The main diseases of the thyroid gland
All processes in our body are interconnected, and violations in the operation of one system can adversely affect the performance
All processes in our body are interconnected, and violations in the operation of one system can adversely affect the performance
If there are problems with vision, the temperature rises without the action of an infection, heart problems are observed, weight
They say that all diseases are from nerves. In part, such a statement is true. But it happens, and vice versa, when
Autoimmune thyroiditis is a chronic inflammatory process that forms in the tissues of the thyroid gland. Its essence lies in the
One of the commonly used anti-inflammatory drugs is Prednisone. It belongs to the group of synthetic non-fluorinated glucocorticosteroids. It has
The thyroid gland is one of the most important human organs. The health and work of all body systems largely depend
Today, a fairly large number of people suffer from thyroid diseases . There are many reasons – stresses, unfavorable ecological situation, lack of nutrients
The thyroid gland is an important part of the endocrine system of the body, designed for proper metabolism. Thyroid hormones are
Pregnancy is a very responsible and important time when you need to monitor your health and the condition of the
The thyroid gland is one of the active regulators of the metabolic processes of the body. In the presence of failures