Thyroid cyst during pregnancy: degree of danger

Pregnancy is a very responsible and important time when you need to monitor your health and the condition of the baby, his development. Many endocrine organs significantly affect the course of pregnancy, but the thyroid gland occupies a special place in this series. A change in the balance of her hormones can lead to a fading pregnancy, miscarriages or intrauterine growth retardation of the baby. But how can a cyst in the thyroid gland affect the course of pregnancy, is it possible to give birth to a healthy baby with its presence?

The effect of the thyroid gland on pregnancy

Often, the thyroid gland, which suffers from various pathologies, becomes the cause of changes in hormone production and pregnancy problems, up to its termination. Therefore, all women who have various abnormalities in the structure or function of the thyroid gland are specifically registered with obstetrician-gynecologists. The general condition and hormones of the gland, as well as the development of the fetus according to ultrasound, are constantly examined.

One of the problems that can be detected in women planning a pregnancy or already bearing a baby is a cyst in the thyroid gland. Such formations can not be attributed to changes that are directly related to the new state, a change in the balance of hormones during gestation. It is important to undergo a full examination, which will show how the thyroid gland and its hormones in the presence of cysts affect the course of pregnancy.

Any deviations in the thyroid gland, including the formation of a cyst, can negatively affect the course of pregnancy, often in conditions of hormone deficiency, the baby develops poorly.

Reasons why a cyst develops

A cyst can form as a result of the influence of multiple factors, which are not always associated with pathologies. Often the formation of cysts in the thickness of the gland is associated with physiological changes in the whole organism, hormonal background and gland structure, which should be regarded as a normal reaction to pregnancy. In addition, a pronounced iodine deficiency in nutrition, and as a result in a woman’s body , can lead to the formation of cysts . Thyroiditis, inflammatory processes in the organ, stress factors, neck injuries and adverse heredity can contribute to the formation of cysts.  

Virtually no effect on the bearing of the fetus of a cyst up to 1 cm in size, having a benign origin: usually this is a colloidal formation, prone to gradual resorption.

Manifestations of the cyst, the effect on the baby

Manifestations of cysts can be diverse, from an asymptomatic course to pronounced external changes and a sharp imbalance in hormones. Pregnant women are more sensitive to various sensations, so they may feel discomfort when swallowing or breathing in the neck from the early stages of the onset of the neoplasm. There may be such manifestations as sore throat, changes in voice, impaired swallowing of both food and liquid. With a large cyst, the outlines of the neck are externally deformed. Cysts with purulent contents are especially dangerous, given that during pregnancy, immunity is reduced, and this can lead to breakthrough of pus in the surrounding tissue.

A baby can suffer from manifestations of a cyst in the thyroid gland, if this is accompanied by a sharp decrease in hormone production or their excessive formation. Often, a changed hormonal background affects the normal growth and development of the baby’s nervous system. A state of reduced synthesis of hormones can lead to the development of cretinism after birth, severe mental retardation in combination with other equally unpleasant manifestations of congenital hypothyroidism.

Methods for diagnosing cysts during pregnancy

The basis of the diagnosis is the typical complaints of the expectant mother related to the formation of a round or irregular tumor on the neck. To determine the nature of the formation, an ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland is prescribed, in which a cavity with a capsule and contents inside is detected. To determine the nature of the cyst, it is necessary to donate blood to hormones, as well as to conduct a puncture of education.  

The puncture will determine exactly whether the cyst has a benign character, it is performed with a thin game under local anesthesia and is not at all dangerous for the mother and baby. In addition, a similar method can be used to treat a cyst by introducing a special substance into its cavity, which leads to gluing (sclerosing) of the walls and eliminating the formation or reduction of its size.

Often, the thyroid cyst is functionally inactive, does not affect pregnancy, and the baby, if present, develops quite normally. Such a cyst does not require any treatment, it is only observed for it so that its size does not increase and does not lead to mechanical compression of the neck organs. The identification of this kind of education in the early stages is not a reason for abortion, a woman may be prescribed emotional and physical peace. Whether iodine or hormone therapy will be prescribed, the doctor will decide. If the formation reaches a large size, it is operated only after childbirth or during pregnancy in the presence of vital and urgent indications.

When intervention is required

Most cysts do not affect pregnancy, a baby, if any, is born on time and without health problems. However, a small percentage of such formations can degenerate into oncology and then it is necessary to decide on emergency treatment. It consists in the surgical removal of the cyst, and then hormone therapy and radiation therapy, which is very dangerous for the fetus. Therefore, in this case, the future fate of pregnancy is decided by a consultation of doctors with the participation of the expectant mother, depending on what is the gestational age and stage of the cancer process.

In most cases, the gland cyst has favorable prognoses, and after pregnancy it often resolves without leaving any consequences.  

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