Thyroid Research Methods

When viewed normally, the thyroid gland is not visible. It is necessary to make an idea if there is a pathological thickening in the region of the front surface of the neck, as well as any separate formations that change its configuration. The mobility of these formations during the act of swallowing is noted, which indicates that they belong to the thyroid gland.  

The position of the head during palpation of the thyroid gland is normal. On palpation of the thyroid gland in a healthy person, a glandular formation of elastic consistency, mobile and painless, is determined. With an enlarged thyroid gland, careful, but careful palpation determines the uniformity of its increase, the evenness and clarity of the contours, its mobility, consistency, the presence or absence of individual seals in the thickness. The study is carried out outside the act of swallowing and during it. In the absence of an enlargement of the thyroid gland, noticeable in the eye, palpation of each lobe is carried out separately. To do this, carefully push it outwards with your fingers, without pressing on the larynx, the inner edge of the sternum of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, with worm-like careful movements penetrate into the deeper parts of the neck.  

Auscultation is carried out over the area of ​​the thyroid gland with a phonendoscope; the presence of noise is observed with increased activity of the thyroid gland, which is explained by increased blood flow.

X-ray examination . A routine x-ray examination can reveal a sternal goiter located in the anterior chest and clearly visible against a background of transparent pulmonary fields; deposition of calcium in the thyroid gland , as well as the displacement and compression of the enlarged thyroid gland and trachea and esophagus .      

To clarify the diagnosis of thyroid diseases, a method of artificially contrasting it with a gas introduced into the fiber surrounding the gland (pneumothyroidography) is proposed. After the introduction of 150-250 ml of gas (oxygen, filtered air, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide) produce x-ray in the front and side projections, as well as tomograms. The technique allows you to determine the shape, size of the gland, as well as the parenchymal and nodular goiter.   

The technique of indirect pneumothyroidography is also used – the introduction of gas into the mediastinum (see Pneumomediastinography).   

Laboratory research methods . Iodine bound by blood plasma proteins consists of 70–80% of organic iodine (thyroid hormone iodine) and therefore its content in the blood makes it possible to judge the function of the thyroid gland. In healthy adults, the blood level of protein-bound iodine ranges from 3.5-4 to 8 μg%, with hypothyroidism – most often below 3-4 μg%, and with hyperthyroidism – above 8 μg%.

Radioisotope research methods can determine the function, topography, size of the thyroid gland and the activity of its various sites.

To determine the function of the thyroid gland, the method of remote determination of its radioactivity using devices such as DSU-61 and DSU-68 is used 2, 4 and 24 hours after oral administration of 1–5 microcurie of radioactive iodine. In healthy adults, the absorption of radioactive iodine by the thyroid gland after 2 hours is 10-20%, after 24 hours – 30-50% of the administered amount. In patients with hyperthyroidism, these indicators are respectively higher than the maximum in healthy; in patients with hypothyroidism – respectively below the minimum in healthy.  

Radioisotope studies of the thyroid gland are carried out by scanning the gland with gamma-ray scanners (scanners) 24 hours after oral administration of 50 mccurie of radioactive iodine. The method allows not only to determine the topography and size of the thyroid gland, the activity of its various sections, but also to identify the activity of “nodes”, the dimensions of which are at least 0.5 cm.  

The main metabolism is determined in conditions of complete rest after twelve-hour fasting. In adults, its indicators range from + 10% to -10%, with hyperthyroidism they exceed + 20%, with hypothyroidism they are lower than in healthy ones.

Thyroid biopsy is relatively rare. It allows you to diagnose cysts and neoplasms of the thyroid gland.

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