Average duration of sexual intercourse in men and women

Sexual life is an integral part of the relationship between men and women. Ideally, it should be bright and memorable, but for this, there must be mutual understanding and harmony between partners. Of course, achieving this is not easy, but real. The main thing – with intimacy is to give time to caress, take into account taste preferences and the duration of sexual intercourse. And, of course, candles, music and aroma oils will not be superfluous. So what should be the average duration of sexual intercourse in an ideal sex life?

Age and duration of sexual intercourse. The duration of sexual intercourse, according to experts, directly depends on your age. So during puberty, the time of intimate communication can have a long, and even protracted character, than in a later period of your life.

At about 22 years, there is a sharp decline in sexual activity, and after 26 years, on the contrary, it is rising. This is due to a decrease in the level of sexuality in men in adulthood and with its instability in the early years buy cialis online canada.

What does mean the average sexual intercourse mean? The average duration of sexual intercourse in men is a very controversial component. The fact is that its value depends on the moment of the beginning and end of the calculus, as well as on the inclusion of preliminary kisses and caresses. For example, the most correct is the indicator, called the frictional stage in sexual intimacy.

He says that when determining the average, all the actions of a man are taken as a basis, starting from the moment of introduction of the sexual organ into the vagina and to the final stage of ejaculation. This takes into account the number of frictions (jogging-forward movements in the process of sexual contact).

Duration of sexual intercourse. Sexual contact is short, long and average. The shortest is an intimate affinity lasting one minute and forty-five seconds (about 65 frictions). The longest is three minutes and thirty five seconds, which is approximately 270 frictions. In turn, the average duration of sexual intercourse is two minutes and twenty-three seconds. And the entire period from the introduction of the male sexual organ and to ejaculation is normally about 1.5-5 minutes.

The most ridiculous sexual records The longest sexual intercourse is the record set by pornoververz Balzac’s age Mae West and her ex-boyfriend. According to the star of the erotic cinema, the whole process took place outside the set and took about 15 hours for the couple.

The shortest intimate relationship is registered in the Guinness Book of Records, but not in the performance of people. As it turned out, the record belongs to mosquitoes, which can mate in just three seconds. What is the average duration of sexual intercourse in women, read on.

How long does it take to have sexual intercourse with women? Female sexual intercourse directly depends on the man playing the primary role in it. According to experts, to fully meet the beautiful ladies it is necessary to get from your partner the stimulation of erogenous zones within 10-15 minutes.

Sexual intercourse, average duration: what does it depend on? Based on the conclusions of experienced sexologists, the duration of copulation of women and men depends on many different factors, of which the following can be distinguished:

  • The mood of both partners;
  • State of health and physical condition of both partners;
  • Presence of unpleasant and painful sensations (if any);
  • Speed ​​of excitability and temperament of partners;
  • Physiological characteristics of men and women (the sexual constitution directly affects the sexual act itself, the average duration of which may well depend on the size and capabilities of the sexual organs of partners);
  • Length of preliminary sexual caresses;
  • Abuse of tobacco and alcohol products;
  • The proximity and the onset of “women’s days” and ovulation;
  • Number of approaches and so on.

It is also important to know how long the break between sexual games was with partners. For example, if a man has a duration of sexual abstinence for a month, then with the closest contact, he will not be able to restrain himself for a long time. As a result, ejaculation will happen very quickly. Recall that the average duration of sexual intercourse is more than two minutes.

Long sexual intercourse: benefit or harm. It is a mistake to believe that the longer the sexual intimacy of partners is, the better. On the contrary, a long coitus tires and dulls sexuality. It gives rise to a certain saturation and, as a consequence, apathy to further carnal pleasures.

In addition, it’s not even the duration of the process itself, but the mutual satisfaction of the partners. So some women are able to get up to 3-4 orgasms for one sexual contact. A short period of intercourse is also not the norm, as it does not bring positive emotions to a woman. During this time, she simply does not have time to relax and enjoy sexual caresses. Consequently, the optimal solution is to take into account the average time of sexual intercourse.

How to increase the process time to the maximum? Often both partners converge on one: the time of their sexual intimacy should be maximized. What can be done for this? First, one of the simplest and most inexpensive options to solve the problem is to use condoms made from very dense material or containing a special anesthetic composition. You can also use a conventional condom, after putting a small drop of ice into it.

Secondly, your average duration of sexual intercourse will increase significantly if you do not endlessly think about the process itself. It’s better to concentrate on work or think about spectacular romantic paraphernalia for a pleasant evening. Thirdly, you can contact a doctor who will save the man from excess flesh. According to experts, such an operation will increase the time of your sexual contact by about 2-3 times.

Fourthly, if you are thinking about how to increase the duration of sexual intercourse, use special drugs and drugs. Modern medicine allows you to increase the contact time with the help of tablets, creams, gels and other means.

In addition, rapid intercourse can be a consequence, not the cause itself. Therefore, to begin with, it is worth investigating and referring to specialists, for example, sexologists. Sometimes the cause can be stress, so counseling a psychologist will also not be superfluous. In a word, first carry out “work on the mistakes”, find out all the causes and consequences, and then start looking for ways out of this situation.

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