Thyroid gland: development in embryogenesis
The development of the thyroid gland in embryogenesis. An embryo of the thyroid gland arises in the 3-4th week of pregnancy
The development of the thyroid gland in embryogenesis. An embryo of the thyroid gland arises in the 3-4th week of pregnancy
May 25 is World Thyroid Day. What you should know about this organ and how to prevent diseases associated with the thyroid gland, we asked Dr. Vladimir Mukhin,
According to statistics, women suffer from thyroid diseases more often. The problem is that the symptoms in this case, it is not obvious, and they can be mistaken for anything: the
The reasons for which people become vegans much. Some want to become healthier, others want to reduce their impact on nature, others feel sorry for animals. But in many cases, they are deficient
Relevance Nodules of the thyroid gland are a frequent find according to ultrasound data. However, further management tactics are not always
goal Assess the risk of developing thyroid cancer (thyroid cancer) from the nodal structures found during an ultrasound examination of
Despite the fact that the intracapsulated follicular variant of papillary thyroid cancer (IFVR) progresses very slowly, most patients are treated as
Today more and more often you can find references to a problem that concerns the health of a large category
In humans, the thyroid gland is an unpaired organ in the form of a dark red or brownish-red tubercle, located
In summer, every person wants to go on vacation to the south, to warm countries, where he can soak up