Thyroid treatment
Before you go on reading, I would like to remind everyone that the information on this site is presented solely for informational purposes. I am not a certified physician and all of the following information is my vision of optimal treatment strategies based on studying books / websites \ articles \ interviews of advanced doctors or advanced patients whom life has forced to understand the disease on their own. Legislation in many countries does not allow such charlatans without medical education like me to heal people. So read, ponder and discuss everything with your doctor!!
Evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment
How to understand whether you cured hypothyroidism or not? Unfortunately, many experienced hypothyroids have an energy level \ clarity of thinking, relatively speaking, 4 points out of 10, and when, after some steps \ hormone replacement therapy, the energy level rises to 7 points, they consider themselves "absolutely healthy." In contrast to what has become and what has become, it is very easy to fall into such an illusion. Improving symptoms alone is an important criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of treatment, but is not sufficient. In addition to improving symptoms, a cured hypothyroidism should give you a sublingual temperature of 36.6 on waking and 37.0 for dinner (I always use a digital thermometer). Women should measure from the 1st to the 5th day of the cycle and look at the average, I wrote about this many times.
Why does this complex system of three types of deiodinases evolve in us at all, T4, T3, and so on?
Unfortunately, many hypothyroids do not understand why the whole complex and intricate system of three types of deiodinases, T4, T3, reverse T3, and so on, evolved in us. If the cellular energy consumption regulates almost entirely T3, then why bother to produce T4 at all and then with the help of deiodinase to split one atom of iodine and convert it to T3? Wouldn't it be wiser to immediately produce T3? We often read that T4 is “raw material for T3 production and T3 long-term storage”, but the form of long-term storage in the body provides the binding of the hormone to proteins (globulins) and this is how it is implemented in other hormones like testosterone, estradiol, cortisol, aldosterone and most of the rest. T3 consists of the amino acid molecule "tyrosine + 3x iodine atoms", and T4 consists of "tyrosine + 4x iodine atoms", so the idea to produce T4 as a "raw material for the production of T3" is simply absurd. But, nevertheless, this is how it is implemented in the human body. Why?

The fact is that in the course of evolution, the organisms of our distant ancestors learned to go into an emergency economy mode (slow down cell energy consumption, i.e. metabolism) when there is some problem (calorie deficit in the diet for more than 75 hours in a row, micronutrient deficiency, insulin resistance (plus leptin resistance coming with it), testosterone deficiency in men, toxicity, inflammation, deficiency of free cortisol, malfunctioning digestion, systemic disease, etc., and working at full speed (full energy consumption / energy consumption current), when all is well. The slowdown in energy consumption \ metabolism is also hypothyroidism, but such hypothyroidism is not caused by a "decrease in thyroid function" or "deficiency of thyroid hormones in the bloodstream", but by the body's desire to go into an emergency economy mode and increase its chances of surviving during the period of lack of food, inflammation, systemic disease while the immune system is trying to fix the problem. And technically, this is implemented using different types of enzymes deiodinases, which are located in different tissues of the body and decide which amount of T4 to convert to T3 (speeds up metabolism), and which - into reverse T3 (slows down metabolism). Not because the thyroid begins to produce less hormones when there is a problem and more hormones when everything is fine. The thyroid gland is just a performer in this system that does not solve anything and all that it does is that it stores iodine (about 50 MG of iodine in the body without iodine deficiency) and then produces the required amount of T4 upon request from above, adding this iodine to tyrosine and the amino acid throwing it into the bloodstream. As well as tiny amounts of T3 (about 9 micrograms per day). And this is where all her work ends! The rest of the metabolic rate (the rate of energy consumption of the cells) is regulated by deiodinases in each specific tissue of the body. Therefore, it is the deodinases that decide how much T3 will be in your bloodstream and, subsequently, in the cell.
Another important reason for such a complex arrangement of thyroid hormone metabolism is that different organs and tissues need different levels of intracellular T3 for optimal performance. Within the brain alone, its different parts require different levels of intracellular T3 for optimal performance. And this diversity is provided by deiodinases, converting as much T4 into T3 as is needed in this particular tissue and not a drop more.
In the context of hypothyroidism or inulin-resistance, the word "metabolism" is actually synonymous with the word "energy consumption / energy consumption of cells", therefore slowed metabolism = slowed energy consumption of cells = reduced calorie \ microelement consumption = all organs and systems work on "reduced transmission" (because they are made up of cells), you feel weakness / fatigue, brain fog, decreased sublingual temperature (because the cells are “heated” by burning energy), weakened libido, weakened immunity, and so on.
