Danger of thyroid dysfunction

Insomnia, emotional lability, excessive sweating, and fatigue too fast are the symptoms that anyone can face. In most cases, they do not cause unnecessary anxiety in a person; he is not inclined to consult a doctor in such a situation. However, it is worth remembering that such manifestations may indicate thyroid dysfunction. In violation of its work, all systems of the human body suffer.

Signs of thyroid damage

The thyroid gland is an endocrine organ that synthesizes several important hormones. These biologically active substances regulate internal metabolism, affect organs and systems in the human body. Fluctuations in the concentration of thyroid hormones leads to organ dysfunction with the occurrence of characteristic symptoms. Very often it is subtle. Patients suffer from hormonal imbalance for years, attributing everything to overwork, poor ecology, or ordinary old age.

Despite this, it is worth remembering that dysfunction of the thyroid gland can provoke the appearance of the following symptoms:

  • Heat Exchange Disorders. A person is either always hot or cold;
  • Deterioration of the skin (excessive dryness, peeling, cracking);
  • Hair loss and dryness;
  • White or other color plaque on the tongue;
  • Thinning of the nail plate;
  • Increased heart rate, arrhythmia;
  • Excessive sweating;
  • Constipation or diarrhea;
  • Change in taste, loss of appetite;
  • Emotional lability, sleep rhythm disturbance;
  • Obesity or causeless weight loss;
  • Menstrual cycle disorder;
  • Potency reduction in men.

Fixation of several of the above symptoms may indicate thyroid dysfunction. The concentration of thyroid hormones can be reduced or increased.

Health hazard

The symptoms described above are most often not a cause for concern about your health. Chronic fatigue, sleep rhythm disturbances are traditionally attributed to too difficult work. Gaining excess weight – on improper diet and the like.

However, it is important to understand that prolonged disregard for this symptom in the presence of a thyroid disorder leads to disease progression with an increased risk of complications. They already pose a direct threat to the health, and sometimes the life of the patient.

Serious consequences of advanced forms of thyroid pathology are:

  • With thyrotoxicosis (hyperthyroidism) – an increased risk of cardiovascular catastrophe against a background of high blood pressure;
  • Thyrotoxic crisis. The extreme manifestation of thyrotoxicosis, provoked by a sharp release of a large amount of the corresponding hormones into the blood;
  • With hypothyroidism (hypofunction of the thyroid gland) – severe obesity with all concomitant disorders in the body (diabetes, osteoarthritis, gallstone disease, increased cardiovascular risks).

To prevent the development of such complications, you need to constantly monitor the health of the thyroid gland. Bioactive additives based on medicinal plants will perfectly help with this .

“Endocrinol” for the thyroid gland

“Endocrinol” – a natural dietary supplement, the active substance of which is white cinquefoil. Thanks to these capsules, it is possible to effectively ensure the normal function of an organ such as the thyroid gland.

From ancient times, the root of the white cinquefoil is used in folk medicine. The treatment of the thyroid gland with the help of this plant has recently been used in official medicine. Bloodroot is available in the form of capsules and cream.

Numerous clinical studies confirm that with white cinquefoil you can:

  • to maintain an adequate concentration of thyroid hormones in human blood;
  • stabilize the structure of the relevant organ;
  • reduce the activity of autoimmune reactions in the thyroid gland;
  • to suspend the progression of nodes in the organ parenchyma.

To reduce the severity of symptoms, it is enough to use only two capsules per day of an additive containing white cinquefoil. Treatment of the thyroid gland with Endocrinol is quite lengthy, since it takes a certain amount of time to normalize the hormonal background.

After a few months, a person usually notices a decrease in symptoms and a general improvement in the state of health, which is provided by the white cinquefoil (root). The use in the treatment of the thyroid gland of this plant in the form of a cream enhances the effect of the capsules. It is applied to the skin of the neck, in the projection area of ​​the corresponding organ. Endocrinol Cream also contains other herbal ingredients that increase its effectiveness.

The effectiveness of different dietary supplements based on white cinquefoil is not always the same. The effectiveness of therapy is affected by:

  • The quality of the raw plant material;
  • Time of its collection;
  • Processing method;
  • Soil, plant care, the use of special fertilizers for growing.

To create “Endocrinol” white cinquefoil is used, assembled in its own fields. It is harvested only in those periods when the maximum amount of necessary active substances is present in it. Further, using low-temperature processing methods, raw materials are prepared while preserving all the medicinal properties of the plant. Thanks to this approach, it is possible to ensure a consistently high quality of the final product.

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