Thyroid lymphoma and its causes

Thyroid lymphoma is a tumor-like tumor originating from the lymphoid tissue and having a malignant nature. A distinctive feature of this pathological process is its tendency to a fairly rapid progression. In the clinical picture of this disease, external changes from the side of the neck dominate, complemented by compression of the adjacent organs. The prognosis for this condition is always serious and directly depends on how timely the lymphoma was diagnosed. The later the tumor was detected, the higher the probability of death.

In general, lymphoma is a fairly rare pathology. According to various data, the level of its prevalence among other tumors that the thyroid gland faces ranges from two to eight percent. If we consider this pathological process as a secondary form, which implies the presence of other lymphoid neoplasias, then it accounts for about ten percent. Most often, this disease is diagnosed in the age range from sixty to seventy years. At the same time, it was noticed that men face this disease several times more often than women.

Currently, the exact causes of lymphoma   thyroid gland   still remain in question. However, at present, autoimmune inflammatory processes on the part of this organ are considered as the main predisposing factor. This assumption is confirmed by the fact that more than eighty percent of people with lymphoma have a history of Hashimoto thyroiditis, confirmed by histological and immunological studies. It is believed that prolonged antigenic stimulation of cells leads to malignant degeneration of lymphocytes and the subsequent proliferation of lymphoid tissue.

The role of many other factors in the development of this disease is also considered. Among them emit ionizing radiation, chemical carcinogens, infectious diseases, adverse environmental conditions, and so on. However, it has not been possible to reliably confirm their contribution to the occurrence of such a pathological process.

As we have said, lymphoma is characterized by a rather rapid progression. In a short time, the formation of large nodes is noted, due to which the thyroid gland can increase in volume almost four times.   Often there is an additional lesion and adjacent lymph nodes. As a rule, the changes occurring lead to a decrease in the functional activity of this organ, thereby increasing   signs of hypothyroidism. It is worth noting that lymphoma is not prone to metastasis. However, single tumors are rarely detected. Most often, during the examination, several pathological foci in the lymphoid tissue are found at once.

The classification of this disease includes its four degrees, distinguished by the prevalence of lymphoma. When the first degree affects only the thyroid gland. The second degree is established if the pathological process has spread to the regional lymph nodes. The third degree implies the germination of a tumor in adjacent organs. At the fourth degree, pathological foci are found even in the trimmed systems, for example, in the gastrointestinal tract or the brain.

Symptoms of lymphoma of the thyroid gland

We have already said that the main symptom of this disease is external changes in the neck. Most often, a sick person can independently see that the shape of the neck has changed. It is worth noting that in most cases only one lobe of the gland is involved in the pathological process, due to which the changes are asymmetrical. The defeat of the lymph nodes is also often marked only on one side. During palpation, a tumor with a woody density is detected. At the same time it cannot be shifted relative to the trachea.

Due to the rapid growth of the neoplasm, symptoms often appear that indicate compression of the adjacent organs. These include difficulty in swallowing food or saliva, problems with voice, as well as shortness of breath caused by pressure on the trachea. In approximately fifty percent of cases, the clinical picture is supplemented by signs of hypothyroidism.

Another important point for lymphoma is that the symptoms characteristic of general intoxication of the body occur early. The patient indicates a fever, increased weakness and fatigue, as well as a progressive decrease in body weight, up to cachexia. However, it is worth noting that intoxication syndrome is not always present.

Diagnosis and treatment of the disease

Diagnosis of this disease begins with an external examination and palpation examination. Additionally, general and biochemical blood tests, the study of thyroid hormone levels, ultrasound diagnostics, computed tomography and much more can be prescribed. However, the final confirmation of the diagnosis is carried out using a fine-needle aspiration biopsy with the subsequent referral of the material obtained for cytological examination.

If the lymphoma goes beyond the thyroid gland, the patient is prescribed a combination therapy, including chemotherapy and radiation exposure. In the event that a neoplasm has a localized nature, it is first necessary to carry out a surgical intervention, and only then chemotherapy and radiation therapy. In the future, you need to pay attention to the restoration of hormone levels in the body.

Prevention of thyroid lymphoma

Talk about   prevention   this pathological process is not possible due to the unexplained nature of its development. The only recommendation is the timely treatment of autoimmune thyroiditis.

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