How to treat angina at home

Angina, or tonsillitis, is an infectious disease, mainly affecting the area of ​​the tonsils – lymphoid formations of the okoloth’s ring. This disease can provoke both bacteria and viruses. Depending on the causative agent present, the answer to the question of how best to treat angina will differ. In general, this disease is more affected by adolescents and children, but tonsillitis can occur in people under the age of forty, and sometimes in elderly people. Therefore, in this article we will consider how to treat angina in adults and children.

The disease caused by viruses, as a rule, is cured independently, it is enough to observe a special regime only. Adoption of additional measures is required when the development of viral angina in children. How to treat the baby, the doctor should tell. It may be necessary to take symptomatic medicines in order to facilitate the well-being and general condition of the child, as well as to increase resistance to the disease.

A completely different approach requires bacterial tonsillitis. How to treat purulent sore throat caused by streptococci? In this situation, antibiotics will certainly be needed. The choice of the drug and the establishment of the duration of the course is the prerogative of the doctor. In case you can not consult a specialist, you should know which antibiotic to treat angina is preferable. Often, at home, Penicillin is administered with a ten-day course. If there is an allergy to it, the “Erythromycin” remedy is used in the same way. Most likely, after the first couple of days, improvement will be noticeable, however, it is necessary to drink the medicine to the end, because premature termination of therapy can lead to a relapse of the disease and the development of complications

Herpetic tonsillitis. This type of disease is provoked by enteroviruses from the Coxsackie and ECHO groups. Infection is transmitted as a result of non-compliance with personal hygiene: a fecal-oral route. Many people are confused when they develop this ailment, because they do not know what to treat herpes sore throat. However, the therapy in this situation will be similar to that in the case of normal viral tonsillitis. As a rule, such an angina occurs in children. How to treat it? Antiseptic and antiviral drugs should be used.

Rinsing. On the course of the disease can favorably affect the rinsing. For those who want to know how to treat angina at home, we will tell you how to do this procedure correctly. For the rinse, a 0.1% (light-crimson) aqueous solution of potassium permanganate (manganese), an aqueous solution of furacilin or an aqueous solution of baking soda and salts should be used to rinse.

Pay attention that they are warm, but in any case not hot. The procedure should be performed several times a day. Also, for rinsing the throat is well suited infusion of calendula or chamomile (one glass of boiling water – one or two tablespoons of dried flowers).

Such procedures will be useful to all categories of patients and are effective both in simple tonsillitis and in pharyngitis. As for the question of how to treat sore throat in adults, we can advise one more procedure – iodine lubrication of the affected tonsils. Immediately it should be cautioned that such a method is rather painful and can even be dangerous if there is an allergy to iodine, so it is allowed to resort to it only in the most extreme situations.

Compresses. Another option for how to treat sore throat at home is the use of alcohol compresses on the throat. This tool has been tried many times, and people’s testimonies indicate that in this way it is really possible to relieve pain and relieve inflammation. To make a compress, the alcoholic solution should be applied to the gauze cloth (maximum 40% concentration, otherwise a chemical skin burn).

Then, impregnated gauze should be placed on the throat, and on top of it it is desirable to place a piece of waxed paper or polyethylene – this will help prevent the evaporation of alcohol. Next, the superimposed compress should be tied with a warm scarf. Typically, this dressing is superimposed on the night, but in the early days you can apply it even during the day.

Temperature. In tonsillitis, as is known, body temperature can significantly increase. It must be ensured that it does not reach dangerous, critical values. In general, at high temperature, it is better to consult a doctor. He will explain how to properly treat angina, when you need to knock down the temperature, and when you should not do it.

Tips for Relieving Sore Throat and Improving Wellness. Drink plenty of water. So you will maintain moisture in the throat, which will facilitate the swallowing process and protect you from dehydration, which can develop at elevated temperature. Rinse your throat with salt water. Dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of boiling water, then cool the solution to room temperature and rinse it several times a day. If you are doing this procedure to a child, then make sure that it spits water, and does not swallow.

Drink tea with honey and lemon. Honey will help moisturize the throat, and the lemon will reduce the production of sputum. But remember that children under one year should not be given honey. Take lollipops that relieve pain in the throat. Such a means increases the production of saliva, and it, in turn, cleans the mouth of microbes and food debris.

Moisten the air. This will make sleep more pleasant and calm, and also reduce irritation of the upper respiratory tract and nasal mucosa. If you use special moisturizers, do not forget to regularly change the water and wash the device at least once a week to avoid the growth of pathogenic bacteria and mold. Talk as little as possible. It is necessary to keep a voice for a certain time, otherwise you can temporarily lose it (laryngitis develops).

And also: if you do not want to contact a doctor and decide to fight the infection yourself, then take care of at least others: do not appear at work until you feel better, so as not to infect colleagues. You can not bear the disease on your feet. Knowing how to treat angina at home, you probably will be able to get better within a few days provided that bed rest is observed.

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