Loose thyroid gland on ultrasound – why does this happen and what to do about it?

The thyroid gland belongs to the organs of the endocrine system. It releases hormones – substances with biologically active effects. Sometimes, during an ultrasound examination, the doctor writes that “the thyroid gland is loose, its structure is heterogeneous.” This does not mean any specific disease, but indicates a change in the density of the organ.

Briefly about the thyroid gland

The thyroid gland is located on the neck, covering the trachea in the form of a shield. It is easy to feel it under the skin. The main task of the gland is to produce thyroxine and triiodothyronine. These hormones affect the entire body:

 participate in sexual development;
 participate in metabolism;
 affect mental development.

Thyroid hormones are very important during childhood. They are responsible for the correct physical and mental maturation of the child.

Indications for ultrasound examination

An ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland is a way to diagnose thyroid diseases.
With the help of an ultrasound examination, the doctor determines the size of the organ, its structure, and features of the blood supply. Ultrasound shows growths inside the thyroid gland – cysts, nodes or tumors. Simultaneously with the ultrasound, blood tests for the content of thyroxine and triiodothyronine should be done. Ultrasound detects cysts, tumors, goiter.

What does a healthy thyroid gland look like on ultrasound

Normally, the thyroid tissue is dense and homogeneous. In ultrasound examination of organs, the criterion “graininess” is used. In the picture, each organ looks like an alternation of light and dark areas – grains. Thyroid tissue is fine-grained, that is, these areas are small. In the description of images to determine the density of organ tissue, the term ” echostructure ” is used. If the density increases, they speak of a hyperechoic structure. If the density decreases, the structure is called hypoechoic .

Inhomogeneity of the thyroid gland on ultrasound

With various diseases, an ultrasound scan shows a heterogeneous thyroid gland – this means that its tissue is different in different areas. This is determined by the change in grain size. Sometimes in the descriptions of the pictures you can find the phrase “loose thyroid gland” – this means that the grains have become larger, the space between them has become larger.
The symptom of “looseness” is characteristic of the enlargement of the thyroid gland:

 endemic goiter;
 diffuse toxic goiter;
 inflammation.

In such diseases, the echo structure of the thyroid gland is diffusely heterogeneous – in different areas the density is either high or low.

Thyroid tissue consists of small vesicles – follicles. They contain thyroid hormones. The diffusely inhomogeneous structure of the thyroid gland becomes because, due to inflammation or a violation of the production of hormones, the follicles increase. Follicles of normal size are adjacent to large ones – therefore, tissue heterogeneity is visible on ultrasound.

A locally heterogeneous structure of the thyroid gland is the same change in its density, but in one area. The reason for this is the formation of cysts, nodes or tumors in the thickness of the organ. A cyst is a highly enlarged follicle. It contains a thick liquid inside. On the contrary, nodes and tumors are denser in structure than healthy tissue. The follicles in these areas disappear, and a tumor forms in their place.

Symptoms of diseases with a heterogeneous structure of the thyroid gland

Diseases with a heterogeneous echo structure of the thyroid gland have different manifestations. Since thyroid hormones affect the entire body, symptoms occur in all organs, not just the thyroid gland.

Endemic goiter

The disease develops when there is a lack of iodine in the body. Iodine deficiency leads to a decrease in the production of thyroid hormones. Therefore, the thyroid gland increases compensatory – to meet the body’s need for hormones.
The symptoms of endemic goiter are scanty. The main complaint is difficulty in swallowing, hoarseness of the voice. These symptoms occur at a late stage, when the thyroid gland grows to a large size. Ultrasound reveals diffusely heterogeneous changes in the thyroid gland.

Toxic goiter

With this disease, the thyroid gland works harder than required. She makes more thyroid hormones than she needs. As in the case of endemic goiter, the thyroid gland grows, its structure becomes loose.

Symptoms of a toxic goiter:

 losing weight against a background of good appetite;
 unstable mood, irritability;
 fluctuations in blood pressure;
 headaches;
 sweating;
 rolling out of the eyeballs;
 upset stool;
 increase in temperature to 37-37.5 degrees;
 difficulty swallowing.

If the structure of the thyroid gland is heterogeneous, the entire organ undergoes pathological changes.

Autoimmune thyroiditis

The cause of thyroid inflammation is the formation of antibodies against it. This is a pathological reaction of the body that destroys its own organs. Symptoms of autoimmune thyroiditis depend on hormone levels. Most often, hormone levels are low, so the following symptoms are observed:

 drowsiness, lethargy;
 low body temperature;
 constant chilliness;
 increase in body weight;
 cold damp skin;
 low blood pressure.

The hypoechoic structure of the thyroid gland means that the density of the thyroid gland is reduced in different areas.

Cysts and tumors

Symptoms do not appear for a long time, as long as the growths inside the organ are small. On ultrasound, the echo structure of the thyroid gland is heterogeneously strengthened – this means that the density of the organ is increased at the site of the cyst or tumor. As the cyst or tumor grows, it becomes difficult to swallow, hoarseness.

Treatment for locally or diffusely heterogeneous thyroid gland

An endocrinologist is involved in the treatment of thyroid problems. A loose thyroid gland is not yet a reason to make an accurate diagnosis. It is necessary to conduct an additional examination, donate blood for hormones.

Treatment is carried out medically and surgically. With endemic goiter, iodine preparations are prescribed. With toxic goiter, drugs are shown to suppress the function of the thyroid gland. If thyroiditis with a weakening of thyroid function is detected, thyroid hormone preparations are prescribed.
Surgical treatment is used when the goiter, cyst or tumor is large. Then they squeeze the esophagus and trachea, interfere with the passage of food, breathing.

An inhomogeneous thyroid gland is a change in the density of an organ in one area or diffusely. Revealed by ultrasound. The symptom is nonspecific, it is observed in various diseases. For the diagnosis, additional examination by an endocrinologist is required.

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