Many of those who believe that they have fallen into a black depression may actually experience a neurosis – asthenic, anxiety-phobic, or obsessive-compulsive disorder. These are also quite unpleasant conditions, but more simple in terms of treatment. You can get rid of them quite simply – get a good night’s sleep and rest, take soothing preparations, consult a psychotherapist or psychologist.
They stopped eating and sleeping…
Depression is already a serious neurological disease. This diagnosis can only be made by a doctor. Visit the website where you can order antidepressants and other medications. And it is characterized primarily by:
- Loss of interest in life, apathy;
- Weight loss;
- Gratuitous aggression;
- Sleep disorders.
These symptoms are characteristic of depression in an already rather neglected state. And it can begin with the usual headaches, irritation, non-falling tension, distraction, lethargy. And even… diarrhea.
It affects the mood… anemia.
What causes depression is very difficult to determine. Its causes are divided into internal – endogenous, and external – exogenous.
Internal reasons:
1. Diseases of the central nervous system:
- Chronic neurovirus infections,
- Previous brain injuries,
- Chronic pain (back pain, headache),
- Hidden tumor processes.
2. Diseases of the endocrine system – hormonal failure (something akin to depression women feel before the start of menstruation), violation of the functions of the hypothalamic pituitary system, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, ovaries.
3. Blood diseases, such as anemia.
4. Sometimes mental illnesses can be masked under depression – manic-depressive psychosis, schizophrenia.
External (most often social) factors:
- Psychological (inferiority complex);
- Economic;
- Personal (loss of a loved one).
But the main cause of depression is too rapid destruction of the useful hormone serotonin, which is produced by some parts of the brain. Serotonin is responsible for our mood, the feeling of joy and contentment. In general, for happiness.
If the doctors still gave you a diagnosis of “depression”, then you will have to drink antidepressants. Or other psychotropic substances.
Read about how they affect our body and what consequences can be expected in the event of an overdose in the upcoming issues of ” KP “- Health”.
Help the “happiness hormone”!
Serotonin production directly depends on solar activity – on bright days you rarely feel tired and angry. The more sun there is in the sky, the more good hormone there is in the body.
They also help to maintain serotonin in the norm:
- Sports activities;
- Travel, an abundance of new experiences;
- Meditation (in some cases, hypnosis is effective);
- Good sex;
- Pregnancy and successful delivery.
Are you prone to depression?
1. I would not call myself a frivolous person. Most of the time, I’m completely serious. Funny people annoy me.
2. Sometimes it seems to me that life is ultimately quite meaningless.
3. I often wake up in a depressed mood for no particular reason, even when the sun is shining outside and the birds are singing.
4. I notice that I can not drive away gloomy thoughts, and the joy of others causes strong irritation.
5. Sometimes I get so bored and bored that I feel physically sick.
6. It is easy to bring me to tears or close to them.
7. I often suffer from the fact that I said or did something wrong. For a long time, I “digest” in my mind the words and views of other people.
8. I feel overwhelmed all the time, although there was nothing to get tired of
Yes – 2 points; not often, but sometimes-1 point; no-0 points.
From 11 points and above. You are in the midst of a depression. You are finding it increasingly difficult to control your nerves. Most likely, you really need the help of a psychotherapist.
From 6 to 10 points. Depression is already behind you and is trying to hit you harder. But you still have a chance to get away from it without medical help. But an appeal to a psychologist who will help you better understand your thoughts and feelings will not hurt.
Up to 5 points. You have a strong mind! Perhaps you can adequately survive stronger shocks than seasonal mood swings. So, if you do not want to go to work, do not try to write it off as “spleen”. You’re just being lazy.