Thyroid in children: symptoms of disorders

When a child’s thyroid gland fails, the consequences can be severe: developmental delay, obesity, aggression or depression, impaired coordination, etc. But if you notice the first alarming symptoms in time, the development of the disease can be slowed down or even stopped.

Disorders of the gland can be of two types:

hypothyroidism – reduced performance of the thyroid gland. The consequence of this is a slowdown in mental and physical development.

hyperthyroidism – excessive functioning of the body. Hyperactive and excitable children can have this diagnosis.

Attentive parents at the first sign of a thyroid problem must immediately show the child to a specialist.

Symptoms of thyroid disease in children

By recognizing the symptoms of insufficient or excessive thyroid function and taking action, you can avoid serious consequences and start treatment on time.

By reducing the function of the body:

the child looks tired during the day, even after sleep, the sleepy state does not leave him;

sad for no reason, is in a depressed state;

remembers bad information;

incompletely growing;

pale face;

skin is dry;

coordination of movements is disturbed;

a child complains of pain in muscles and joints;

the hair on his head falls out above the norm, becoming brittle and dry;

constipation occurs frequently;

swollen limbs.

Development retardation will be more pronounced at a younger age. When running cases and the deterioration of the children die.

It is necessary to check the thyroid gland in a child when:

heart rate and pulse are increased even without physical exertion;

blood pressure is elevated;

the child often and sweats a lot;

he is easily irritated, reacts aggressively;

there are problems falling asleep;

no appetite;

in the area of ​​the thyroid gland there is swelling;

there is a feeling of sand in the eyes;

the child often gets up to the toilet at night.

Violations in the menstrual cycle of a teenage girl, as well as sudden weight gain can be a sign of both hypo – and hyperthyroidism.

Home Thyroid Testing

At home you can check if there are any problems in this area.

you need to ask the child to take more water in his mouth. When swallowing, there should be no swelling in the supraclavicular region. If this happens, the thyroid gland is enlarged;

A pencil is applied to the outside of the eye. A brow extending beyond it is a sign of the norm. If the hair is not enough, the thyroid gland may not work at full strength.

Do not wait for the manifestation of all the symptoms and rely on home tests. Reduced performance, changes in behavior, mood swings in a child may already be the reason for going to a doctor.

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