Why is thyroid goiter dangerous and how to cure it?

The thyroid gland is an endocrine gland and regulates the functioning of many organs and systems in the human body. Disruption of the thyroid gland leads to the appearance of various diseases such as nodular goiter, autoimmune thyroiditis and many others.

Thyroid function

The thyroid gland is located in the trachea, slightly below the thyroid cartilage. It consists of an isthmus and two lobes connected to it. From the inside, this organ is covered with blood vessels, nerves and follicular cells. Thyroid hormones synthesize protein, stimulate the cardiovascular system and stimulate fat metabolism.

Thyroid goiter

Common thyroid diseases include nodular goiter. It leads to an increase in the gland and a violation of its function. This disease occurs in 5% of cases of thyroid pathologies. Women get sick much more often than men. With nodular goiter, multiple or single follicles are formed in the form of follicular cysts or tumors.

The reasons

There are several reasons that lead to the development of goiter in humans:

1) lack of iodine;

2) hereditary diseases;

3) stress;

4) the effect of toxic substances;

5) radiation exposure.

Lack of iodine in the daily diet can lead to endemic goiter. At the same time, the thyroid gland tries to replace the lack of hormones with excessive growth. In some cases, the cause of the disease may be increased stress or constant stress. A considerable influence on the formation of cysts and tumors in the thyroid gland is exerted by the action of the environment and a hereditary predisposition.

The danger of nodular goiter is that excessive enlargement of the thyroid gland can affect respiratory function and lead to organ compression in these places. There is also a high risk of degeneration of the benign course of the disease into a malignant form.

Signs of a nodular goiter

Often, nodular goiter occurs without visible symptoms, and the disease is detected only in the later stages. Of the general signs, weakness, fatigue, increased body weight, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract can be observed. The patient becomes irritable, tearful, he is tormented by insomnia.

With the enlargement of the gland, a cosmetic defect occurs (a bulge in the neck), adjacent to the thyroid organs begin to squeeze. At this stage, hoarseness, coughing, a lump in the throat, and trouble breathing and swallowing may appear.


For the diagnosis, several methods are used:

  •  CT scan;
  •  ultrasound examination;
  • biopsy;
  • laboratory methods.

Nodular goiter is differentiated from malignant tumors of the thyroid gland.

Treatment of nodular goiter

For the treatment of nodular goiter, you can use conservative methods, a surgical method, treatment with radioactive iodine and alternative treatment. The method of treatment depends on the patient’s condition, on the cause of the goiter and on many other factors.

To suppress the excessive production of hormones, drug therapy is used. For this purpose, the patient is prescribed preparations of radioactive iodine and thyroxine. For large tumors, surgery is recommended.

Prevention of nodular goiter

For the prevention of nodular goiter, it is recommended to eat properly. Products must contain iodine to stop the growth of nodes. A large amount is found in seafood, milk, meat and eggs.

Promotes the growth of tumors and nodes of the thyroid gland, corn, rutabaga and turnip. You can not visit the solarium and carry out procedures related to the warming of the thyroid gland.

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