Most hypothyroidism develops for two reasons, and often they are both present:
- the desire of the body to go into emergency-economy mode as an adaptive response strategy for a serious problem somewhere in the body.
- T4 deficiency in the bloodstream for some reason:
- iodine deficiency in the body;
- long-term effects of an autoimmune thyroid attack;
- atrophy of the thyroid function after many years of stay on hormone replacement therapy;
- removal of thyroid gland / thyroid cancer;
- any other reason why T4 is not enough in the bloodstream.
Therefore, absolutely every hypothyroidism should remember that the normalization of thyroid hormone levels in the bloodstream (as a result of good hormone replacement therapy or normalization of iodine reserves) gives only 50% of success in treating hypothyroidism. No pills or supplements are not able to directly affect the work of deiodinases, and it is they who ultimately decide what your metabolic rate will be, i.e. will you have hypothyroidism or not. How to make deiodinases speed up metabolism? No It is necessary to eliminate all the hidden problems in the body and then they themselves will take the body out of the emergency mode.
Some cunning people are trying to circumvent the deiodinases entirely, jumping on T3 monotherapy. On T3 monotherapy, your TSH drops significantly (because it is determined by the intrahypophysial T3 levels) and the thyroid gland stops producing T4. And since there is no T4, then deodinases cannot slow down the metabolism. This strategy has three huge problems:
1) Different organs and tissues for healthy and optimal work need different intracellular levels of T3 (if my memory serves me, the muscles need more, the brain less, and so on). In addition, different parts of the brain also need different T3 intracellular levels for optimal performance. But T3 monotherapy gives the same intracellular T3 level throughout the body and therefore it has a long list of known side effects: brain fog, poor short-term memory, reduced ability to solve mathematical problems, muscle weakness, insulin resistance, rapid pulse, exercise intolerance, shortness of breath, insomnia, hair loss, increased liver enzymes AST and ALT, osteoporosis, erythrocytosis; a high level of T3 increases the production of sex hormone-binding globulin. T3 deficiency in the brain cells slows down its work, but exactly the excess of T3 also slows it down!!
2) T4 is not only a precursor of T3, but it also regulates the heart rate, important for your hair, mood, and normal brain function. And jumping on monotherapy T3, you completely deprive the body T4.
3) If you have already decided to live on T3 monotherapy for some reason (usually this is T4 to T3 underconversion as a result of some undiagnosed problem in the body and the response desire of deiodinases to take the body into emergency mode), you must take T3 every 5 hours, including the middle of the night! At night, the body most in need of T3, because T3 is needed by all endocrine glands for proper operation, and they usually work at night. That is why in healthy people the peak of T3 concentration falls in the middle of the night. The person sitting on monotherapy T3 is entirely dependent on the external reception of T3, since his thyroid hormones he does not produce. Therefore, a patient who sits on T3 monotherapy and does not wake up in the middle of the night on an alarm clock to take another dose of T3, has a directly opposite healthy circadian rhythm of T3 concentration in the body — a lot during the day and a pit at night. If you read less on the Internet about the half-life of T3 at 24 hours and monitor the sublingual temperature more with a digital thermometer, you will notice that T3 is really active for about 5-6 hours, exactly like they say on top hypothyroidism sites!
Now I will tell two fictional stories, but based on real events:
1) No one has ever explained to Marie that a good hormone replacement therapy gives only 50% of success and that almost all hypothyroids with experience in the body have a long list of the above failures, each of which needs to be eliminated so that the thyroid hormone metabolism works as it should. She lives with the illusion that all she needs for recovery is to find a “effective” hormone replacement therapy drug and all other problems should “resolve” themselves. Then one day she tries natural thyroids, completely ignoring her insulin resistance, iron imbalance, microelement deficiencies, and so on. Of course, instead of the result, she gets dick on vegetable oil at best, and at worst - worsening cardiovascular symptoms, anxiety and general deterioration. After that, she concludes that "the drug did not suit her" and is trying to resell it to someone else. The reality is that with such an approach no drug can cure it with full body, but sooner or later she will “come” to T3 monotherapy and will absolutely sincerely believe that “her T4 is poorly converted to T3” or she has “rare genetic defects, where T4 is not converted to T3". On T3 monotherapy, she will feel better than on other therapies, but, as I wrote above, she will have a long list of symptoms, especially brain fog. I lived for many months on T3 monotherapy myself and I can say for sure that the brain fog is huge and the energy level still remains low, although the body temperature rises and the feet stop to freeze. Maria seriously thinks that for the first 15-20 years of her life she had no problems with the conversion of T4 to T3 and no symptoms of hypothyroidism, and, accordingly, her underconversion of T4 to T3 (or the growth of reverse T3) is not a feature of the organism and not a genetic defect, but the result of the presence of some undiagnosed failure \ problem far beyond the thyroid. I sometimes hear from hypothyroids, even competent enough, that "my T4 is poorly converted to T3," and therefore I live on T3 monotherapy or T4 + T3 combination therapy with a predominance of T3. Or that "my body lacks T3 and I feel it and therefore take it extra." If they study the work of deiodinases deeper, they will understand why their deiodinases do not want to speed up their metabolism and instead convert T4 to reversible T3. The principles of work of deiodinases, their connection with the current level of T4, T3, TSH, etc., are extremely complex, much more complicated than what I described in the section Device and functions of the thyroid gland. Perhaps someday I will describe their work in more detail, but so far there is no time or desire for it.
