Thyroid Euthyroidism in Pregnancy


  • The importance of normal gland function during pregnancy
  • Eutheriosis: “good” does not mean “healthy”
  • Causes of Euthyroid Pathology
  • How to prepare the thyroid gland for pregnancy?

The thyroid gland, with its small size, performs very important tasks in the human body. The hormones produced by it – thyroxine and triiodothyronine – are actively involved in metabolic processes, in particular, in the formation and maintenance of healthy bone tissue.

Violations in the work of this body, which are manifested in increasing or decreasing hormone production, are very detrimental to well-being and human health. This is compounded by the fact that timely diagnosis of them can be very difficult. The chronic form of these diseases leads to disability.

The importance of normal gland function during pregnancy

Many diseases of this gland develop due to a lack of iodine in the body. Thus, insufficient iodine intake and the resulting thyroid disorders during pregnancy can cause serious complications in the mother (premature birth) and even affect the condition of the fetus (congenital malformations, goiter formation in the newborn). However, timely adjustment helps prevent serious gland changes and possible consequences. That is why during pregnancy it is very important to monitor the condition of the gland.

Quite often, women observe euthyroidism of the thyroid gland during pregnancy. What is this condition and what can it lead to?

Eutheriosis: “good” does not mean “healthy”

The term eutheroid, literally meaning “good,” is used to characterize such a state of the thyroid gland, when, despite its increase, the functions of this gland are not yet impaired. That is, the amount of thyroxine and triiodothyronine in the blood is not lower or lower than the hole, but the gland itself, for example, compensating for the iodine deficiency, increases, forming goiter.

Of course, one cannot speak of a healthy gland in this situation. However, this condition, with all its instability, can last a long time. And, possibly, on the contrary, changes in the thyroid gland will reach a critical level, hormone production will decrease sharply or increase, which will entail hypo- or hyperteriosis.

Causes of Euthyroid Pathology

The causes of these pathologies can be:

  • Not enough iodine.
  • Thyroid inflammation.
  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • Poor ecological situation in the region and unfavorable environment.

These factors can contribute to the onset of the disease, especially in situations of constant stress, which is only exacerbated by a hereditary predisposition. However, the development of such a condition is possible also in the case when the female body, consuming an increased amount of hormones during pregnancy, changes the hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, if this took place before pregnancy, to euthyroidism. This condition is corrected by taking the necessary drugs.

How to prepare the thyroid gland for pregnancy?

Since the body of a pregnant woman experiences an additional load and needs more minerals and nutrients, it makes sense, planning to become a mother, to start, on the recommendation of a doctor, in order to prevent iodine deficiency, take drugs containing the daily need of the body. It makes sense to take such medicines throughout pregnancy.

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