Anxiety and insomnia the reason of a bad dream, you should not speak about importance of a full anxiety -fledged dream for the person. The daily dream is not less than 7 hours the key to production of melatonin, an important element of activity of an organism, sleep plays a role in immunity and metabolism.
When the alarm not situational, and is tested as a constant emotional background, appears such symptoms as concern and insomnia.
Anxiety is the reason of insomnia, this article will be devoted to insomnia.
Diagnosis of “chronic insomnia” is multiple sleep disturbances throughout the month. If three or more weeks a person can not sleep, or all night tossed in bed and periodically wakes up – it’s a classic appearance insomnia
Sleep deprivation statistics among different ages

As symptoms of chronic insomnia are considered:
- sleep disorders of 3 and more times a week for the whole month;
- problems with backfilling;
- bad night sleep with frequent awakenings;
- lack of cheerfulness during the day;
- concern and a stress because of impossibility to get enough sleep normally.
If you have concerns and insomnia, it is necessary to look for the reason:
- diseases which consequence severe physical pains (reference to neuralgia) turn out to be;
- the symptoms of some diseases which are not allowing the person to sleep quietly at night (cough and feeling of shortage of oxygen — at bronchial asthma, frequent urinations — because of problems with kidneys);
- heart diseases;
- post traumatic stress, depression;
- change of a situation (loud noise, too bright lighting of the street, new residence);
- the change of professional activity which caused change of a daily routine;
- an overstrain of a nervous system before going to bed (nervousness before examination, an interview);
- alcohol abuse, coffee, psychotropic drugs;
- an apnoea — involuntary temporary breath holdings during sleep.
- work with frequent flights and change of time zones.
Consequences of long insomnia
- The adult for complete recovery of mental and physical forces needs to see off in a dream of 8 hours in day. During this time the brain passes all necessary phases: backfilling, slow and REM sleep, natural awakening.
- And rest is important exactly at night! If the person does not get enough sleep in night-time, even the 2 — 3-hour after-dinner dream of a problem does not solve. If insomnia stopped being the exclusive, occasionally happening phenomenon and got a chronic form, there are such consequences:
- Because of problems with insomnia in an organism bone formation is broken. So process of forming of bones is called. Not without reason to children recommend to sleep more: thanks to a long deep sleep their skeleton grows quicker.
- The lack of a dream leads to a chronic oxidizing stress, and it has extremely negative effect on the processes proceeding in a brain. At the person memory sharply worsens, there are difficulties with concentration, learning ability.
One more consequence of constant insomnia — metabolism disturbance. The organism tries to compensate sleep deficit by accumulation of calories which have to help it to overcome a stress. For this reason regularly not filling up citizens usually grow stout.
The people having insomnia are subject to heart attacks and strokes twice more, and it is already direct threat of life.
The reasons can be as in you and outside
What causes insomnia in children
Children have insomnia too. According to the statistics, 20% of children periodically have problems with a dream. The regular sleep debt at early age can seriously affect the health.
In general statistics of a sleep deprivation very widespread problem, complex researches on this subject are brought here
Children with a sleep deprivation badly grow and have a lack of energy. They can have concern attacks, the long periods of weakness and increased fatigue, and even slowing down of intellectual development is also possible.
Pediatricians found out because of what insomnia at so early age develops:
- Newborns almost always wake up because of an underdevelopment of a nervous system at night. Because of a problem – day-night confusion;
- In the first months of life kids do not sleep also because of gripes in a stomach, the unpleasant feelings caused by an intertrigo, to growth of teeth;
- In 3-6 years children are already capable to analyze the obtained data. Considering in the evening everything that occurred in a day, they quite often cannot fall asleep. Sometimes insomnia is caused by overexcitation, some events;
- School students most often do not sleep because of the disorders connected with school life communication with friends, a showdown with parents. To lead to sleep disorders and long insomnia also excessive hobby for computer games can;
For the solution of problems with the teenager’s dream parents need to modify a day regimen of the child. Sufficient exercise stresses, walks in the fresh air, reduction of time of use of the computer — all this can significantly improve sleep quality. In general, for a quiet dream of all family members, the situation in the house has to be comfortable in the evenings.
Insomnia reasons at women

Sleep disorders often depend not only on age and problems accompanying it, but also on a floor. Doctors understood why there is insomnia at women.
