TSH is a special hormone of the human pituitary gland, its activity depends on the time of day and the peak is in the morning. A TSH test will allow you to determine its amount in the blood and understand how your thyroid gland is functioning properly. The rate of ttg in men is standard and is defined in the table below. It is very important that the analysis shows it, because the work of the largest endocrine gland and, as a result, the whole organism as a whole depends on this hormone.
Preparing for TSH analysis
There are several factors that can affect the results. The most important of these is aspirin and all preparations containing it. Stop taking it 2 days before the scheduled analysis. Also, the influencing factor on the indicators, as in many other tests for hormones, is stress and all any highly exciting situations of a person. The third factor is an x-ray: you will have to refuse to undergo it 5 days before the date of the TSH test.
Test results
When the analysis is passed and the results are received, it is time to determine: your hormone is increased or decreased, or normal. What are the age-related concentrations of thyrotropin (TSH) in the entire male population (all units are indicated in mU / l) are the norm:
Common causes of hormone abnormalities
If, as a result of the test, the TSH norm is violated, it is necessary to find out the causes and eliminate them with the help of a qualified doctor. A low or high level of thyroid-stimulating hormone could cause many causes, however, there are also the most common ones. The complete list is described in the corresponding section of this article. Any deviation indicates that the thyroid gland does not cope with its function, it is for this reason that the wrong production of thyroxine and triiodothyronine in the blood begins.
When TSH is low, the diagnosis is usually made of hyperthyroidism, and vice versa, if the level is high, then hypothyroidism is diagnosed. But these are common cases and these diseases are not always confirmed; sometimes the production of the hormone TSH in men is disrupted due to certain, rather rare diseases.
If we talk about the first case – hyperthyroidism, then it may be a consequence of the presence of several factors:
- various tumors in the body;
- Graves’ disease;
- taking medications that affect hormone levels;
- direct damage to the pituitary gland.
Thyrotropin levels rise in most cases due to a decrease in other types of thyroid hormones. Therefore, it is important to pass several tests for the visibility of a complete picture of health. A decrease in the content of the hormone TSH, on the contrary, indicates an increase in the level of hormones T3 and T4. They should also be checked: only on the basis of at least 3 test results, the doctor has the right to make a diagnosis.
Results with increased hormone levels
If, as a result of a diagnostic study, a deviation in the direction of an increase in the hormone indicator was revealed, the reasons may be as follows:
- Psychosomatic diseases and their complications;
- Insufficiency of the adrenal glands;
- Various tumors in the body;
- Thyrotropinomas;
- Syndrome of unregulated production of TSH;
- Subacute thyroiditis, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis;
- Preeclampsia and hemodialysis.
You should also pay attention to the following factors affecting the increase in the level of the hormone :
- You are constantly involved in sports: it can be both freestyle wrestling and intense evening jogging; if the hormone adrenaline and other types of hormones are released during sports, they can affect the functioning of the thyroid gland.
- Any of the following medicines: beta-blockers, iodides, antipsychotics, prednisone. Be sure to read the instructions and see the time period for the complete elimination of the drug from the blood: only then you can take the hormone for TSH.
- Any operation in the past: as you know, anesthesia has a strong effect on the human body. As a result, the levels of certain hormones are often violated.
- Intoxication of the body with harmful substances. In men, this can happen at work, at work, in the absence or violation of protective measures for the body.
- Inflammatory processes in the thyroid gland. Recently, this reason is most common, especially with the arrival of the cold season.
Decreased levels of the hormone TSH
If the level of thyrotropin is lowered in the blood, then hyperthyroidism occurs: hyperactivity of the secretory function of the thyroid gland, often accompanied by high levels of hormones T3 and T4.
Otherwise, we will talk about thyrotoxicosis. It has the following symptoms:
- Bad mood;
- depression (for a long time);
- poor, intermittent sleep;
- lack of attention and not only in work;
- increased appetite;
- increased bowel function: diarrhea;
- feeling unwell in hot weather;
- frequent arrhythmia of the heart;
- violation of potency.
Possible consequences
If the TSH rate in men is violated, then this can lead to serious health problems for the body as a whole: cause early impotence, a decrease in testosterone (the main hormone in men), loss of fertility, the cause of osteoporosis and many other unpleasant diseases.
If you show signs of hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism during the examination, do not delay the visit to the doctor, this is a serious problem and requires treatment even if you feel well. Due to the fact that the level of iodine affects the work of the endocrine system of a person, the doctor may advise you to reduce or increase its intake in food or additional pharmaceutical preparations.