Treatment and prevention of thyroid lesions

In the full coordinated work of the endocrine system plays a significant role   thyroid. Its hormones are responsible for regulating basal metabolism, maintaining pressure, affecting the digestive, sexual functions and the state of the nervous system. Against the background of autoimmune tissue damage, leading to a sharp increase in its activity and the formation of thyrotoxicosis, the general condition, heart function, vascular tone, activity of the nervous system and all other organs and systems are greatly disturbed. Without a complete diagnosis and treatment, taking certain medications, the condition can progress and form life-threatening crises. In those prone to pathology, prevention is especially important, which can reduce the risk of gland damage, and if a pathology has occurred, reduce the risk of exacerbations and complications.

Diagnosis of thyrotoxicosis

The basis of diagnosis in cases of suspected thyrotoxicosis is anamnesis data, an indication of the presence in the family of cases of thyroid diseases, especially in the female line. It is important for the physician to question the patient in detail, identifying the typical complaints that he had previously or that appeared at the time of the examination. These include increased sweating, enlargement of the thyroid gland, cardiovascular disorders (pressure fluctuations, heart palpitations), eye changes, fever, tremor (trembling fingers, body trembling). For thyrotoxicosis, typical neurological symptoms, the presence of permanent tachycardia as a sign of increased metabolism.

To confirm the diagnosis, to determine thyrotoxicosis, it is necessary to study the basal metabolism and changes in the organs and tissues. Blood tests are shown (general, blood biochemistry, analysis of thyroid hormone levels, urine tests).

Complementing the picture of the disease is an ultrasound of the thyroid gland, and if you suspect that the part of the chest is localized, a chest X-ray. Used to clarify the diagnosis of radioisotope scanning of the thyroid gland, conducting in case of doubt CT or MRI of the thyroid gland.

Treatment: what drugs are shown?

The basis of the treatment of Grave’s disease is drug therapy: the treatment with thyrostatic drugs that suppress the function of the thyroid gland is used. Prescribe high doses of these drugs in order to rapidly inhibit the activity of the tissues of the organ. The treatment is carried out under the control of the level of hormones in the blood and dynamic changes in the clinical picture. On average, therapy with these drugs lasts at least a year. Additionally apply symptomatic   medicines, depending on the symptoms – beta-blockers, immunotherapy, sedatives.

With the ineffectiveness of all measures or with the intolerance of conservative therapy, surgical treatment is indicated, part of the thyroid gland is removed to reduce symptoms. However, during surgery, relapses are frequent.

The third method of treatment is the use of radioactive iodine, but this method is used only in older people with extinct reproductive function. Radioactive iodine suppresses the function of the thyroid gland, usually this process is irreversible. Synthetic hormones are then prescribed for replacement therapy.

Thyroid activity control: side events

In order to maximally normalize the activity of the thyroid gland, compliance with a benign regimen is indicated, especially during periods of exacerbation of pathology. Frequent physical rest, psychological rest is necessary so that the thyroid gland does not receive additional stimulating signals. Sanatorium-resort therapy is prescribed in conditions of low altitude, out-of-town rest, a precautionary attitude towards the patient and the creation of a comfortable environment for him. Staying in the open sun, sea bathing and baths, showing air baths in the shade, cool bathing and douche, and circular shower are contraindicated.

A special diet is prescribed with increased caloric intake, an increase in the proportion of carbohydrates, restriction of animal proteins, and the elimination of all stimulating products — coffee, chocolate, tea, and alcohol. Required intake of vitamins, and in particular, thiamine, as well as calcium. Additionally recommended sedatives and sedatives based on valerian and motherwort, bromides,   Persen, Novo-Passit.

Complications and effects of excessive hormone synthesis

Thyrotoxic crises are especially dangerous to life and health when hormones are synthesized in critically high volumes. A crisis is a sharp violation of the condition resulting in a failure of vital organs, characterized by high mortality. In addition, disruption of the condition and changes in the organs associated with high doses of hormones secreted by the gland lead to disability. The causes of death in patients with diffuse toxic goiter are the development of heart failure, severe exhaustion, cachexia, the development of secondary infections, or thyrotoxic crises.

Pathology Prevention

The basis of prevention is timely examination for suspected thyroid problems. In addition, high-risk groups include women with burdened heredity, for whom   prophylaxis   organ lesions are most relevant. They need to avoid stress, shocks, immediately treat angina and respiratory system pathology. These patients are not recommended to use iodized salt, which is used as a mass prevention of iodine deficiency among the population. It is necessary to avoid artificially iodized products, so as not to cause provocations in the body.

It is important to regularly visit the therapist, and if necessary, also the endocrinologist. The slightest changes in the neck area, an increase in its volume is a reason for a complete immediate examination, in order to exclude the hyperfunction of the thyroid gland.

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