Almost all body functions are regulated by the endocrine system. Its most significant organ is the thyroid gland. It controls metabolic processes, the activity of the brain, heart and reproductive system. Thyroid diseases in children are dangerous because, if left untreated, they provoke serious physical and intellectual abnormalities.
Thyroid. Meaning and functions
The thyroid gland is small and located in the lower part of the neck. This organ begins to form during the period of intrauterine development. The volume of a healthy thyroid gland in a newborn should not exceed 1 ml, by two years it increases to 2 ml.
The table below will show the dynamics of thyroid growth in children.
Child’s age | Girls, ml | Boys ml |
4 years | 1.3-1.7 | 1.4-2.0 |
6 years | 2.1-2.9 | 2.1-2.9 |
8 years | 3.1-4.3 | 3.1-4.3 |
10 years | 4.2-5.8 | 3.6-5.0 |
12 years | 6.3-8.7 | 5.0-7.0 |
14 years | 7.2-10.0 | 6.9-9.5 |
The thyroid gland produces 3 hormones:
- triiodothyronine (T3);
- thyroxine (T4);
- calcitonin.
The main hormone is thyroxine, when moving through the circulatory system, one molecule is split off from it and it is transformed into triiodothyronine. The amount of T4 and T3 determines the speed at which all processes in the body will occur, they transport oxygen to the cells of all tissues and regulate metabolism. Calcitonin maintains the level of calcium in the body and protects the skeleton from destruction. The thyroid gland is regulated by the pituitary gland, which secretes thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). These two organs of the endocrine system are inextricably linked. With the fading of the synthesis of T3 and T4, the pituitary gland releases a large dose of TSH, which activates the thyroid gland and vice versa. The level of these hormones is the basis for determining disorders in the endocrine system. Any deviation from the norm negatively affects the development of the child’s body.
Causes of thyroid dysfunction in children
By origin, thyroid dysfunction is usually divided into congenital and acquired.
Congenital disorders are formed during the prenatal development of the baby. Most often this happens in the last weeks of the first trimester, when all organs are just beginning to develop. The causes of congenital pathology of the thyroid gland are:
- autoimmune diseases in a pregnant woman;
- severe viral infections;
- taking certain medications;
- deviations at the genetic level;
- the birth of a premature baby.
Acquired diseases develop over several years and often go unnoticed. Most often, such disorders are diagnosed in women of climatic age, but they also occur in children. The occurrence of thyroid dysfunction contributes to several factors:
- poor ecology or radiation pollution in the place of residence;
- a diet that does not contain enough iodine;
- infectious diseases;
- brain injury.
An indirect cause of thyroid dysfunction can be called a hereditary factor. Illnesses of parents, metabolic rate create conditions for the occurrence of deviations.
Please note that the symptoms of thyroid disease are quite similar to other diseases, so a different cause is often treated.
Signs of a deviation of the endocrine system are:
- fast fatigue, lethargy;
- mood swings, depression or frequent outbursts of anger;
- swelling of the face and limbs;
- prolonged constipation or diarrhea;
- a sudden change in weight (weight loss or gain);
- hair loss;
- high or low temperature;
- early onset of menstruation in girls (sometimes at 7 years old);
- serious lagging behind peers in studies;
- disproportionate physical development;
- enlargement of the neck.
It is extremely important, as soon as parents notice several of these signs in their children, to consult an endocrinologist. After finding out the cause and disease of the thyroid gland, a decision is made how to treat the child. With timely treatment, therapy comes down to changing the diet and taking hormonal drugs and other medications.
What are thyroid disorders?
In children, as well as in adults, the following diseases are diagnosed:
- Hypothyroidism. With such a deviation, the thyroid gland synthesizes an insufficient amount of hormones. All processes in the child’s body slow down. The child’s habitual activity decreases, blood pressure and heart rate decrease, appetite disappears. Such children begin to get better, lag behind in their studies.
- Hyperthyroidism (thyrotoxicosis). With this violation, the thyroid gland produces a large amount of hormones, all processes are noticeably accelerated. Children become very active, their heart beats very fast, they sweat a lot. Appetite increases, but weight gain does not occur.
- Inflammation of the thyroid gland ( thyroiditis ). Occur due to damage to the tissues of the gland by infection or injury. The disease is characterized by severe pain, difficulty eating.
- Goiter. Distinguish endemic (occurs due to lack of iodine) and nodal (neoplasms appear). The enlarged gland presses on the larynx, trachea and vocal cords, breathing problems appear, the voice changes.
Diagnosis and treatment
To determine the type of disease and its nature, the endocrinologist uses the following methods:
- examination and palpation;
- blood test for hormones;
- ultrasound procedure;
- MRI;
- thyroid puncture.
At the first examination, the endocrinologist probes the child’s neck to determine the approximate size of the gland. Next, a blood test is ordered. The purpose of this study is to determine the ratio of the main hormones and the direction of subsequent actions. So, the node on the thyroid gland is very often active, from which the T3 and T4 indicators increase.
The next stage is an ultrasound of the thyroid gland for children. It is necessary to determine the exact location of the organ, its size and the condition of the internal tissues. Special preparation for an ultrasound of a child is not needed, the study can be carried out at any time.
If nodes or tumors are found in the thyroid gland, their contents are examined in the laboratory. A biopsy is used to collect material.
After analyzing the results of all studies, the endocrinologist prescribes the appropriate treatment. If the disease was detected at an early stage, a corrective diet and conservative therapy gives a positive result.
Thyroid dysfunction in children is dangerous because it causes irreversible consequences, the most severe of which is dementia. To prevent such diseases, it is necessary to provide the child with good nutrition and rest. The first signs of a problem can be noticed by a pediatrician at a routine examination.