Symptoms and nature of the manifestation of multinodular goiter of the thyroid gland: is it correctly diagnosed

Multinodular goiter of the thyroid gland is a pathology in which the appearance of neoplasms on this organ of humoral regulation, called nodes, is characteristic. Such growths can be single or multiple. Specialist doctors say that this thyroid disease provokes a malfunction of the DNA cell, when any environmental factor provokes its sudden division. This stimulates the development of neoplasms of various nature and degree of development. It is difficult enough to identify a multinodular goiter of the thyroid gland, the symptoms of which at an early stage differ little from ordinary fatigue.

Classification of pathology

There are several forms and degrees of this pathology, depending on the nature of the organ changes:

  • nodal. Such a diagnosis is made in cases where the doctor sees that the thyroid gland has unevenly increased and thickened. Occurs with pathologically increased hormone-forming activity of the organ;
  • If a diffuse multinodular goiter of the thyroid gland is suspected, a characteristic feature is a uniform increase in the organ, provoked by a reduced activity of the excretory function;
  • Mixed or endemic nodular goiter combines the symptoms and signs of the pathologies listed above. It is extremely rare.

Most often, specialist doctors diagnose “diffuse toxic goiter”, when a large number of neoplasms cause an uncontrolled excess release of thyroid hormones, which leads to poisoning of the body with its own chemicals – hormone intoxication.

The symptoms of nodular goiter are quite pronounced, they are noticeably manifested not only in the physiological sense, but also in the cosmetic sense, and can cause a lot of discomfort to the sick person.

Stages of disease development

This hormonal disease is specific in that it develops over several stages, each of which has its own symptoms and signs:

  • Zero degree. There are practically no visible changes in the thyroid gland, as well as physiological manifestations in the patient’s body;
  • At 1 degree swelling on the organ can be determined by palpation;
  • During the 2nd degree, all the main symptoms and signs are most intensely manifested, based on which doctors make a diagnosis.

Despite the fact that it is rather difficult to determine the disease in the early stages, the disease is easy to prevent in the initial stage if you are attentive to your health. If you experience frequent weakness and ailments of any origin, you should consult a specialist doctor.

The main symptoms and signs of the disease

In order to make an accurate diagnosis of multinodular goiter of the thyroid gland, the symptoms must be quite distinct. There are many pathologies of humoral regulation with similar features. It is important to remember that for each type and degree of the disease, different signs of manifestation are characteristic, therefore it is so difficult for a specialist doctor to figure out exactly what type of pathology causes discomfort to the patient.

External manifestations with a low level of hormones

Externally, the nodular goiter becomes noticeable immediately. Until the neoplasm grows to 1–2 centimeters, it cannot be seen. Only the use of ultrasound will help, but a very small number of patients go to the doctor at an early stage of the disease, not attaching importance to such signs and symptoms as:

  • weakness;
  • lethargy;
  • quick irritability;
  • general fatigue;
  • decrease in libido;
  • disruptions in the menstrual cycle in women;
  • insomnia;
  • sudden increases or decreases in blood pressure;
  • poor appetite.

Those who become ill mistakenly believe that such conditions are associated with ordinary overwork, stress at work, or troubles in their personal lives. Meanwhile, these are the first markers of the development of nodular goiter with reduced hormone production. Later, other symptoms develop: the condition of the skin, hair and nails worsens, body weight increases significantly, and specific edema occurs on the face. The patient will complain about the deterioration of the defecation process, constipation, loss of appetite.

Symptoms of high hormone levels

If the patient has the following signs, then the doctor will suspect the appearance of a multinodular goiter with an increased release of hormones:

  • a significant increase in body temperature, fever or chills for no apparent reason;
  • constantly rapid pulse, heartbeat pathologically high;
  • there are characteristic signs of an impact on the nervous system: irritability, anxiety, restlessness, later tantrums;
  • appetite will remain at the same level, however, the body mass index will drop rapidly – this is due to a noticeably accelerated metabolism, the body will not have time to absorb the proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and other useful substances necessary for its functioning;
  • the skin of the sick person will be dry and hot almost all the time;
  • feeling of lack of fluid in the body;
  • sweating of the palms, armpits;
  • tremor of the hands;
  • a characteristic symptom is exophthalmos – a pathological forward protrusion of the eyeball;
  • indigestion, diarrhea.

The intensity of the manifestation of signs and symptoms depends on the stage of development of the disease and how long the body has to do without the hormones necessary for its normal functioning.

Signs of illness in the absence of hormonal failure

Nodular goiter can also form during normal hormone production. Such cases are extremely rare, but a doctor can also diagnose them if he sees symptoms such as:

  • a significant increase in the characteristic nodular neoplasm. It will show through the neck significantly;
  • the patient complains of difficulty swallowing, as if a pebble was stuck in the throat;
  • constant sore throat, dryness of the mouth, tongue and pharynx;
  • doctors suspect thyroid disorders if the patient often suffers from tonsillitis, bronchitis and tracheitis for no apparent reason;
  • cough;
  • difficulty breathing when turning the head and moving the neck.

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