Indices of arterial pressure

Blood pressure is what? This is the effect of blood on the walls of blood vessels. In other words, increasing the pressure of the fluid in the circulatory system in comparison with the atmospheric indices. Each stroke of the heart causes a fluctuation in blood pressure between the rarefaction and compression.

It is believed that systolic is cardiac pressure, and diastolic is vascular pressure. Systolic blood pressure is what? It is obtained by contracting the heart muscle. Partly in its formation, the aorta, which acts as a buffer, is involved. Therefore, to assert that this is cardiac pressure is not entirely correct.

Diastolic blood pressure (lower), what does it mean? After contracting the heart, the aortic valve closes and blood does not enter the heart. At this point, it is enriched with oxygen until further reduction. At this stage, the blood moves passively through the blood vessels buy capoten online. This is the indicator of diastolic pressure.

Danger to life and the condition of internal organs carries an increased systolic pressure, since the diastolic index is significantly lower even in hypertensive crisis. The only evidence of increased diastolic pressure is that a person has persistent hypertension.

It should be noted that pulse pressure is also allocated. The indicators of blood pressure should have a difference of 40-60 mm Hg. Art. A higher or lower value is undesirable, however, is not decisive in the diagnosis and therapy of the disease.

Hypertension is the scourge of modernity. In modern times, many people have high blood pressure. This phenomenon in medicine was called “hypertension”. This ailment should alert, since it significantly increases the risk of heart attack, cerebral hemorrhage, threatens a violation of consciousness, can provoke hepatic and heart failure. In addition, the disease changes the walls of the vessels and the retina of the eyes, which can lead to a complete loss of vision. Elevated blood pressure is evidence of chronic vascular and cardiac diseases.

Studies confirm that blood pressure is increased in 40% of people. As a rule, men are more likely to develop the disease. There are two types of hypertension: hypertension proper and arterial hypertension.

The reasons for the increase in blood pressure lie in nervous overloads and constant experiences. Also, hypertension can develop in a person with a genetic predisposition to ailment. Not the least role is played by the environment.

The more stress a person suffers, the higher the likelihood of an ailment. With the timely treatment of hypertension, complications can be avoided. But, as a rule, people do not notice its signs and do not conduct treatment at the initial stage.

Even in a healthy person, pressure may increase. But they do not reach the critical mark and do not pose a threat to health.

Elevation of markers can be triggered by a high level of saturated acids in food. They are part of palm and coconut oil, and are also present in animal fat. For example, in products such as sour cream, butter, cheese, sausage, various snacks, chocolate, sweets. All these products contain a lot of calories, although at first glance they seem to be low-fat.

Another risk factor is the increased salt content in food. Many products contain hidden salt. From a preventive point of view, you should eat only fresh food and do not abuse the semi-finished products. Refusal of foods containing salt would bring undeniable benefits to human health. Increased use of it contributes to the thinning of vessels and their fragility.

Pressure can also increase from excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. In moderate doses, alcohol does not affect the condition of the heart, but in high amounts it contributes to the development of tachycardia. The pressure index directly depends on the heart rate.

The reasons for the increase in blood pressure are different: An intensive way of life, which is dictated by our era. Man daily performs enormous amounts of work and overcomes difficulties. Many people are engaged in the field of intellectual work, which entails an overstrain of the emotional sphere.

Increased pressure can become nothing more than a physiological response to stress or stress at work. To overcome stress, you should choose a suitable method of relaxation, which will restore peace of mind.

Another negative factor is smoking. With regular use of cigarettes, blood vessels tend to strain, losing their elasticity. Further, they undergo a narrowing. Calcium is deposited on their walls, which increases the pressure.

Increased pressure can be caused by obesity, the constitution of a person and other causes. Hypertension may occur after traumatic brain injuries.

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