Acne more often affects people at a younger age; it goes away over the years. However, one also encounters this skin lesion at a more mature age.
The reasons for the appearance of acne are many. First of all, these are various endocrine gland disorders. Even changes in the gastrointestinal tract, worms, anemia, nervous system exhaustion, past infectious diseases, avitaminosis – anything that weakens the body and reduces its resistance to infection, can contribute to the appearance of acne or maintain pre-existing rash.
Often the cause of acne is improper care for oily skin.
The acne itself is a consequence of increased sebaceous gland function, which leads to a disease called seborrhea (oily and dry).
Oily seborrhea is localized in sebum-rich areas of the skin: forehead, nose, chin, sternum, interscapular area. At these sites, there are initially dot-like elevations the color of normal skin, with a black dot in the center. When squeezed from the sides, a whitish-yellow rod with a black head resembling a worm or eel (hence the name eel) is squeezed out of the sebaceous gland ducts. Later, around the rod (comedon) develops inflammation of the skin in the form of a conical or hemispherical papule, dense to the touch. After a few days the papule swells, its head turns white and when pressed, in addition to sebaceous plug, it emits liquid pus and blood. Then the papule dries, forming a crust, which leaves a brownish stain or a shallow superficial scar after falling. The most undesirable outcome of acne is the appearance of scars. The course of acne is chronic.
Depending on the causes that caused the acne, treatment is carried out. It is divided into general and local. General treatment is usually aimed at strengthening the body, increasing its resistance and to combat the pustular infection that often accompanies acne. Topical treatment consists mainly of hygienic skin care and performance of prescribed by a doctor procedures.
From the above, it is clear that acne is not a cosmetic flaw, but a skin condition; Therefore, if it appears, it is necessary to consult a doctor.
Poorly treated or untreated acne, passing with age, can leave behind indelible traces on the skin in the form of scars resembling the marks of smallpox. These marks are already a cosmetic skin blemish and can and should be treated.
Care for oily skin with a tendency to acne is to wash daily with cold water and soap. For better degreasing of the skin borax or baking soda is added to the water at the rate of / 2 teaspoons per 0, 5 liters of water. 2-3 times a day it is recommended to wipe your skin with 0, 5% solution of hydrochloric acid or ammonia, alternating with a lotion suitable for your skin.
If there is a tendency to form pustules, it is better to wipe the skin with a 5% solution of salicylic alcohol and periodically lubricate the cream from acne (buy it at the drugstore). Periodically, 1-2 times a month, it is good to do the so-called “salt procedure”. Pre-paired face over a pan of water on wet skin, apply together with soap scum finely ground salt and circular motions scrubbed forehead, nose, chin and cheeks. Then rinse everything off with hot water, rinse skin with cold water and powder. The salt treatment removes black pimples (comedones) and cleanses pores and excess sebum.
How do I get rid of acne marks?

The appearance of acne on the face is already a big problem in itself, causing a lot of inconvenience. Acne most often affects adolescent skin. An overabundance of testosterone affects an increase in sebum production, which causes sebaceous glands to clog. If an infection gets there, an inflammatory process can develop which leads to the destruction of the skin cells.
The consequences of acne often result in scarring and thickening. Often there are cases where the skin changes color – there are pigmented spots, there are red vascular veins – couperose, and after a large comedones remain gaping holes in the skin. The complex of such symptoms dermatologists call postacne.
Post acne scarring is the result of skin healing after a purulent inflammation. The appearance of scars is more characteristic of severe acne disease, but sometimes they can appear in place of small pustules. These scars are caused by inflammatory processes that involve deep layers of the skin and are accompanied by the formation of pus. Often, crude attempts to remove acne on their own, resulting in damage to the surrounding tissue, are the cause of atrophic scars.
Acne scars change color over time. Fresh scars usually have a pale pink hue, but after a year they can take on the colour of normal skin.
In addition to skin scars, vascular spots may form as a result of long-term inflammation of the skin and impaired blood microcirculation in the inflamed areas.
Improper attempts to squeeze blackheads, resulting in trauma to surrounding tissues, can cause dyschromia – patches of light or dark tones appear on certain areas of the skin.
Today, there are many modern techniques in cosmetology for treating the effects of acne.
Biocybernetic therapy helps to normalize cell function while smoothing the surface of the skin.
The neodymium FT-laser treatment has a positive effect not only on all scars and blemishes, but also on “fresh” eruptions (read more about post-acne laser treatment).
Superficial peeling narrows the pores of the skin, activates the process of cell renewal and regeneration.
With median peels, the depth of scarring is reduced and the skin tone becomes more even.
Mesotherapy – injection of antiseptic, vitamin and homeopathic medicines. At the same time, the desired concentration is created exactly in the skin.
In order to avoid problems with the treatment of post-acne, take care of preventive measures in advance. Acne should be treated in its early stages, before deep pus-like inflammation has developed. There is no need to remove, squeeze out, blackheads on your own in any way. Often it is these attempts that later lead to the appearance of facial scars.