2) Pavel first sat down on therapy containing T4 (or increased the dosage) and for the first week or two replaced noticeable improvements in symptoms: there was more energy, less brain fog, better mood. But after two weeks, all the symptoms returned. After some time, the doctor advised him to increase the dosage and again for the first week or two, he noticed an improvement, but then everything slipped back again. The fact is that Pavel plays a deliberately losing game against his body - he tries to speed up his metabolism, taking external hormones, and deodisans try to slow down his metabolism, but they do it with a delay of 1-2 weeks. In reality, Paul needs to focus his attention on eliminating problems outside the thyroid, since there is no other way to manipulate the work of deiodinases.
Elimination of problems interfering with thyroid hormone metabolism
The list of reasons why deiodinases can start to slow down metabolism (trying to go into emergency mode) can be quite wide and I am sure that science still does not even know all the reasons. Below I will describe the most common and well-known reasons for me, but you should always keep your mind open to finding undiagnosed failures in your body. If you have eliminated all the failures listed below, but T4 still does not want to effectively convert to T3, giving you 37.0 under the tongue for dinner, then the most sensible strategy I see is a complete normalization of the digestive system and a complete rejection of food garbage: all gluten, all milk , all corn and its derivatives, all soybeans and its derivatives, as well as eggs. Even if you do not have a single visible digestive symptom! How to normalize the digestive tract? To do this, you need the most competent gastro-enterologist, to which you can only reach. Remember, the digestive system is the core of your health. In terms of importance, it can only be compared with hormonal. Most hormonal, chronic disruptions are the result of digestive system malfunction and / or malnutrition.
1) Insulin resistance (plus leptin resistance). Do not even think of thinking that if your fasting sugar and glycated hemoglobin are normal, then you "have no problems with insulin resistance." This is how endocrinologists interpreted my situation many years ago and I had to pay for their stupidity for years with hypothyroidism. If I had the brains less to listen to their bullshit, pass on insulin on an empty stomach and compare its values with healthy ones according to experts, I would have recovered much earlier. More or less healthy insulin on an empty stomach is 3-4 IU / ml, where 5 IU \ ml and above are different degrees of the problem. And do not be surprised if "for some reason deiodinases do not want to convert my T4 to T3, although my fasting insulin is only 9 IU / ml (2.6 - 24.9)." This range (2.6-24.9) has nothing to do with reality and it may seem to you that your fasting insulin is 6 IU / ml or even 10 IU / ml is "good".
2) Lack of micronutrients \ hydrochloric acid. First of all it concerns hormone D, iron, magnesium, zinc, selenium, iodine, vitamins of group B.
3) Lack of free cortisol. The method of circadian T3. My experience has twice shown that the need to think about cortisol disappears by itself, if insulin resistance, imbalance of micronutrients, iron overload and low testosterone in men are eliminated. My cortisol was restored twice to healthy values SELFLY without any method of cyrcadian T3, if I fixed other problems. At the moment, I believe that the circadian method t3 is a “patch” to correct the problem, which should be solved completely from the other side. If we remove the reasons that prevent the conversion of T4 to T3, then the level of cellular T3 will become healthy and cortisol will normalize itself.
4) Malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract. Faulty digestion.
