Acute inflammatory process, localized in the region of the thyroid gland and accompanied by the formation of purulent exudate, is called acute purulent thyroiditis. At the moment, this pathology occurs infrequently, but it does not cease to be a very urgent problem for medicine. From a clinical point of view, the disease is characterized by an increasing intoxication syndrome, pain in the affected area, and so on. It is worth noting that acute purulent thyroiditis does not lead to a pronounced disruption of the functional activity of the gland and is quite well treatable. However, in advanced cases there may be a breakthrough of pus in the surrounding tissue with the occurrence of, for example, mediasthenitis. The most serious complication in this condition is sepsis, which threatens the life of a sick person.
As we have already said, acute purulent thyroiditis is a rather rare pathology. Among all the inflammatory processes that the thyroid gland can face, it accounts for no more than one percent. Interestingly, women are significantly more likely to develop this disease, namely, about four times.The largest number of cases of this pathology is detected in the age range from thirty to forty-five. Some increase in the incidence rate is observed in the cold season, which is presumably associated with an increase in the frequency of cold infections.
Acute purulent thyroiditis has an infectious nature. In most cases, the development of this disease is caused by the effects on the body of the bacterial flora. Most often, pathogens are staphylococci and streptococci, as well as pneumococci. Much less often such a pathological process is formed under the influence of various representatives of the fungal and parasitic flora.
The most common infection is recorded in the area thyroid gland of the available primary lesions in the respiratory system. Thus, acute purulent thyroiditis is in most cases provoked by acute tonsillitis, sinusitis, and so on. In some cases, the infection is initially localized in the maxillofacial region. An example is inflammation of the salivary glands or soft tissues of the face, caries, stomatitis, and so on.
We should also say that in some cases, the occurrence of this disease is due to syphilitic infection. However, at the moment such patients are rather rare.
Among the predisposing factors for the development of acute purulent thyroiditis in the first place emit a reduced level of immune protection. Reduced immunity can be triggered by respiratory infections, hypothermia, overwork, stress, bad habits, and so on. We have already said that there is a significantly greater susceptibility among women to the occurrence of such a condition. It is noticed that the thyroid gland is often inflamed during pregnancy or childbirth, as well as during menstruation. Fully explain this point in today’s time did not work.
Infectious flora from the primary focus breaks into the bloodstream or lymphatic system and enters the gland area. The formation of an inflammatory reaction occurs, which will be of a delimited or diffuse nature. The bacterial flora, acting on the cells, contributes to their damage and destruction, which further enhances the inflammatory process. Thyroid gland swells, due to irritation of the nerve endings joins pain. The outcome of all this is an abscess, which over time can be opened. In the affected area, hormone production is inhibited, however, healthy tissues begin to synthesize them more actively, due to which there is no shortage.
Symptoms characteristic of acute purulent thyroiditis
Symptoms with this disease are growing rapidly. The overall intoxication syndrome, represented by febrile fever, a sharp deterioration of health, chills and headache, takes the first place in the clinical picture. When viewed on the front surface of the neck, swelling and hyperemia are detected.
Mandatory symptom is pain. It has a rather intense character and spreads to the region of the jaw, ears, and so on. In some cases, the pain syndrome is so pronounced that all other clinical manifestations go into the background. There is a significant increase in pain when swallowing and talking. Palpation can detect a thickened and painful infiltration.
Another characteristic point is regional lymphadenitis. Over time, the pathological focus softens and opens up with the spread of pus into the surrounding tissues. At the same time, all associated symptoms subside for a while.
Diagnosis and treatment of the disease
This disease can be suspected already on the basis of an objective examination. You can confirm the diagnosis using a general blood test and ultrasound. It is an ultrasound that will detect the purulent focus and assess its size. For differential diagnosis it is recommended to investigate the level of thyroid hormones, which should be in the range of normal values. In cases of doubt, a fine-needle aspiration biopsy may be required.
In the event that an abscess has already formed in the thyroid gland, it is necessary to perform an autopsy and drainage. This method is primarily aimed at preventing pus from breaking into the surrounding tissues. From conservative methods, antibacterial therapy, anti-inflammatory drugs and detoxification measures are shown.
Prevention of the development of inflammation in the thyroid gland
Priority method prophylaxis is the identification and elimination of existing infectious foci in other parts of the body, especially in the respiratory system and the maxillofacial region.