Antabuse in the treatment of alcohol addiction

The instruction for the antabuse drug is actually quite simple, the most important thing in it is not to adopt this drug of a barrier nature of action with contraindications, and there are many of them. When to take, how to drink antabuse, how these pills work – all this is below.

What is the best way to manage alcohol dependence? If you are suffering from alcoholism, have made an admission of the problem and decide to take action, this is already the most important step – help is always available and it is a smart step to see a medical expert. Ask your drug therapist for an examination and prescribe the most appropriate treatment. The choice of a drug for alcohol abuse is a responsible event that requires not only special medical education, but a rich psychotherapeutic or drug addiction experience. Currently, preparations based on the active ingredient disulfiram are affordable for everyone.

Feasibility of using the drug Antabus

While tablets are an extremely powerful alcohol cravings deterrent, this drug is not suitable for everyone, and, for example, for patients with diabetes mellitus or other significant changes in metabolism, it is not possible to use it. However, if your doctor recommends this drug after the examination, you can purchase an antabuse and start taking it as directed, either on your own or as part of a group therapy method, that is, using these pills as a way to cope with your addiction. You need to take your drug for alcohol dependence strictly as recommended. As prescribed, you must adhere to the recommended dose, and also never drink alcohol in any dose while using the tablets.

How do antabuse pills work if you drink alcohol

Unlike other drugs that only reduce alcohol cravings, Antabuse tablets work by causing hangover-like reactions when mixed with alcoholic beverages in the body. For example, drinking a glass of spirits while using the pill is likely to cause confusion, vomiting, nausea, and other serious side effects of alcohol intoxication. This works for most alcohol addicts and forces them to stay away from alcohol altogether. Indeed, otherwise, the use of alcohol on a current medication can lead to very serious consequences, up to and including death. Numerous tests have shown an increase of over 50% in the effectiveness of abstinence. Although the pills are very effective, the person taking them must be motivated and disciplined to get long-term results. There is no quick specific antidote for a mixture of disulfiram and alcohol in the body, as a safe inhibitor that eliminates such a toxic reaction on an emergency basis. For most sufferers, the support of a spouse, relatives and friends is also an important factor.

How are alcohol pills treated?

In typical cases, a narcologist, after being examined for the absence of contraindications, prescribes Antabuse tablets for the first few weeks at a daily dose of 500 mg, and then a daily maintenance dose of 200 mg. Nevertheless, such drug treatment cannot be used as a template; it is required to take into account the individual characteristics of the patient. Therefore, both pre- and post-doses should be determined exclusively by the attending physician. The number of people who have not used alcohol or other drugs for several months of treatment or even years without suffering from any side effects is very large. But some have complications such as drowsiness, a metallic taste in the mouth and headaches.

In general, all these side effects have been studied and they usually occur only in the initial phase of treatment, and then disappear after a while. But, if you continue to be treated with this drug and have serious or chronic side effects, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible.

There are other drugs with a similar action, for example the drug Kolme, which is used as tasteless and odorless drops to be added to food and drinks for the patient. So is a slightly different action, for example Naltrexone, which blocks the onset of alcoholic euphoria, that is, eliminates the pleasure of drinking alcohol. Using drugs that work in a different way to reduce alcohol cravings and hangovers may be more appropriate in some cases. All over the world, research is continuing and new drugs are being developed, so there are more and more types of pills for the treatment of alcoholism. The main thing is that the appropriate measures taken are approved by your doctor. Even if the narcologist has prescribed Antabuse tablets or any other medicine, it is advisable that they are taken wisely, taking into account the possible consequences. Treatment should be continued for several weeks or even months for the first signs of improvement to start showing and you will be on your way to full recovery!

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