5) Toxicity. Overloading with iron or other heavy metals. Ferritin 100 and above is a serious problem, which in research is associated with metabolic syndrome and an increase in all cause mortality. Most of the resources on iron overload (hemochromatosis) are obsolete and sound absurd reference ranges for a healthy level of ferritin (20-300). I myself was overloaded with iron and I had to study most of them, the best is the portal with the largest evidence base and an enormous amount of research published on the site. According to the portal, the optimal ferritin is 25-75 ng / ml and up to 100 ng / ml is acceptable. Quote from there:
"It has been associated with decreased cardio vascular fitness, increased incidences of atherosclerosis, type 2 diabetes, has been associated (IR) Science Library. Failure to do so; Oxygen Species (ROS). , even when ferritin exceeds 150 ng / ml, if the body's natural antioxidant defenses are working properly. "

My translation: "Numerous medical studies have shown that serum ferritin above 100 ng / ml is associated with a reduced tone of the cardiovascular system, an increased likelihood of atherosclerosis, type 2 diabetes, cancer, accelerated aging (expressed in such manifestations as osteoporosis and sarcopenia (loss muscle mass))". Excess iron can catalyze oxidative stress and lead to the production of reactive oxygen species, resulting in damage to cells and DNA. Fortunately, this does not happen to everyone; some iron can be safely stored even if ferritin exceeds 150 ng / ml, but only if the antioxidant mechanisms work properly.
The treatment of iron overload is very simple - therapeutic phlebotomy (bleeding / blood donation). The most difficult thing for you in such a situation is to convince your doctor that ferritin above 100 is a problem and that the reference range (20-400) has nothing to do with health. From my own experience I can say that this is not an easy task.
On the one hand, the highly specialized iron site recommends optimal ferritin 25-75 (accepts up to 100). But on the other hand, the founder of the best hypothyroid site on the Internet, Jeni Bowsorp, believes that ferritin below 50 will cause problems for you with the conversion of T4 to T3 and sounds 50-90 as the optimal range. Which one is right ?? The most optimal, in my opinion, is to keep the level of iron in the range that will suit both sources = 50-75 ng / ml. And to listen less to some doctors who take their knowledge about optimal ferritin not from research or in-depth study of the issue, but stupidly peep into the reference range of 20-400, which is outdated.
What is the problem of high ferritin more than 100 ng / ml? It is associated with insulin resistance and an increase in reverse T3. Low ferritin creates an increase in reverse T3.
6) Testosterone deficiency in men. And, probably, besides, there is a shortage of estradiol in women. Healthy testosterone in men is 600-800 ng \ dl, and not 240-800, as they say in some reference ranges.
7) Inflammation. Hydrochloric acid deficiency.
Optimal hormone replacement therapy
Before starting to cover various hormone replacement therapies, I want to emphasize with a special text: I think that not everyone needs it. Yes, people with a remote thyroid, or destroyed by AIT, or atrophied as a result of many years on hormone replacement therapy cannot do without it. But everyone else is ALWAYS trying to establish their own hormone production, normalizing the body's iodine reserves and eliminating problems outside the thyroid. When I raked my hemochromatosis (iron overload) and insulin resistance and my 1.5 grains per day earned me the way they should, removing all the hypo symptoms and giving 36.6 on awakening under the tongue and 37.0 by dinner, I am very first thing, without thinking twice seconds, decided to try to get off all the pills, including betaine, and then wait and hope that my thyroid will restore T4 production to a healthy rate (at least mid-range or higher). Unfortunately, it took about 3 months to realize that the plan did not work, my free T4 hung at 0.79 (0.9-1.7) and the month did not move anywhere, even fell slightly to 0.74. My total T4 hung at 4.6 (5.1-14.1), and free T3 at 1.97 (2-4.40). I learned very late about the presence of AIT and, having even raised my very first thyroid tests even before I found out about the presence of hypothyroidism, I saw a free T4 = 1.04 (0.9-1.7), i.e. already 4 years ago, before receiving any hormones, my thyroid gland was already under-producing T4. These 3 months of the experiment, I lived, of course, in the deepest hypothyroidism with all the symptoms, but I do not regret it for a second, because we should always, at every opportunity, try to normalize the body’s work in a natural way, and not live life on tablets, even if they are safe and cheap. Unfortunately, in my case it didn’t work, but I’m not particularly upset. It is upset for people who have been living with undiagnosed hypothyroidism and insulin resistance for decades without even realizing it, writing off all the symptoms to "growing up and aging."
