Thyroid Euthyroidism: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment


  • Euthyroid pathology
  • Causes of Euthyroid Pathology
  • Symptoms of thyroid euthyroidism
  • Thyroid Euthyroidism Treatment

Thyroid disease is quite common and diverse. There are many reasons for them. What unites all diseases is the fact that they are manifested in three “forms”: hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, and euthyroidism of the thyroid gland.

Euthyroidism is a thyroid condition in which the levels of thyroid-stimulating (TSH) and thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) are in a normal state. The concept of euthyroidism is used to characterize the results of laboratory tests.

Euthyroid pathology

Despite the fact that euthyroidism of the thyroid gland is a normal amount of hormones, in some cases serious diseases can develop against its background. For example, autoimmune thyroiditis (then diagnosed with autoimmune euthyroidism), endemic goiter. These diseases can be accompanied by severe symptoms and an enlargement of the thyroid gland, and the state of euthyroidism is most often temporary and lasts until the thyroid gland undergoes more serious changes. Thus, in medical practice, the concept of euthyroid pathology is separately distinguished.

With euthyroidism, as well as with hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, a diffuse change in the thyroid gland can be determined, nodes can be detected. If there are several, then a multinodular goiter of euthyroidism is diagnosed.

Causes of Euthyroid Pathology

  • Iodine deficiency
  • Adverse environmental factors,
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Inflammatory processes in the thyroid gland,
  • Genetic predisposition.

The causes of euthyroidism can be varied. The fact is that the human endocrine system is very sensitive to any changes, the thyroid gland is especially vulnerable. Euthyroidism, as a rule, does not last long. The situation with the amount of thyroid hormones can change at any time, both in the direction of increase and decrease.

For example, what happens in a woman’s body during pregnancy? His needs for thyroid hormones increase, he begins to actively spend them. Content: hormones fall (especially in the second half of pregnancy), and the hyperthyroidism that has taken place goes into euthyroidism. If there are diseases of the thyroid gland, then maintaining euthyroidism during pregnancy is very important for its preservation. This is usually achieved with drug therapy.

With the help of medications, the hormonal background is normalized in many diseases. Thus, drug euthyroidism is achieved. In this condition, many symptoms that bother the person are alleviated if the hormonal background is disturbed.

Symptoms of thyroid euthyroidism

They are associated with manifestations of the underlying disease. The most common and the very first are nervous disorders. Suddenly, we notice that habitual relaxation does not give the desired effect, that for a long time we cannot recover from a little stress or react too violently to the situation. It is possible that these are the symptoms of euthyroidism, that something is wrong with the thyroid gland, and treatment is needed.

Thyroid euthyroidism can manifest as follows.

  • Increased nervous irritability,
  • Enlargement of the thyroid gland, the formation of nodes in it,
  • Lump in throat or other signs of neck compression.

Thyroid Euthyroidism Treatment

Diagnostic procedures, the main ones being a clinical blood test and ultrasound of the thyroid gland, can answer the question of whether treatment is needed for this patient. Euthyroidism is not always necessary to treat, often dynamic observation is enough. If the condition is stable, then no measures other than optimizing nutrition and lifestyle are needed.

In case of detection of some “problems”, treatment of euthyroidism can be prescribed, which is based mainly on conservative methods. The purpose of treatment is to normalize the patient’s condition, reduce the size of the thyroid gland and the size of the nodular formations (if any).

Conservative treatment options:

  • Levothyroxine therapy
  • Monotherapy with iodine preparations,
  • Combination therapy with iodine and levothyroxine.

Surgical treatment of euthyroidism is prescribed only in cases where the size of the enlarged gland spoils the patient’s appearance or causes problems with eating, breathing. Also, when multiple nodes are formed or the size of these neoplasms is more than 1 cm, an operation can be indicated. But in this case, a biopsy is required to determine if there are any oncological changes.

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