Butterfly effect: why it is worth checking the thyroid gland and how to do it

May 25 is World Thyroid Day. What you should know about this organ and how to prevent diseases associated with the thyroid gland, we asked Dr. Vladimir Mukhin, a medical expert at the LabKvest laboratory.       

1. How to understand what it is worth checking the thyroid gland? 

If you have dry skin and dull hair, if you are gaining weight or can not lose weight, despite training, if you have no appetite, your mood resembles a swing, and you feel tired already in the morning, if critical days come irregularly, you will become cold, inattentive , often annoyed – these are reasons to find out how the thyroid gland works. This small butterfly – like organ controls the entire body — the brain, digestive organs, genital glands, heart and blood vessels,                              nervous system , etc., and a violation of its function can manifest itself in a variety of problems, which at first glance are not related to each other.      

2. What tests will show if everything is in order?   

There are three main studies that allow you to evaluate the state of the thyroid gland: ultrasound, a blood test for thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and thyroxine free (T4 free). With the help of ultrasound it is possible at the very early stages, when there are no external manifestations, to detect an enlargement of the thyroid gland or compaction, nodules, etc. TSH and T4 free show how it works – whether it produces enough hormones. The doctor may prescribe other studies in the future , but this is an obligatory minimum.                       

3. Can a thyroid disease appear in 25-30 years?  

Some people think that thyroid diseases are always congenital or inherited, but this is not so. They can develop at any age (and in a person of any gender, but more often in women ) due to malfunctions of the immune system, after childbirth or past diseases – for example, infectious mononucleosis, measles, mumps or even SARS. So it is necessary to periodically check how the thyroid gland works, even if you at home or at someone not been endocrine diagnoses. And if you are planning a pregnancy, are already expecting a baby or breastfeeding, this is simply a must. The expectant mother actively shares iodine with the fetus, and a lack of this element can affect the development of the brain and the cognitive abilities of the child. If he experiences even a slight iodine deficiency in early childhood, this can reduce his IQ by 10 points.                                          

4. Why does the thyroid gland need iodine, but do you need iodized salt?   

The thyroid gland needs iodine to produce hormones. If he is not enough, she tries to correct the situation, increasing in size. This condition is called goiter. Iodine does not accumulate in the body; it must be supplied daily with water or food. But many countries, in including Russia, are deficient in natural iodine. A simple way to fix it – iodization products in including salt. You salt food and thereby help your thyroid gland.                   

5. What should I eat and drink in order to keep the iron healthy?  

Many products are rich in iodine and with their help it is quite possible to maintain the thyroid gland – if you eat them regularly and in large quantities. Pay attention to seafood – squid, shrimp, mussels, other clams, and sea ​​kale kelp. Smaller, but still contain iodine, different types of marine fish. But when it comes to prevention of iodine deficiency, salt is still simpler and more reliable, because it, in contrast to the shrimp, we actually eat every day.                          

6. Can I sunbathe if I have problems with the thyroid gland?   

For a long time it was thought that any irregularities in the thyroid gland – is a strict ban on the sun: it is impossible not only to sunbathe, but and in general to travel to the southern countries in summer. On the fact – not at all! For some problems – for example, increased function (hyperthyroidism) – direct sunlight is really recommended to be avoided. And with hypothyroidism, staying on the beach is not only not contraindicated, but can partly improve well-being. Nobody, of course, not been canceled elementary and universal rules for the protection of the active sun – sanskrin, a hat and a siesta.                              

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