1) Most experts agree that the best hormone replacement therapy is natural dried thyroid. They are produced from dried, ground into powder and packaged in tablets of the thyroid glands of pigs or cows (in 90% of cases of pigs). A single 60 mg grain usually contains 38 µg T4 + 9 µg T3 + some amounts of T2, T1 and calcitonin (thyroid hormone, which is involved in the regulation of calcium metabolism). This fully confirms my experience (I take 1.5 grains of Thyroid-S, divided into 3 meals with food), the experience of Jeni Bowsorp, author of the two best, in my opinion, books on the hypothyroidism "Stop The Thyroid Madness" ("Stop this thyroid madness" a) first and second part. She also founded the eponymous free site, which, in my opinion, is the best source of information on hypothyroidism on the Internet. Both the site and both books are mandatory for reading to all hypothyroids who speak English sufficiently.
Jeni has a Facebook group with 202 thousand participants, dedicated to the site.
2) If it works for you (removes all the hypo symptoms and gives 36.6 under the tongue on awakening and 37.0 by dinner), then I consider T4 + T3 combot therapy as another acceptable option, but dosages should be chosen in such a way as to imitate the work of a healthy thyroid produces about 100 µg T4 + 9 µg T3 per day), i.e. the daily dose of T3 should be no more than 10 mcg and it should be divided into 4-5 doses, because T3 is really active in only about 5 hours. But only if it works for you. In practice, I have not yet heard of such cases. All I hear about the experience of long-term use of synthetic T4 often ends with a long list of untreated symptoms of hypothyroidism, although at first people often feel relieved.
3) I consider T3 monotherapy as an error for a number of reasons, which I have listed a few paragraphs above. Depriving the body of T4 and providing it only with T3 has nothing to do with the healthy physiology of the human body. The brain, hair and cardiovascular system except T3 is needed and T4. I personally lived on T3 monotherapy for many months and, apart from general warming and a slightly larger amount of energy, she did not give me anything. But it gave a noticeable brain fog and a noticeable deterioration of the cardiovascular system.
4) T4 monotherapy is the worst treatment and, as the experience of a huge number of people shows, the longer they are on such a "treatment", the worse it gets. I have no personal experience of such therapy, since Long before the decision to take hormone replacement therapy, I have already read on many good English-speaking resources that synthetic T4 is rubbish that “should work” in theory, but in practice people are left with untreated hypothyroidism and a long list of symptoms, no matter how high its dosage is they did not accept. Unfortunately, very few hypothyroids are aware that the effectiveness of treatment should be assessed not only by completely eliminating the symptoms of hypo, but also by monitoring the sublingual temperature (women should measure from the first day of the cycle).
Janie Bowthorpe has been living in hell for T4 monotherapy for more than 20 years. At some point, her condition worsened so much that she had to apply for Social Security Disability benefits. Since she could not do anything except sit at the computer, she began searching for information all day on the Internet. In 2002, she switched to Natural Desiccated thyroid (dried natural thyroid, usually harvested from pigs) and her life turned 180 degrees. Even her website can be read slowly and thoughtfully with the help of a Google translator for all those who do not speak English. To do this, go to Google translator, insert the website address in the input field, select the direction of translation from English to Russian and click "translate".
Jeni shot two videos telling why natural thyroids are better than synthetic T4 and why nat thyroids “may not work for you.” They are very informative and I will write my free translation to them. If you want to read the translated subtitles of the speech recognizer YouTube, then click the "Subtitles" icon in the lower right corner, then "Settings" (gear icon) - Subtitles - Translate - select Russian.
My free translation: "T4 monotherapy and natural dried thyroid - are they really equivalent?"
