The thyroid gland is an important organ in the life of a woman

Hypothyroidism is a syndrome that develops with a low concentration of thyroid hormones. There are a lot of etiological factors for the development of the disease, including a psychosomatic moment. Psychotherapists call hypothyroidism a disease of broken dreams and unfulfilled plans when a person loses interest in what is happening. This is told by an endocrinologist, nutritionist, expert in the field of female health Natalia Zubareva .        

Every second patient of mine has an imbalance of thyroid hormones. According to the American Thyrological Association, about 20 million Americans suffer from some form of Queen Metabolism disease, and 8 out of 10 patients are usually women.     

In pregnant women, hypothyroidism is rare. Why? Because it is usually detected late, as the picture of the disease is too blurry and more like symptoms of overwork. For example, with hypothyroidism it is difficult to get pregnant, infertility develops, hence the statistics for the detection of this disease in pregnant women.      

How to suspect that thyroid problems?  

“You are incredibly annoying.” Maybe you and have not differed sweet temper, but now all that somehow goes against your opinion or desire, causes a storm of emotions that you control not in the state.         

– Frequent mood swings. And not just frequent, but sharp: cried, laughed immediately , cried again. This is a typical symptom of hyperthyroidism (a syndrome with a high concentration of thyroid hormones). It is as if several personalities live in you at once, who switch one to the other.      

– I did not have time to wake up, already tired. 

– Constant weakness, apathy, depressive mood.

– Your weight is “rooted to the spot”, despite the observance of bulk nutrition in a reasonable calorie deficit. Or the weight “jumps” out of the blue +/- 5 kg. This may not be fat, but swelling, which is prone to those who have disorders of the thyroid gland.           

– Hair loss, brittle nails, dry skin.

– Disorders of the menstrual cycle.

During pregnancy, a woman’s healthy thyroid gland experiences “overload”, which may be the trigger in the development of hypothyroidism for the first time during pregnancy. During pregnancy with hypothyroidism, the central nervous system of the fetus will develop under conditions of hormone deficiency, since in the first months the thyroid gland of the fetus does not function, but develops only due to maternal hormones. Given the insufficient function of the thyroid gland in a pregnant woman, the thyroid gland does not develop properly, which is fraught with future consequences both for the gestation of the pregnancy and for the fetus itself. That is why it is important to diagnose, identify and compensate for the lack of thyroid hormone.              

Examination of a pregnant woman, as well as a woman planning a pregnancy, is prescribed on the basis of clinical protocols.  

When registering, the survey is carried out according to the protocols. 

Do I have my own clinical least of which I am surveyed women in the stage of preparation for pregnancy. In Ideally, the survey is the stage of planning of pregnancy (at least 3 months before its occurrence).           

Women on the 3-5th day of the cycle:

  • general blood test, coagulogram;
  • total protein and fractions; 
  • lipid spectrum: cholesterol, atherogenic coefficient, HDL, LDL, triglycerides;
  • serum iron, ferritin, vitamin D – 25 (OH) 
  • glucose and insulin; 
  • TTG and T4 sv, also T3 and AT-TPO;    
  • prolactin, cortisol;
  • FSH, LH, testosterone;
  • fluorography, ultrasound of the mammary glands.

On the 21st day of the cycle: 

  • progesterone.

For vegetarians and raw-eaters, all of the above is imperative: control of the KLA, analysis of hair, specifically hair, for trace elements. In principle, it will not hurt everyone to take an analysis for trace elements.      

In addition, at the planning stage of pregnancy, an examination of the future father is also important . Important is the study of the lipid spectrum, spermogram and the level of male sex hormones. Be sure to survey in men thyroid parameters (T3, T4, TSH, TPO), although male gender, although less exposed to diseases in this group, but all the same in men, it is also there, and its dysfunction can affect the ability to conceive .            

Men can be tested for hormones any day, unlike women. The hormonal background affects the ability of not only women, but also men to conceive, as they determine the body’s ability to produce viable healthy germ cells.         

Clinical minimum for examination of the future father:

  • glucose, insulin;
  • TTG and T4 sv, also T3 and AT-TPO;    
  • prolactin;
  • LH, testosterone;
  • general blood test + serum iron;
  • fluorography.

Analyzes on hormones included in clinical least like men and in women. Their findings will help identify violations of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, to point out irregularities in the hypothalamic – pituitary-adrenal axis.           

After childbirth, restoration of the hormonal background is a long process. It depends on many factors: daily routine, diet of a young mother, sleep mode, ecological situation, psycho-emotional state. To normalize the hormonal background after childbirth, it is necessary, accordingly, the correct sleep and nutrition regimen , the absence of psychoemotional overloads, which is very difficult in the first months after childbirth and is sometimes not even feasible.       

The hormonal background is restored after childbirth long enough, and finally “comes to its senses” a couple of months after the end of breastfeeding.  

If during pregnancy or even before its onset hypothyroidism was detected, hormone levels should be monitored no later than 2 months after birth.      

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