The relationship between the spine and being overweight

The condition of the whole organism largely depends on the health of the human back. As Hippocrates said in antiquity: “In case of illness, pay attention to your spine.” It seems that the spine should not be associated with being overweight, but this is not the case. A change in the position of the spine affects the work of all body systems, in particular the endocrine system, as well as the quality of metabolism. Some have known since school that the nerve endings along which the nerve impulses pass to the internal organs from the spinal cord. When the spine is in the wrong position for a long time, nerves and blood vessels get pinched and impulse conduction deteriorates. And many nerve fibers even die, unable to withstand a long depressed state. Against the background of poor innervation, poor regulation occurs, as a result of which the whole human body begins to suffer.

Which body responds to spinal diseases?

A diseased spine can cause problems such as varicose veins, cellulitis, acne, and other similar problems. 

Too many people suffer from high blood pressure. According to statistics, in 40-50% of hypertensive patients, blood pressure returns to normal after correction of the thoracic and cervical spine.

Also, various diseases of the spine can cause headaches, endocrine disorders, kidney diseases, diseases of the respiratory, digestive and cardiovascular systems, and that’s not all! These diseases are added to fatigue, pain, muscle weakness, impaired mobility in all parts of the body.

Even if a disease of the spine gives an additional burden on one system of the body, this will not cause pleasant sensations. As a rule, people with such symptoms are not up to an active lifestyle: after work, they only have enough strength to eat and fall into bed.

Overweight Diseases

Literate people know that excess weight does not come from excessive eating of high-calorie foods, but various diseases become the cause of the extra pounds:

  1. Disturbances in the pituitary gland – the main one in the endocrine system that produces hormones that are responsible for metabolism. And the pituitary gland can easily suffer from diseases of the back, since it is closely connected with the first cervical vertebra.
  2. Impaired thyroid function. The thyroid gland is a very important organ that controls the functions of many systems and organs. The thyroid gland can be affected when pinched nerves in the region of the seventh cervical vertebra.  
  3. Disorders of the pancreas, which corresponds to the seventh thoracic vertebra. One dietary hypothesis suggests that any type of obesity is caused by hyperinsulinism – excessive production of insulin by the pancreas, as a result of which a person has a constant feeling of hunger and a need for food.
  4. Diseases of the kidneys (10-11th thoracic vertebrae) or impaired heart function (2nd vertebra of the thoracic region) cause severe edema, which adds several extra pounds to the weight.
  5. Diseases of the lymphatic system that can occur if the 12th thoracic vertebra is affected cause tissue metabolism disorders.

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