"For many years, most doctors have offered only one treatment option for your hypothyroidism, but it turns out that there have always been more of them. And sometimes you will hear from them that you can choose "any", as if both treatment options are "equivalent to all patients." For example, most doctors offer T4 monotherapy (brands, Levoxyl, Levothyroxine, Eltroxin, etc.), and all this time there was another option called natural dried thyroid (brands Armor, Nature throid, NP Thyroid, ERFA, Thyroid-S, Thiroyd and so on). But when you hear patient testimonials about both treatment options, you will probably think: "Hmmm... They may not be so equivalent." For example, when you read groups with patients (meaning yahoo groups, which in fact are an analogy of a free forum for people like this group, patients report depression on T4 monotherapy, is it present from the start of treatment, or does it develop over time. Patients report feeling cold even while wearing a sweater and their temperature is low. Patients report easy weight gain (either at the beginning of treatment or after a while). Patients talk about increased anxiety on monotherapy T4, many patients report very dry skin and dry hair, thinning of the edges of the eyebrows. They also talk about thinning hair, and it is all the more aggravated, the longer they stay on T4 monotherapy. Patients report daytime sleep, brain fog, difficulty concentrating and memory problems. They also report pain and may even get a diagnosis of fibromyalgia. Patients on T4 monotherapy often have hard stools or constipation. Patients report underproduction of hydrochloric acid and this is expressed in low levels of B12, or very low levels of iron (mainly diagnosed by ferritin), or low levels of vitamin D. Patients often end up with low free cortisol on T4 monotherapy and this is very problematic. T4 patients often complain that they are sick more often than before. Or that their pressure grows (this may not happen immediately, but the longer they are on T4 monotherapy, the higher the chances of such an event). Or they may see a rise in cholesterol. Patients reported on osteopenia (the predecessor of osteoporosis). Many patients with T4 end up with candidiasis. Or they report heart problems, be it heart palpitations or something more serious. Patients on T4 monotherapy can often detect Epstein-Barr virus reactivation. In other words, T4 monotherapy often ends with the addition of additional medications in order to patch the symptoms of treatment, which probably does not work. And these medicines include: antidepressants, statins, pressure medications, painkillers, and so on. With natural thyroid glands, you hear other patient stories. In other words, if you are on a sufficient dosage and have good levels of iron and free cortisol, patients report a return of energy: they can do things that they could not. Patients talk about the disappearance of depression and that they were able to get off antidepressants. Patients report that their hair and eyebrows grow back. Patients report better metabolism and that they feel warmer and easier for them to maintain their weight. Patients on natural thyroid see normalization of pressure, strengthening of bones, and report that they no longer require daytime sleep, as before. Patients with sufficient dosages of natal thyroids have better memory and concentration. They report improved cardiovascular performance, lower cholesterol, and the disappearance of the pain they had before. In other words, patients can live normally again. So when you look at these two different treatment options, you should ask yourself: “Are they really equivalent?”."
My free translation: Why natural thyroids may not work for you?
"I talked about the fact that patient reviews show that natural desiccated thyroid treatment is a much better choice than T4 monotherapy. But in groups with patients (probably yahoo groups are meant), I periodically I hear such phrases as “NVSH did not work on me!” or “NVS only worsened my condition” or “NVS gave me anxiety and heart palpitations.” Ironically, NVS gives you exactly what your healthy thyroid would give you: T4 , T3, T2, T1 and calcitonin, therefore, to say that "NVSH did not work on me" is thing as saying "a healthy thyroid gland has not worked on me!" But in reality, there are two reasons why NVSCH may not work for you.:
1) You must have an adequate level of iron in order for HVSC to be effective. Iron deficiency a) reduces the transport of T3 into your cells b) impairs the metabolism of thyroid hormones c) increases the conversion of T4 to reverse T3 (rT3). Reverse T3 is an inactive hormone and it competes with T3 for cell receptors, therefore, the more reverse T3 you have, the less T3 will be utilized by the cells. And low iron often causes it.
2) You must have sufficient cortisol in order for NVSC to work. Cortisol deficiency: a) increases the conversion of T4 to reverse T3; b) does not allow T3 to enter the cell (this requires cortisol); T3 accumulates in the bloodstream and this is what causes anxiety and heart palpitations.
Therefore, you must have sufficient levels of cortisol and iron in order for NBC to work. But unfortunately, if you have been treated with T4 monotherapy for a long time, or you have been mistakenly diagnosed with a healthy thyroid due to the so-called “normal TSH,” you have a high probability of having inadequately low levels of iron and cortisol.
But there are other reasons why NVH could not work for you:
1) You have not increased the dosage of NVSH sufficiently. Many petrols were told to start with a low dose and come in a couple of months. You can not stay at a low dose, you have to increase it!! Until then, until you find the right dose of NVS, which removes the symptoms of HIPO and gives you a normal pulse and pressure.
2) You may have other problems that "mask" the good results of therapy. For example, some women on menopause feel bad due to hormonal imbalance, they do not realize that in fact their condition is good enough))
3) Turning to NVSP, people do not give up on T4, but simply combine them. As a result, the T4 level soars too high and causes excessive conversion to reverse T3, which blocks cell receptors.
In fact, NVSC works, but you have to find out if you have low cortisol (we use the saliva test, we DO NOT USE total cortisol in the blood) and if you do not have low iron (we use 4p tests: total iron binding capacity, ferritin, total iron and% saturation). Well, then she says that NVSH has changed the lives of many people."
