Human endocrine glands

The endocrine glands of a person belong to the endocrine system. The glands secrete specific compounds called hormones. In addition, the endocrine glands of a person can perform some tasks unusual for the endocrine system.

The human endocrine glands make up the endocrine system, which is responsible for the hormonal status of the human body. The functioning of the endocrine glands of the body is controlled by the central nervous system. The pituitary gland is recognized as the connecting organ.

In general, the endocrine glands of the body control the course of a huge number of processes in the human body, in particular metabolic processes. In addition, the glands of the endocrine system are responsible for the proper growth and proper development of the human body. Hormones produced by the endocrine glands penetrate the body fluids – lymph, blood and cerebrospinal fluid.

The main glands of human internal secretion

1. The pituitary gland is one of the most basic glands of internal secretion, which produces the special hormones of the pathway, which are responsible for growth and development, metabolic processes and fertile function. The pituitary gland is not just conferred the title of the main gland, since it is with its help that all other glands are regulated.

2. The adrenal glands are a paired internal organ of the internal secretion system. This gland is located in the retroperitoneal space, above the kidneys.

3. The thyroid gland is an organ of the internal secretion system that regulates metabolic processes in the human body.

4. The parathyroid glands are the four glandular organs of the endocrine system that produce parathyroid hormone.

5. The pineal gland is a gland of the human endocrine system, which is necessary to maintain the complex of reactions aimed at preventing and stopping bleeding. The pineal gland develops at the stage of fetal development. 

6. The hypothalamus is located in the human brain and is responsible for the vegetation of the human body. 

7. The pancreas is an organ related to the digestive system. The pancreas simultaneously performs endocrine functions and functions that are not related to the endocrine system.

8. testicles are paired glands of the internal secretion of the body of every man. Their function is to secrete sperm and to produce the major sex hormones in the male body.

9. The ovaries represent the paired female endocrine gland, which has external and internal functions. External functions of the ovaries are the formation and secretion of an egg during ovulation, and internal are the secretion and secretion of female sex hormones in large numbers and male sex hormones in smaller quantities. 

10. thymus is a paired gland located next to the pleura in the chest area. Thymus is involved in maintaining overall human immunity.

11. The placenta – one of the most “mysterious” glands of human internal secretion, is an unstable gland of the endocrine system, which is formed in the mother’s body at the time of conception and remains until the end of pregnancy. The placenta is necessary as an intermediary between the mother’s body and the developing fetus. 

Disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine glands often arise due to their immediate response to changes in environmental conditions and to internal changes in the human body.

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