In the conditions of our daily lives, almost every one of us experiences a negative environmental impact – car exhaust, radiation from electronic equipment, smog in cities, everyday stress at work, all this affects the general condition of the body – consequences: depression, apathetic state, constant colds, weakened immunity, metabolic disorders. All this can lead to even more serious consequences and diseases.  

In order to avoid the negative effects of modern life, you must accordingly monitor and take care of your body. The easiest way is to regulate and normalize metabolism. The main organ responsible for the regulation of metabolism in the human body is the thyroid gland, whose work, in turn, depends on the amount of iodine in the body. You can eat iodine-containing foods such as seaweed, pink lettuce, dandelion leaves , etc. However, not every body can absorb a few kilograms of seaweed per day for the full consumption of iodine.    

There is an easier way to restore the balance of metabolism in the body – iodine therapy. 

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