Intolerance T3. The accumulation of T3 in the bloodstream. T3 pooling
In the video, Jeni speaks only of natural thyroids, but these principles are also relevant for any T3-containing drug. When an imbalance of iron, free cortisol or insulin resistance, taking external T3 (as part of any drug) can worsen your overall condition and cause heart palpitations, anxiety, an unhealthy feeling of heat in the head, and so on. T3 does not create such symptoms in healthy people! Such reactions of your body to the reception of T3-containing drugs expose problems! And you need to work on them, and not complain "T3 did not fit me." You will not do anything in this case, I promise you that.
Natural thyroids in autoimmune thyroiditis
It is taken from the list of the most common mistakes that patients make on the site of Jeni at
With crooked translation of Google.
My free translation:
Unfortunately, some doctors argue that people with Hashimoto syndrome (AIT) should avoid natural thyroids, as they can increase the amount of antibodies. It is true that at first the number of antibodies increases, as patients say. But the more they increase the dosage of natal thyroids, the smaller the number of antibodies, according to many, probably due to the improved work of the immune system due to T3. Many people with AIT should avoid gluten to lower antibodies. Others use 200-400 mcg of selenium to reduce antibodies. In more severe cases, naltrexone may be needed in low dosages. Many even reported that the use of iodine reduced their antibodies. In general, the condition of patients with AIT was improved with the help of natal thyroids, if they have used them rightly.
Another paragraph from the section on autoimmune thyroiditis
I often read that people with AIT should not take natural thyroid. It's true? No, according to the experience of a large number of patients with AIT, who were cured with nat thyroids. Indeed, patients noticed that if they stay for a LONG time at low doses of NVS (nat thyristor) and do not increase the dosage, then quickly enough, the amount of antibodies increases, not decreases. And then they get further swelling in the throat, or hair loss, or high anxiety, or antibody growth .. and increased symptoms of hypothyroidism with an increase in TSH. And doctors who are not competent enough to use HVSCH can stop their admission and put you back on synthetic T4 / T3. Or stop taking any thyroid hormones. The solution found by the patients is to increase the dose of HBP faster and focus on improving symptoms, and not on the level of lab tests. Many at the dosage of 2-5 grains antibodies fall. Dosages are individual enough.
The reason that at first on natural thyroid gland in people with AIT, antibodies to thyroglobulin and thyroperoxidase can grow, because natural thyroid glands contain thyroglobulin (T4 and T3 in the composition of the grains are associated with it, and some of them explain their higher efficacy in compared with synthetic thyroid hormones) and also contain thyroperoxidase. Therefore, taking the grain, you actually take some extra thyroglobulin and thyroperoxidase and, of course, the first time the immune system responds with an increase in the production of antibodies to them.
Dosage and method of taking natural thyroid
The standard dosage for people with whole thyroid gland is 1-2.5 grains per day (grain = pill natus thyroid gland). For people with a remote thyroid, this is usually a dose of 3-5 grains per day. On the method of receiving opinions differ. Jeni advises taking sublingual, because according to patient reviews, they are better absorbed, but she also considers oral administration acceptable. On the other hand, putting the grain under the tongue, one way or another, it will begin to dissolve in saliva and 80% of this grain will still be swallowed up with saliva. Therefore, the feasibility of sublingual reception now seems to me controversial.
At the moment, I consider the optimal use of natal thyroid strictly on an empty stomach at least half an hour before meals or 3 hours after. The instructions for natural thyroid brands of American brands recommend this method of admission.
The most important thing is to remember that all preparations containing T3 should be split up into as many parts as possible and taken at regular intervals throughout the day. We do not want to confuse deodinases and the organism as a whole in large portions of T3. How much T3 deiodinases will be produced from T4, and how much reverse T3 will depend largely on the current level of T3 in the bloodstream. Deiodinases are constantly striving for the optimal and balanced in their own understanding number of T3, T4 and reverse T3. Therefore, the entire daily dose needs to be broken down into as many tricks as possible so that the externally accepted T3 (as part of the grain) does not confuse deiodinase and the organism as a whole.
