Thyroid is our everything!

Disorders in the thyroid gland are one of the most common painful conditions. Identification of the course of endocrine disorders partially clarifies the functions and tasks of the organ itself.

Being the main hormone regulator of the whole organism, the thyroid gland “organizes” the basic vital processes. These include:  

– metabolism;

– work of the cardiovascular and reproductive systems;

– the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and neurological structures.

An imbalance in the hormonal activity of the thyroid gland is fraught with the development of serious complications.

Signs of a “sick” thyroid

A healthy thyroid gland (“butterfly”) forms the standard for a healthy person. The correct interaction of hormonal components provides the body with the necessary energy, participates in the formation of strong bone tissue, smooth and supple skin, shiny hair. Thanks to the work of the thyroid gland, timely puberty and the implementation of the main reproductive function of a person is possible – conception, gestation and childbirth.  

Minor irregularities in the work of the “butterfly” have no external manifestation. The overall well-being of a person changes very slightly.

The first alarming symptoms develop against the background of the progression of pathological processes. The most common painful conditions of the thyroid gland are called “hyperteriosis” and “hypothyroidism.”

The first type is characterized by an increased concentration of all or some specific hormones (thyroxine, triiodothyronine, calcitonin). A person suffering from this type of pathology experiences an excited state, often suffers from insomnia, complains of excessive sweating, intolerance to high air temperatures. In this case, depressive moods, the inability to concentrate on one thing are frequent.

The “oppressed” thyroid gland (hypofunction) is manifested by weakness, drowsiness, apathy, and inability to prolong mental or physical activity. Hypotheriosis negatively affects a person’s ability to remember information and learn new knowledge.  

Principles of treatment and prevention

If initial hyper- or hypofunction is detected, the doctor prescribes a patient treatment consisting of taking special hormonal drugs. This method of treatment is considered the most effective.

However, the duration of the positive effect depends on the conscientious fulfillment by the patient of all medical prescriptions. In the case of self-canceling hormone therapy or repeatedly skipping the drug, relapses are possible.

The basic preventive norm that reduces the likelihood of developing hormonal imbalance is the regular passage of special diagnostic procedures by patients. An ultrasound examination is recommended once a year for people who do not have specific instructions from their doctor. At the same time, the thyroid gland “demonstrates” the existing formal signs of the disease (altered volume and structure).  

Detection of defective characteristics or the presence of a genetic predisposition to the disease requires a regular assessment of the blood test of patients for the quantitative content of thyroid hormones. In some cases, additional procedures are prescribed that reveal the qualitative characteristics of the changing structure of the thyroid gland.

The harmonious functioning of the thyroid gland is a guarantee of the health of the basic structures of the body, such as the heart, brain, gastrointestinal tract, reproductive organs. Early diagnosis and treatment of various disorders in the work of the hormone-regulated organ can reduce the symptomatic indicators of ailments, as well as provide the possibility of functional life of all these systems for many years.

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