Treatment of Candida with Fluconazole

Have you ever thought about the fact that every 3 people suffers from Candida. Not only women but also men, children and elderly people are affected by this disease. To a greater degree of risk are certainly women due to anatomical features. Older persons are also in the greater risk zone. This is due to a strong weakening of the immune system. Candida fungus serves as food for healthy bacteria that create the microflora of our body.  What happens if 70% of our body’s defenders fall? fungus which served exclusively food and constantly destroyed in our body, begins to multiply uncontrollably. This leads primarily to irritation of the mucous surfaces of our body. Mucous membranes cover our organs which are communicated with the external environment. Such shells cover the respiratory, urinary, sexual and digestive systems. They are called mucous membranes because these shells are covered with a layer of mucus secreted by the secretion of our body. They protect our body from adverse environmental conditions.

Epithelium mucous membranes of the vagina creates a protective environment, which does not allow pathogenic bacteria to multiply in it. The mucous membranes and gastrointestinal tract perform similar functions, with natural additions. So what happens if the natural functions of our body are disturbed?

If we consider the urogenital system this will complicate the following functions of our body:

  • Urination, accompanied by burning and pain;
  • Pain at the bottom of the abdomen;
  • Unpleasant odor;
  • Сurd abundant discharge;
  • itching and burning;
  • Sexual dysfunction;
  • Discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • Pregnancy is likely to be miscarriage;
  • In case of neglected cases the transition to infectious diseases, such as cystitis.

For the intestinal tract This is characterized by the following complications:

  • Swelling of the esophagus;
  • Narrowing of the lumen of the esophagus, stable scar narrowing of the esophagus;
  • Candida stomach gives severe complications, if the patient already has some stomach disease;
  • Dariya, possibly with blood clots;
  • Unpleasant odor.

Candida can eventually impress not only the mucous membranes of the human body. In medical practice, against a background of strong immunodeficiency, there are known cases of defeat of internal organs, skin, nervous system. In time to recognize and cure Candida, the main condition of a healthy body.

At this stage of the development of world medicine cope with Candida even in neglected cases possible. Such drugs as fluconazole, perhaps in combination with other drugs. By your doctor’s prescription. Remember all treatments need to be carried out according to your doctor’s instructions.

About fluconazole, its effect and application.

Fluconazole is one of the most famous and popular antifungal agents. It is a powerful selective inhibitor of styrene synthesis in a fungus cell.

This drug has demonstrated an excellent activity in relation to the following organisms:

  • Candida Abicans;
  • Candida glabrata;
  • Candida parapsilosis;
  • Candida tropicalis;
  • Cryptococcus Neoformans.
  • The activity of Fukonazole is established in relation to:
  • Blastomyces Dermatitidis;

And with many other fungal lesions.

Fluconazole is well absorbed by the body. Simultaneous eating does not affect the degree of absorption of the drug. Fluconazole well penetrates into all body fluids, concentration in saliva, sputum and blood-the same. In patients suffering from fungal meningitis, the concentration of the drug reaches 80% of its concentration in the blood plasma, in the cerebrospinal fluid.  Fluconazole accumulates in the dermis, the sweat fluid. Its concentrations exceed serum concentrations.

The drug is displayed in the kidneys. About 80% of the injected dose remains in the urine unchanged.

Assign Flukonazole to diseases:

  • Systemic lesions caused by fungi;
  • Meningitis
  • Sepsis
  • Lung infections;
  • Skin infections;
  • Defeat of the Candida organs of the abdominal cavity, respiratory organs, eyes, urethra;
  • Prevention of fungal infections;

Fluconazole is contraindicated during lactation. No need to use fluconazole.

With caution should be taken when liver failure, during pregnancy.

Candida Esophagitis treatment fluconazole

Candidiasis – fungal infection occurs because of the activation of Candida yeast fungi, which inhabits the digestive tract on the mucous membrane, without causing problems.

Sometimes it happens that bacteria start to multiply and cause infection, the main reasons for this are changing of the environment in the mouth, throat or esophagus. People who have candidiasis of the esophagus are also susceptible to thrush or infection in the mouth.

Candida in the mouth and throat cavity or candidiasis of the esophagus (oral candidiasis).

This disease is one of the most common among those infected with AIDS or HIV.

Candidiasis in the mouth, throat, esophagus is usually treated with antifungal agent. Treatment of candidiasis of the esophagus in mild and medium form lasts for 7-14 days.

During treatment should be used antifungal drugs. These drugs include Cllotrimazol, myconazole or Nystatin. But for the severe form of the disease use Fluknozol.

Correct medical diet

Diet with Candidiasis of the esophagus includes many products.

List of products that can be consumed:

  • Products that do not contain starch;
  • Fruit with low sugar content;
  • Non-sticky grains;
  • useful proteins;
  • Spice Herb seasoning;
  • some dairy products;
  • useful fats and oils;
  • Sweeteners – stevia and erythritol;
  • Fermented products;
  • Beverages such as chicory coffee and herbal teas;
  • Some seeds and nuts.

Compulsory use of a variety of vegetables

Reducing the use of sugar through vegetables with starch content, is the right solution, which leads to depletion of sugar reserves, sugar – food for fungus. Stick to low starchy vegetables such as asparagus, broccoli, eggplant, onion and zucchini. You have to buy fresh vegetables and eat them raw and also can cook steamed or grilled vegetables.

It is necessary to stick to a low-sugar diet, although it is often tempting to eat a lot of starchy vegetables as a substitute. Corn is an exception and is allowed in the diet.

The fruit should be avoided or minimized, except for some exceptions. Lemons and lime are really useful fruits with low sugar content that you can use to flavor your food. Avocado and olives are also fruits, but many people do not know it. All this is perfectly combined in salad.

Herbal teas that have antifungal properties, but on a diet can and should drink any tea, it will reduce in a diet habitual drinks such as: juices and soda, coffee. Just make sure the tea does not contain caffeine.

The chicory root is an excellent prebiotics (it contains 20% inulin), so it can help re-populate your intestines with healthy bacteria. Chicory is a good option if you are missing this bitter taste of coffee.

Candidiasis in the mouth or throat is not often observed in healthy adults with normal immunity

People with increased risk of candidiasis in the mouth and throat are mostly children, especially infants up to one month, and people who:

  • Wear dentures;
  • Diabetics
  • have cancer;
  • have HIV/AIDS;
  • Take antibiotics or corticosteroids, including inhalational corticosteroids, such as asthma;
  • Take medications that cause dry mouth or have medical conditions that cause dry mouth;
  • Smoke.

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