The most common dosage regimen for people with a living thyroid gland (recommended by Jeni) is to start with 1 grain per day and gradually increase the dose to half a grain every two weeks, monitoring symptoms, sublingual temperature and free T4 (optimally catch up to 75% of the reference range) . At least 12 hours before putting the free T4, you stop taking the grains. Your goal is to get rid of the symptoms, the sublingual temperature is 36.6 on awakening and 37.0 by lunchtime, as well as free T4 around 75% of the reference range. For some, this will be a dosage of 1.5 grains per day, for others 2. At a dose of 2 grains per day, it is recommended to stop for 3-4 weeks and monitor the temperature and symptoms. The most important thing is not to try to adjust the dose, pushing the TSH to the unit, unless you want to stay with hypothyroidism. On an effective dose of grains, according to reviews of numerous patients, TSH is in the range of 0.004-0.009. Remember that we are trying to cure hypothyroidism, not TSH. Reduced TSH in response to hormone replacement therapy is the norm and merely indicates that external hormones work, and in response to this, the pituitary gland asks the thyroid to produce less hormones.
For people with a remote thyroid, it makes sense to start at once with 3 grains per day, and on the same day remove all previous hormone replacement therapy, be it T4 monotherapy or T4 + T3 combo.
How to deal with synthetic T4? Is it possible to simply stop taking it and start taking grain the same day? Yes, that's exactly what they do.
How to switch from T3 monotherapy to natural thyroids? First, you reduce your daily dose by 25 µg T3 and add one grain. After two weeks, you reduce by another 25 µg T3 and add half a grain. At this dose, 1.5 grains (broken into 3 doses at a minimum) I would remove all T3 altogether, otherwise deiodinases will never start to properly convert T4 to T3, since You are constantly confusing them with the reception of an external T3.
Do not rush to increase the dosage! T4 accumulates in the body for about 3-4 weeks and you need to give time to the body for restructuring.
Of course, you should always remember that no thyroid hormones will work effectively if you have insulin resistance, iron imbalance, deficiency of trace elements important for thyroid metabolism, low free cortisol, inflammation, toxicity, and so on. Jeni, in her video, voices only two reasons for non-working hormones: low free cortisol and low iron, but believe me, there are a lot more of them and I felt it in my own skin. Moreover, insulin resistance is often the key reason.
How likely is it that Jenie is just trying to give us all thyroids? How likely is it that it was bought with giblets by manufacturers of natural thyroids, and therefore it “praises” them and discredits T4 monotherapy? Does she sell them herself? Is she involved in selling them in any way? The emergence of such questions in your head means the presence of brains, the ability to think critically and question any advice on which someone can hypothetically enrich themselves. But I am deeply convinced that she recommends everything disinterestedly and that is why:
1) She has no relation to selling them: they are not for sale on her website, there is not a single link to an online pharmacy where they could be bought (although I am sure that she knows such pharmacies) and even there are no recommendations on the search for the place of purchase. Even if she wanted to sell them, she could not for the simple reason that in America and Canada and many other countries, thyroid natals belong to the class of prescription drugs, and if only your doctor did not write a prescription, you would be quite problematic to buy them legally .
2) And what if the producers nat pay. thyroids for such a "hidden advertising"? - In this case, it would be logical to praise a particular brand or two, and once again keep silent about other brands. But on its website are lit 13 brands nat. thyroids from manufacturers from different countries (America, Canada, Thailand, Germany, Denmark, Australia, New Zealand) along with her opinion on their quality / shortcomings based on patient feedback. "Bribing" in such a situation is possible only if all these manufacturers from 7 countries at the same time conspire and pay on her paw, which I regard as extremely unlikely, because the value of brands can differ 10 times. Thai nat thyroids cost 10 times cheaper than American / Canadian ones, and if you really make money on "vparivanii", it is reasonable to push expensive brands and hush up about cheap ones and dwell on it.
3) Jeni monetizes the site due to individual consultations by phone / Skype ($ 75 per half hour, which is comparable to the cost of visiting doctors in America), due to the sale of his two books and advertising of laboratories that make rare but useful for the treatment of hypo analyzes . Her story of 20 years in hell on T4 monotherapy is not surprising, I personally know patients with a similar history and I personally lived with untreated and undiagnosed hypothyroidism in the sum of 10 years, the last 5 of which were hell (but not as deep as Jeni or some other unlucky ones).
4) I myself switched to 1.5 grains per day and after eliminating hemochromatosis (iron overload) and insulin resistance, they began to give me 36.6 under the tongue on awakening and 37.0 by lunchtime and completely get rid of the symptoms of hypothyroidism. Monotherapy T3, did not give me similar effects, alas. But for objectivity, I was then insulin resistant and overloaded with iron too, and this is part of the reason.