Thyroid: what you need to know?

An important and rather large organ in the endocrine system is the thyroid gland. Its main function is the synthesis of hormones that stabilize homeostasis, a condition that determines the full functioning of all organs. The iron is located in a rather vulnerable place – in the lower triangle of the neck. In childhood, the thyroid gland is located exactly on the cartilage of the same name, with the growth of iron, it falls slightly lower to the sternum. 

While maintaining the composition and structure of the thyroid gland is similar to a butterfly, has two lobes with an isthmus. There is a significant difference between the lobes – on the right, the lobe is noticeably larger than on the left, it has more abundant vascularization . The total weight of the thyroid gland with age ranges from 20-60 grams. Gland mass usually increases by puberty and becomes significantly smaller with age. In women, the thyroid gland is smaller, but with the bearing of a child it increases significantly.  

The thyroid gland and its functions

The thyroid gland produces hormones with a different secret.

Three types of substances are secreted:

  • triiodothyronine – an iodine – containing hormone;  
  • thyroxine – iodine – containing hormone;
  • calcitonin is a peptide element, also a hormone.  

It is the normal content of calcitonin that regulates the exchange of potassium and phosphorus in the human body. All thyroid hormones are characterized by high activity, providing remote control of the functions of different cells of the body.

The main task of thyroid hormones is to provide chemical reactions to generate energy that nourishes all organs at rest and in the active stage. Therefore, thyroid hormones support the normal functioning of the heart, the necessary temperature, intestinal motility.  

What triggers a change in the amount of hormones in the body?

The physiological fluctuations in the background of hormones accompanies all stages of life – the growth of a person, his reproduction and aging. The causes of the failure are quite diverse. This is influenced by the complex interaction of the central nervous system with the neuroendocrine – its center is located in the structures of the brain. This is the hypothalamic-pituitary center that regulates the work of peripheral glands. The causes of hormonal failure are divided into central regulation disorders and peripheral gland dysfunction. Hormones undergo a metabolic process in the liver, and are excreted by the kidneys.

Are thyroid problems associated with neck pain?

The type of neck pain helps determine the form of the thyroid disease. The thyroid gland gives pains of different strengths, but only a qualified doctor can determine the enlargement of the gland by palpation. Patients often confuse thyroid pain with sore throat and tracheitis and go to the wrong doctor. Indeed, these organs are physiologically close to each other, and only an experienced specialist will recognize the true cause of the pain.

The arising pain in the neck is manifested by irritation, for a long time brings some discomfort. There is pain in the neck when swallowing food, when turning the head. This indicates an enlarged thyroid gland.  

Pain attacks are characterized by a chronic course – tingling, aching sensations. If this is associated with thyroid dysfunction, then the accompanying symptoms can be noted – insomnia, constant desire to eat, lack of working capacity, anxiety. Since each person is individual, the manifestation of pain is also individual.

In what cases resort to removal of the thyroid gland?

Removal of the thyroid gland is performed when this important organ ceases to fulfill its functions. Such an operation is a complex surgical intervention leading to certain postoperative complications. The thyroid gland is removed when treatment with other methods becomes impossible. Thyroid dysfunction caused by cancer, with the corresponding symptoms, leads to surgical intervention. Removal of the thyroid gland is prescribed due to its significant mechanical damage as a result of an accident or accident.

It is possible to remove the thyroid gland even after prolonged self-treatment, if the disease takes a severe form, and drug treatment does not give an effect. Therefore, doctors recall that it is important to seek medical help in a timely manner.

There is also a list of diseases involving not only benign or malignant tumors, but also inflammation of the tissues. Endocrine diseases cause deformation or destruction of the structure of the thyroid gland. In this case, the immune system is upset, a person loses working capacity and the ability to lead a familiar lifestyle. The only way out is to remove the organ damaged by inflammation.

What is the recovery period after surgery?

Common symptoms after thyroid surgery are sore throat, swelling in the skin incision, and discomfort in the back of the neck. These complications are temporary and disappear within 2-3 weeks after surgery. Hoarseness of the voice is observed, which is associated with irritation of the larynx and vocal cords with an anesthesia tube.

With partial removal of the gland, the level of calcium throughout the body decreases. For this reason, calcium-containing dietary supplements are introduced to the patient . 2 weeks after the start of the intake of dietary supplements , it will be seen in the urine tests whether calcium is excreted from the body, whether the kidneys wash out excess calcium.

A prerequisite for the postoperative period is the administration of levothyroxine , which suppresses the secretion of thyroid-stimulating hormone. This is important to prevent a repeat exacerbation of the disease and the formation of secondary hypothyroidism.

Is it necessary to adhere to a diet after surgery?

There are no special restrictions in the diet after surgery to completely or partially remove the thyroid gland. General diets are recommended according to the rules of healthy eating, when fatty, fried, smoked dishes, caffeine, carbonated and alcoholic drinks are excluded from the menu. Doctors warn vegetarians that soy products interfere with the absorption of hormones. Low-calorie nutrition and a lack of protein products can lead to hormonal imbalance, and the recovery period after thyroidectomy will be complicated and will last a long time.  

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