Can lead to sleep disorders:
- alarms because of the conflicts in labor collective;
- operating mode by turns;
- depression;
- problems in family, dissatisfaction with own life;
- use in the evenings alcohol;
- diseases which are followed by night pains;
- abuse of somnolent drugs.
Because of chronic fatigue of the woman become irritable and nervous. It badly affects all people around including children. Sleep disorder leads to the fact that the woman can in the afternoon of fall into a nap in any situations. To cheer up, she should have coffee. It worsens a problem with a dream even stronger.
Because of what there is insomnia at pregnant women
Future mothers quite often suffer from insomnia. Especially often it happens last months to pregnancy when the fruit already takes a lot of place and brings considerable discomfort of mother.
Insomnia is provoked at this time:
- heartburn and other disturbances of work of a GIT;
- need to go often to a toilet because of the fruit pressure upon a bladder;
- uncomfortable physical state (lumbar pains, spasms of calves);
- need to sleep constantly only on spin or on one side;
- lack of oxygen;
- alarms concerning future childbirth.
What causes insomnia at a climax
The woman who faced inevitable age changes quite often observes at herself sleep disorders. They are caused by night “inflows” (feeling of heat, perspiration, the accelerated heartbeat) and also psychological changes.
In the period of a climax of the woman become irritable and nervous. Correctly picked up hormonal therapy will help to cope with a problem.
Insomnia reasons at men
Many men are subject to a severe stress. Usually professional activity is the reason of it. The business men combining different types of employment or owning own business even more often make the choice between work and a full-fledged dream almost always to the detriment of the last.
That is why insomnia can change usual tenor of life of men:
- because of abuse of coffee, strong tea and alcohol;
- in view of an inactive way of life, long stay driving or in office chair;
- because of the working schedule by turns;
- because of excessive hobby for computer games or viewing of the TV before going to bed;
- very often insomnia has also the psychological reasons (a stress, a depression);
At not filling up the put number of hours of men production of testosterone begins to decrease. It is quite expected leads to impotence. The men suffering from an insomnia become irritable and embittered. Besides, at them sugar level grows in blood, and diabetes develops subsequently.
Advanced age insomnia
After 65-70 at many problems with night sleep because of a develops of brain dysfunction begin. It affects not only mental abilities and memory, but also on a dream. Diseases can strengthen insomnia.
At what diseases in old age insomnia develops
On the one hand, it can be the chronic diseases pursuing the person all life (bronchial asthma, heart failure, diabetes). And also people are more senior than 65 years Angina pectoris and other chronic diseases suffer from atherosclerosis.
In view of all this it is worth sorting what diseases in general can be the cause of insomnia at any age.
Diseases which can entail sleep disorders:
It is in most cases difficult to get rid of insomnia without elimination of the main symptoms of the listed diseases.
Ways of treatment:
Knowing at what diseases at the person insomnia can develop, it is possible to take the first step on the way to its treatment. However full elimination of a problem always demands an integrated approach. It is impossible to cure an insomnia, having just spent on drink a rate of hypnotic drugs.
Are necessary:
- drug intake;
- psychotherapy;
- hypnosis;
- normalization of a work-rest schedule.
It is necessary to warn fans to self-medicate: it is impossible to register independently somnolent drugs at all! Only the doctor can pick up a dosage, to appoint correct medicines.
Topical pills for insomnia Trazodone, it can also reduce uneasiness, it is the most popular drug, it is in detail possible to read in article “Trazodone for the treatment of insomnia”
Other groups of drugs I have only temporary effect which is not related to treatment at all.
- Hypnotic drugs. It is possible to accept no more than 2 weeks! Despite all popularity of these drugs, they just remove symptoms, but do not eliminate a disease.
- Tranquilizers. Such means are appointed only by the psychotherapist. Drugs of this group regulate processes of a nervous system, help to relax and get rid of alarms. Long reception of tranquilizers extremely is not recommended! Because of it the dependence in comparison with which problems with insomnia will seem insignificant can be created.
- Homeopathic remedies. The safest, based on natural ingredients drugs. But also you should not get them “on the advice of the girlfriend”. It is necessary to address the homeopath who will correctly pick up means and will appoint an exact dosage.
- Melatonin. It is hormonal drug. It is used in the most hard cases when anything else does not help and the patient has a real threat to remain with insomnia for the rest of life. Melatonin has a set of side effects, but effectively helps to adjust a sleepy cycle.