How to keep your thyroid healthy

Today, almost everyone knows what the thyroid gland or thyroid gland (the colloquial version of the name) is, but can everyone immediately tell what it is responsible for and what are the symptoms of its disorders? It is an endocrine gland in the body of vertebrates, contouredly resembling a butterfly, located between the larynx and the trachea. Disorders of the thyroid gland threaten to lower the level of iodine-containing hormones in the body and lead to diseases such as endemic goiter and cretinism.  

The thyroid gland is an endocrine organ and the main supplier of hormones containing iodine (iodothyronines) to the human body, which in turn regulate the following vital processes and organs: 

  • digestive system;
  • psychological state;
  • sexual functions;
  • blood circulation;
  • calcium level. 

Causes and predisposition of the thyroid gland? 

According to statistics, thyroid disease is found in 1 in 10 people among the entire population of the Earth, and today these indicators are not decreasing. What factors can contribute to the development of thyroid disease:

  • gender;
  • female representatives, more often suffer from endocrine diseases;
  • close relatives with endocrine disease;
  • X-ray (gamma, beta) radiation;
  • for example, as a result of oncology treatment;
  • hormonal disruptions in expectant mothers;
  • age – people over 50 are more prone to the disease.

Pay attention to thyroid symptoms ? 

Thyroid pathologies have the properties of an external manifestation and are often made noticeable not only for the patient, but also for his environment. The following symptoms indicate the problems of the work of this organ:

  • character changes – crying attacks, nervousness, irascibility;
  • temperature changes – not typical sweating or chills;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • diarrhea, delayed bowel movements.

Thyroid treatment

Solving thyroid problems involves combating the disease that provoked them. The two most effective methods are a therapeutic method and an operation. The therapeutic method consists in the use of special drugs that slow down the excessive activity of the thyroid gland. For expectant and nursing mothers, doctors do not recommend resorting to this therapy. Surgical intervention is necessary if nodules in the thyroid gland are found. Modern surgical instruments and equipment allow the operation to be performed almost seamlessly, without negative aesthetic consequences.    

Thyroid diagnostics

The first thing that needs to be done to check the thyroid gland is to seek the advice of a doctor (an online appeal will allow you to understand the external symptoms that do not require tactile acquaintance). There are also additional methods:  

  • Ultrasound in the neck area;
  • general clinical blood test.

Thyroid diseases affect 50% of the world’s population, and the most common are nodules, the treatment of which, however, does not require any radical measures.

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