Thyroid gland: the volume rate in women and the importance of the organ in the life of the fair sex

The normal volume of the thyroid gland in women depends on weight and age. There are also a number of other characteristics that determine the normal volume of an organ.

The importance of the thyroid gland in the human body

The thyroid gland plays an important role in ensuring the normal functioning of the human body. Its activities are aimed at the production of thyroid hormones and the preservation of iodine.

Similar actions:

  • occupy one of the first positions in the formation of muscle and bone mass;
  • control the processes of formation, development and renewal of body tissues;
  • increase the number of mitochondria, which are necessary for optimal energy metabolism;
  • reduce blood cholesterol levels;
  • take part in the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and vitamins;
  • stimulate the formation of proteins and strengthen the body’s defenses;
  • regulate the activity of other hormones.

Thyroid hormones affect many processes in the human body, therefore, their optimal content in the blood is important for life. The body is able to accumulate the necessary substances in sufficient quantities to remove them into the systemic circulation at the right time.

Iodine helps the thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormones. Without this substance, it is impossible to ensure the normal functioning of the body.

Calculating the volume of the thyroid gland

To correctly determine the size of the organ in question, it is necessary to know its anatomical features.

The structure of the thyroid gland is as follows: two lobes, which are united by an isthmus. Under normal conditions, the right side is larger than the left. In the twentieth part of the human population, the connecting part is absent for physiological reasons.

In modern research, there are individuals with an additional pyramidal lobe. But do not worry, since this feature does not negatively affect the functioning of the organ.

The thyroid gland in women is larger than in men, and is located differently – to the side of the thyroid and cricoid cartilage.

At birth, the minimum body weight is 2 grams. But by the end of the year, its weight increases to 14 grams. The active development of the thyroid gland occurs at the age of 5 to 10 years. Upon reaching 55 years of age, its size decreases due to follicular atrophy. But even a small volume of an organ does not interfere with normal activity. Tissue reserves remain intact until the onset of menopause.

An important parameter that determines the normal volume of a woman’s thyroid gland is body weight.

The length of the lobes should be in the range from 2.5 to 4 cm, width – from 1.5 to 2 cm, thickness from 1 to 1.5 cm. These numbers may change during menstruation or pregnancy.

You can evaluate the size of the organ by palpation. For a more accurate determination, an ultrasound examination is used. With its help, you can find out the necessary numbers, the structure of the thyroid gland and its location, the presence of pathological formations.

The volume of the share is calculated as follows:

V = length * width * height * 0.479

The last value is the ellipsoid coefficient.

As a result, we get information about 1 lobe of the thyroid gland. Next, we count the second part and summarize the numbers. We get the total volume of the organ. The isthmus is not included in the calculations.

The rate depends on the individual characteristics of a person, his age and weight. If, during the study, changes are found in the size or structure of an organ, then this may indicate the presence of serious disorders in the body.

Diseases of the thyroid gland

To ensure optimal activity of the thyroid gland, it is necessary to supply it with iodine, proteins, oxygen and other useful elements in a timely manner.

It is easy to assess the work of organ hormones. A woman who does not have problems with the thyroid gland is characterized by stability of the nervous system, easily tolerates stress, feels good and can successfully lose weight with diet and exercise.

If the volume of the organ does not correspond to the norm, then this always signals about various diseases:

  • if there is a diffuse increase, then this is a toxic goiter;
  • a rounded cavity with fluid – a cyst;
  • swelling or too large – an infectious disease;
  • heterogeneous structure – inflammatory process;
  • fibrous tissue – hypothyroidism, which is characterized by a decrease in the function of the gland;
  • the focus of compaction is a benign or malignant tumor.

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