Thyroid health iodine

It is noted that the population of the Asian Pacific coast almost does not suffer from chronic thyroid diseases. In Japan, for example, goitre is observed in just one person out of a million. This is explained by the fact that in the diet of Japanese there are many dishes from brown seaweed – Japanese kelp, or sea kale. These algae have the ability to selectively concentrate the scattered elements in seawater, primarily iodine.

Sea kale in the form of canned food is also sold in Russia. Salads from these canned foods are an excellent tool for the prevention of thyroid disease. Alas, in the field of nutrition, people sometimes display surprising conservatism. And new, unusual products hardly fall on the table. The same applies to sea kale dishes – not everyone likes them.

Considering this aspect of human nature, a number of Russian enterprises began to produce iodine-rich algae products as biologically active food additives. Now they are on the market in the form of powder and solution in vegetable oils.

The composition of the powder of the iodine-containing complex also includes compounds of calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, and also trace elements: copper, cobalt, selenium. Present in it are amino acids necessary for the synthesis of thyroid hormones. The daily need for iodine is 200 mg, and this amount is contained in 0.03 g of the drug.

The properties of the fatty solution of the iodine-containing complex allow it to be used for the production of drugs and cosmetics.

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