losing excess weight or maintaining a healthy body weight. This, in turn, will contribute to the normal and healthy functioning of the thyroid gland. By following certain rules of a rational diet, you can improve leptinfunctions . They include a high-protein breakfast, meals at least three meals a day, and avoiding high-calorie snacks.

Anemia as a symptom of a problem

Anemia is often a reflection of iron deficiency. Symptoms of iron deficiency include muscle fatigue, shortness of breath, dysplasia of nails, hair, loss of appetite, pallor. Women, vegetarians, athletes, adolescents and the elderly usually have higher iron requirements. If patients do not eat a lot of meat, notice similar symptoms in themselves, it is important to check the level of iron. But why decrease iron and   anemia   indicates a reduced thyroid function?

Many genes in cells need a gland to respond to stimuli from thyroid hormones. In other words, as soon as biologically active T3 orders the cells to activate the metabolism, iron is required. Iron deficiency can be compared with a shortage of workers. “Managers”, such as the thyroid gland, may shout and shout their teams, but they cannot do anything because they lack the “hands” (gland). Scientists believe that   anemia   may be one of the first signs of hypothyroidism.

Anxiety, anxiety, stress

When stress is either extremely intense, or lasts too long, then the reserves of natural relaxants in the nervous system tend to be depleted. It does not allow the brain to fully relax and relax. Chronic stress results in increased anxiety or irritability during the day, as well as sleep disorders at night. This is important for the functioning of the hypothalamus, which processes information related to the thyroid gland. Stress, therefore, directly interferes with the normal production of thyroid-stimulating hormone, which, in turn, affects the activity of the thyroid gland. This may result in a mixture.   hyper and hypothyroid symptoms.

Patients often feel tired, irritable and hungry during the day, they usually eat more because it brings temporary relief from stress. At night, the hypothalamus is configured for hypervigilance (an evolutionary mechanism, so as not to miss the hunt). Against the background of overeating at night, the level of thyroid hormones is suppressed by the hypothalamus. This is due to the fact that the body can save energy during sleep. Against the background of stress, slowing down the activity of thyroid hormones and excess nutrition comes overweight.

What to do?

Exercise and stress relief help relieve the condition. Nutrients supplied with food help to normalize sleep and relax. The main ones that support healthy thyroid function are selenium, tyrosine and manganese. Equally important is the full flow of iodine.

Normalization of sleep and nutrition helps to form a more uniform energy production during the day due to thyroid hormones and helps replenish the reserves of relaxing compounds in the brain.

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