Schizoid personality disorder

Schizoid personality disorder is a kind of psychopathy, characterized by isolation, solitude, a sincere desire to be alone with oneself. For schizoid social contacts have almost no value, they just do not need it. We call such people eccentric, strange, hermits. In this article, we will examine what is the schizoid personality disorder, the causes, the symptoms of this condition.

People who suffer from the described state are characterized by their isolation from the real, real world, emotional coldness, isolation, almost complete immersion in their personal fantasies. Schizoid personality disorder, the symptoms of which begin to manifest in childhood, has one more, perhaps the most important feature – the lack of need and desire to communicate with others. The schizoids maintain only formal contact with people, enter into a dialogue only in case of acute need buy seroquel online.

These people are not at all interested in the point of view of others on any occasion (this distinguishes them from paranoid). Comments from others have no effect on schizoids. They will find reliable only the information that they will draw from scientific books, statements of authoritative scientists, and so on.

As for the issues of life, here the schizoid psychopaths are completely helpless, but they are fond of mathematics, reading, physics, prone to original thinking.

Schizoid personality disorder does not appear in one day, it’s not a runny nose or sore throat. This is, in fact, a malaise in the development of which several stages are distinguished. Accordingly, symptoms and signs are formed. Let’s consider all more in detail.

Child-schizoid. When forming such a state, its characteristic features can be seen already in a child of 3-4 years. These kids do not have an active desire to communicate or play with their peers. They prefer secluded places, a quiet environment, if they do, then mostly alone. They are more interested in being among adults, listening to their conversations, but not participating in them. Schizoid personality disorder implies not only detachment from peers, but even a cold and indifferent attitude to the most native and close people. Such children at such a young age have an interest in “adult” topics – questions of life and death, the emergence of the world and so on.

School and teenage years. In school, such a child is difficult not to notice non-standard logical thinking, sometimes unique mathematical abilities, but they can not solve ordinary everyday problems. With regard to public relations, nothing changes – they avoid peers and all kinds of contacts.

In adolescence, this fence is even more striking. The schizoid is completely immersed in his fantasies and interests, he exists in his own world. What ordinary teenagers are interested in, causes a sick child dislike, disgust.

Although it is at this age that some schizoids begin to suffer from a lack of social connections, from loneliness. But they are not capable of communication, all attempts to make a friend end in failure and immerse a person even deeper into their invented world. Schizoid personality disorder is a condition in which intuition is very poorly developed. The schizoids do not understand the experiences of others, they do not know how to sympathize, express their own emotions. They are characterized by angular movements, stiffness. Some do it in a fanciful and mannered manner, others are monotonous.

Individual cases of psychopathy

In some situations, the rudiments of the schizoid warehouse begin to show up in 1-3 years. Characteristic manifestations are monotonous behavior, broken emotional contacts with others, poor adaptation. These kids have a lag in the formation of speech, communication skills.

First of all, it is paradoxical and disharmonious not only behavior and appearance, but also mental activity and emotional life in general. If we talk about motor skills, then it is characterized by nonplasticity, unnaturalness. In the gait, turns of the head, in normal movements, angularity is observed. In facial expressions there is no liveliness, speech is just a set of standard phrases. In clothes there is either complete negligence or deliberate sophistication. If a psychiatrist diagnoses schizoid personality disorder, the army (service in the armed forces) is contraindicated.

About the feelings and emotions of schizoids. They are people of extreme emotions and feelings. They are capable of either hating or admiring. Their hobbies are original, even peculiar, but one-sided. And the social significance here is also different. Some all their energy, all the forces are directed to achieve insignificant purposes (collecting, for example), while others show enviable persistence in order to create sometimes unique scientific concepts. But in any case, schizoids are equally indifferent to everyday life, to the needs of the family. Some people with this diagnosis even get a driver’s license. The schizoid personality disorder is examined in detail in each specific case, and the psychiatrist already decides how adequately the person thinks and whether the car can drive. By temperament, these people are divided into sensitive schizoids and expansive. Let’s find out the signs of manifestations of each species.

Sensitive schizoids. They are very sensitive people with an incredibly “gentle” inner organization. A small insult, even accidentally, they will be a long and painful experience. Moreover, they will never be freed from these memories. They are very modest, they are conscientious in their work.

Expansive schizoids. They are strong-willed and determined people who do not consider the others. They are principled, arrogant, cruelty borders on them with heartlessness. Such people have a propensity for explosive reactions.

How to determine what kind of person schizoid personality disorder? A test conducted by a psychiatrist will help to accurately diagnose everything. All the necessary features will be revealed, which is very important for the subsequent treatment.

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