The thyroid gland – what is the danger of a malfunction in its work? How to protect the thyroid gland?

The thyroid gland is an invisible organ located under the chin on the front of the neck. In shape, it resembles a butterfly. It is impossible to see or feel a healthy thyroid gland, and if it appears when swallowing and is felt in the position of the head thrown back, then this is an occasion to visit an endocrinologist and take tests to determine the levels of the hormones triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). 

Every third inhabitant of the planet suffers from disorders of the thyroid gland , while the most common thyroid enlargement is goiter. With the development of this disease, weight loss, increased sweating and tachycardia, and vice versa, weight gain and fatigue can be observed. At the same time, at the initial stage, the disease may not manifest itself in any way.  

The thyroid gland produces 3 types of hormones: triiodothyronine, thyroxine and thyrocalciotonin. Triiodothyronine and thyroxine are hormones on which the level of metabolism in the body depends and which are produced only in the presence of iodine in the body. Without these hormones, the processes of processing and assimilation of proteins, fats, trace elements and vitamins cannot proceed normally. 

When the thyroid gland produces too much triiodothyronine and thyroxine (hyperthyroidism or Bazedová disease) or in insufficient quantities (hypothyroidism), serious changes begin in the body, but the person himself thinks that there are malfunctions in some other organ. Calciotonin is responsible for bone formation, and if it is not enough in the body, calcium metabolism is disrupted, which leads to problems with the musculoskeletal system.  

Signs of hyperthyroidism are weight loss, causeless fever, irritability, and heart rhythm disturbance. The sick scatters attention, they note a breakdown and loss of interest in everything that used to be important to them. Often, against the background of this picture, patients with hyperthyroidism develop depression. In general, this disease does not pose a great threat and can be treated if a doctor is consulted in a timely manner.  

Treatment for hyperthyroidism involves taking thyristatics, which suppress the increased production of hormones T3 and T4. If the medications do not help, radioactive iodine is prescribed and only in extreme cases, surgery may be required. For example, if thyroid cancer is detected, the cause of the development of which is most often a high level of radiation in the region where the person lives. 

Hypothyroidism is also considered a violation of the thyroid gland , in which the hormones T3 and T4 are produced in insufficient quantities. Symptoms of hypothyroidism are lethargy, poor mood, laziness and chills. Most often, this disease occurs due to inflammation that damages the tissue of the thyroid gland, as well as the development of myxedema, a severe endocrine disease that is mainly diagnosed in women suffering from hormonal imbalance. Less commonly, hereditary predisposition may be the cause of hypothyroidism.  

Problems with the thyroid gland , indeed, are often inherited. Therefore, if there were cases of thyroid dysfunction in the family, it is necessary to undergo regular examinations, and for the prevention of thyroid diseases, a deficiency of iodine level in the diet should not be allowed. 

The daily intake of iodine is 100-200 mcg per day , depending on age. Most often, to compensate for the lack of iodine in the body, people use seaweed, feijoa, persimmon, a decoction of walnut membranes. Of course, eating foods rich in iodine is good for the body. At the same time, one should lean more on fish and seafood dishes, milk and dairy products, and bread.  

However, in most cases, it is not possible to saturate the body with iodine with food, and then people begin to resort to supposedly “more effective” methods by taking iodine alcohol tincture inside, applying iodine nets to the skin or wearing amber beads on the neck. All of these methods can be dangerous to the health of the thyroid gland – it is very difficult to calculate the concentration of iodine. If the iodine level exceeds the norm by tens, or even hundreds of times, this can even create a life threat.  

It is also not worth it to take pharmacy preparations like Endocrinol, Iodine Asset, Iodine Balance, Iodomarin, and others on their own. They should be prescribed by a doctor, after determining the level of iodine in the body. The simplest and most effective method of preventing thyroid disorders is the use of iodized salt, which can now be bought at any supermarket. To make up for the iodine deficiency in the body, this is enough. Lead a healthy lifestyle, consume iodized salt and everything will be in order with your thyroid gland.  

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